In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here



Certainly, thanks be to Allah, the Most High, for guiding me to Islam and safeguarding me ever since. Thanks be to Allah, our Lord and Creator, for the opportunity to create Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing and we place it in Allah's Loving Care. Our ultimate reason for this venture is for Allah's Pleasure.

I would be thoughtless if I didn’t give a shout-out to seven very special people who have assisted with the development of our publishing company and encouraged me to take a chance, as well as stood by me during the long years of writing.

First, thank you Ali, my beloved husband, for over three decades of love and sensitivity, listening to my books and writings read out loud to you, providing heartfelt and valuable advice, keeping me on the straight and narrow and being enthusiastic about and supportive of my accomplishments and bright ideas. Without you holding down the homefront, I would not have been able to do the things I’ve done or do the things I do. I eternally thank Allah, the Most High, for every moment that we’re together.

Second, thank you Husayn, Mahdiyah, Hadi, Sakinah and Muslim for being the most phenomenal and precious children a mother could dream of, knowing all the while you are being loaned by Allah, the Merciful, to us; letting us share your life journeys; exposing us to, and allowing us to suffer with you, the trials of growing up as a Muslim in the west; and listening to me talk on and on about my books, characters, plots, hopes and dreams, patiently and lovingly. Thank you for your suggestions and encouragement through the years and for your excitement about Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing. And a special thank you, Mahdiyah, for one last edit of our website. I sincerely thank Allah, Glory be to Allah, with all my heart for being granted the ability to know and love you all.

As well, thank you Jamil for helping me create our company’s secure website, allowing me access to the process, granting me creative license and for not taking offense whenever I want my own way. Thanks also for designing my wonderful logo. We could never have begun this venture without your dedicated work and love. I tremendously thank Allah, Praise be to Allah, for your assistance.

And lastly, thanks to our graphic artist brother far, far away for working so diligently and patiently to create our first book cover and many more to come, inshallah; a dear sister-friend (you know who you are) for your suggestions and leading me through the steps needed for our identifiable and unique book covers and for all your love and friendship; a dear sister-friend (you know who you are) for your professional help on how to take images of our booksmarks and tapestries; and our printer brother for the fantastic and expert job on all our print projects and for your kindness and generosity. I sincerely thank Allah, our Creator, for all four of you for your expertise and creativity to make each facet of Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing successful.

I would be remiss if I didn't also thank all the supporters of Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing, its customers and all the young and new adults who desire to see their inspirational work in print, inshallah. Without you, we wouldn't be much.

May Allah, the Bestower, grant all of you success, peace, love and joy in this life and in the Hereafter.

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