In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here


An Anthology of Muslim Poets and Spoken Word Artists

Blog Post 14

December 5, 2018

Poetry Anthology 2

 As-Salaamu Alaikum Everyone,

At Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing, we are always on the lookout for Muslim fiction writers of Islamic books for youth and new adults. Our mission to hear the voices of young and new adults and document their   creativity in print has led us to our first call-out for poetry and spoken word.


We are publishing an Islamic poetry anthology of known and unknown poets and spoken word artists, inshallah. The collection is themeless. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing knows there’s a lot of dynamic Muslim writers out there who are known and even published already and other aspiring writers looking for an audience to share their work with.

If you have written a poem or spoken word that you’d like to be included in Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing’s anthology, we’d love to hear from you, inshallah. We’re looking for work that moves us and is unique, insightful and diverse. If you write in a style or delve into subjects that aren’t often published all the better.

If your work is chosen, we will need non-exclusive rights to what you submit. Non-exclusive rights means both of us can use the work in any way we both want or need to. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing can use your work in our anthology, offer it as an excerpt on our website, use it for marketing purposes, etc. You can also use it in any way you want, including republishing it, reselling it and promoting it. There is no bar on reprints and simultaneous submissions of your work either, unless you are under contract already.

Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing will pay you US$0.20 per word on acceptance.

We will also send you two free copies of the anthology when it is published

and offer you a 40% discount on more copies.

When initially contacting us, please send a brief description of your work. If we decide it may make a good fit, you’ll be contacted to submit up to five pieces and a bio of yourself.

Can’t wait to hear from you, inshallah!

Please contact us!

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