In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here


Three More Effects and Advantages of Religious Faith

Blog Post 74

February 17, 2025

Ramadhan Kareem

As the blessed month of Ramadhan approaches, we are offering Part 2 of Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari’s (1) discussion on the effects and advantages of religious faith. (Part 1 was posted on April 10, 2022 in Blog Post #51)

 We pray your Ramadhan is full of many blessings, inshallah.

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While They Rage and Drown in Blood, Glory to the Victors

Blog Post 73

January 21, 2025


Since that date in October 2023, over 15 months ago, the zionist state of Israel, with its faithful backer – the US – and other supporters, unleashed an unrelenting bombardment of death and destruction against the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, and the Lebanese people, as well as attacks in Syria and Yemen. Nineteen days after the new year of 2025, a temporary ceasefire, the second in all that time, began with the zionist state’s demented dictator making it clear it’s temporary and they’re still obsessed with destroying Hamas, while the US, and others, are chewing at the bit to make that happen. 

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Seventh Year Anniversary Sale

Blog Post 72

November 9, 2024

Seventh Year Sale

For over 14 months now, the faithful, heroic and steadfast people of Palestine and Lebanon have continued their resistance against the absolute atrocities and wickedness of the zionist state of Israel. The west, especially the US, Arab states, and the western media remain arrogantly vicious in their support of the zionists' genocidal war. With the unrelenting support of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the Muslims in Yemen, the Islamic Republic of Iran and all over the world, and people of various faiths and persuasions, truth and right will certainly prevail and falsehood and evil will definitely vanish.

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Persistent Study of Good and Evil

Blog Post 71

October 1, 2024

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(This is Part 2 of "Good and Evil." Part 1 was posted on June 29, 2022 in Blog Post #53)

As we witness the horrific, insane and utterly merciless genocide that the zionist state of Israel with the support of western, especially the US, and Arab states, and the western media continue to commit against the Palestinian people in Gaza for a whole year, and also their continuous arrogant and brutal attacks against them in the West Bank, and their indiscriminate murderous bombing and blowing up people via pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon, and the

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Islam Denies Patriarchy

Blog Post 70

September 3, 2024

Muslim Marriage

To help men understand patriarchy is next to impossible.*&** The first thing they say is: “Women bother/abuse/harm/oppress/kill/etc. men also.” That’s a very gas-lit comment. It shows the insidiousness of patriarchy and misogyny, which go hand in hand.*** Even women fall victim to that first thing men say, repeating: “Women are mean to men. Women make men’s lives difficult. I know lots of women who hate men. Women oppress men.…”* It’s like the chicken and the egg.

The other day a man I’m close to told me that everyone who nurtures a child – their parents, grandparents, siblings,

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What We've Learned

Blog Post 69

July 28, 2024

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Recently I began rereading The 100 – A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by Michael H. Hart, which was published in 1977. This is the famous book that placed Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, as Number One. Indeed, it was shocking for many and well-received by Muslims. As I read, many glaring errors are evident. Not only are religious, political and historical facts


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Memories of Hajj

Blog Post 68

June 16, 2024

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From Dr. Ali Shariati’s Hajj

 Written by Naser Khosrow


The pilgrims returned with reverence.

They were thankful to the Merciful Allah.


On their way to Mecca from Arafat,

They repeatedly said, “Labbaika” with great respect.


While tired of experiencing the hardships of the desert of Hijaz,

They rejoiced that they were saved from the torture and the fire.


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Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza

Blog Post 67

May 2, 2024

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In the Name of the Most High


Please don’t think we’ve been awol since our last blog post of November 10, 2023. We’ve been steadily working on the publication of Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza as a small tribute to them and the world. It was often a rough go of it as we immersed ourselves in the sickening crimes against humanity that is the war on the people of Gaza. But that miniscule roughness is nothing compared to the outright genocide of the innocent people of Gaza that the zionist state and their backers and funders and friends are maniacally committed to continuing to the very end. And yet, it did take a toll on the two of us, Muslimahs with Islamic convictions, as the unseeable evil horrors were witnessed by us and the world. Our grief was funnelled into this purposeful work, Al-Hamdulillah.   


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Sixth Year Anniversary Amidst Grave Sadness

Blog Post 66

November 10, 2023

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 With the ongoing slaughter of the innocent children, women and men of Gaza by the vicious zionist regime, it is difficult to carry on with our everyday lives. We delayed our anniversary sale until November 6, 2023 and didn't post this blog post until today.

In all humility, Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing pledges support for the mustazafeen on our 6th Anniversary through our sale on books. Please do so also, inshallah.  


In the Name of The Most High

"O you who believe. Do not take as intimates from other than yourselves. They will not spare you any ruin. They wish what distresses you. Indeed the hatred from their mouths has become apparent and what their chests conceal is greater. Certainly We made clear to you the verses if you were to use reason..." (The Holy Qur'an 3:118)

Indeed Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala speaks the Truth.





Don’t Die on the Wrong Side of Ghazzah

Blog Post 65

October 24, 2023

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 My husband and I left home at the end of September 2023 and travelled south to visit my granddaughter in Alabama and my sister in North Carolina. Between these two visits we camped at the beach in the Florida panhandle and at a Christian campground at the beach in South Carolina, both places we’ve camped at before. When the October 7 news broke of the Palestinians hitting back at the zionist state,

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Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Blog Post 64

September 17, 2023

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 Most Important –

Pray, Make Duas,

Read/Recite the Qur’an,

Dhikr, Study Islam,



Contemplate on the Signs of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala

1. Reflect on Allah’s Blessings

2. Exercise outdoors

3. Read, especially fiction

4. Volunteer

5. Aromatherapy

6. Study outdoors

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A Lesson on Shahadat

Blog Post 63

August 17, 2023

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 (This is Part Three of Jihad and Shahadat by Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmoud Taleqani. We will post Parts One and Two in the future, inshallah.)

 Ayatullah Sayyid Mahmoud Taleqani* (1910-1979) writes in Jihad and Shahadat, which this blog post will quote very heavily and almost exclusively, about Imam Husayn, peace be upon him, while travelling toward and at Karbala. 

“In one of the caravan stations, apparently that of Baydah, in which the army of Hurr [al- Riyahi] was present, the Imam paused and spoke these words, ‘Oh people, the Apostle of God**, peace and greetings be upon him, said ...’”

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The Rising of Lady Zainab (a.s.)

Blog Post 62

July 17, 2023

Lady Zainab a

 (As the holy month of Muharram is quickly approaching, inshallah, we take this opportunity to highlight Lady Zainab, the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and the daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fatimah, peace be upon them all.)

 Most of us have been taught about Lady Zainab (a.s.)* in the madrassah and at majlises. Most of those who have taught us have been men or women who were taught by men. The image we are given is of the oppressed sister of Imam Husayn (a.s.) who had to take care of all the ladies and children, especially Imam Husayn’s (a.s.) daughter Sakinah, after the atrocities and miseries of Ashura.


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Standing up for Black Lives "Living a Nightmare"

Blog Post 61

May 7, 2023

Muslim Girl Praying


“Say: ‘I advise you only for one thing:

that you rise up for Allah in twos and singly, then reflect.

There is not any madness in your companion.

He is only a warner to you before a severe punishment.’”

(The Holy Qur’an 35:46)


Peace Sign

Tasbih pic

The frustration of the moderator was felt in her body posture, words, facial expressions, persistence. The program was about Imam Husayn (a.s.) and justice for Black people. The ulama spoke eloquently about Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his rising against injustice and about the oppression that Black people in the US and the west have faced and continue to face daily since they were kidnapped, enslaved and brought from Africa. It became clear that Islam embodies the remedy against injustice and that Muslims must make the choice to stand up with the oppressed and against the oppressors whenever and wherever they find themselves in those situations. Which basically is everywhere and every day. Remember “Every day is Ashura. Every place is Karbala.”

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A Tiny Example of “Fighting” in the Way of Allah and of Those Who are Oppressed

Blog Post 60

March 29, 2023

new moon

The holy month of Ramadhan quickly approached as my husband Ali

was fighting for his life in the hospital. Al-Hamdulillah, he spent a week

there and has returned home to recuperate. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala

has made our bodies, hearts, minds and souls in a way that can heal

themselves. And with the knowledge and devotion that our Sustainer

has bestowed on those entrusted to administer life-saving medications,

procedures and care, we fully understand how His Hand was on theirs during this time.  We want to thank everyone for their duas, visits, phone calls, emails, video calls, texts, gifts, cards, love, concern and support and ask Allah to reward you amply. It made a great difference and we know prayer works! We also want to wish everyone a spiritual month of fasting, worship, reflection and good deeds, inshallah. And please continue to have hope. Our lives are in Allah's Hands.


Recently we finished rereading Dee Brown’s 1970 in-depth book, “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West,” this time in the 40th anniversary edition of 2009, The Illustrated Edition, enhanced with more than 300 photographs, including of

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The Diamond in the Sand

Blog Post 59

February 27, 2023

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Al-Hamdulillah, It's Here!

Our Newest Addition!

The Diamond in the Sand

The Sequel to The Sandhills of Arabia

After The Sandhills of Arabia was first published in 1992, the lovers of Shaheedah, Jafar and Mary patiently awaited its sequel and were rewarded three years later with The Diamond in the Sand. In 2017 Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing began and its first title was The Sandhills of Arabia. This 2023 edition of its sequel is being graciously offered after 28 years.

The Diamond in the Sand pursues the story of the friendship of two young ladies, Shaheedah and Mary, focusing on Mary's search for her true identity. It captures truth, justice and love and reveals US espionage against Black American Muslims and upholders of peace throughout the world.

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Social Justice Lessons

Blog Post 58

January 16, 2023


(The following is lengthy unit on social justice in the form of simple lesson plans that was created by Sister Laila Hasib for her Grade 5-6 class, her last class before retiring in 2015. A lot of the information is intended as background education for teachers and can be used as is or modified during lessons with students. An experienced teacher should be able to use the unit plans to suit their class and create valuable learning lessons for the students. It is suitable for Muslim students in an Islamic School, but may require some guidance as to the use of songs and videos, inshallah. Some of the information is outdated. Sources for the information have been misplaced. Sorry. This is Part 1.)



The term race refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits, that are inherited and visual, like skin colour, head and facial features and hair texture, and are seen by society to be socially significant, and so people treat other people differently because of them. For instance, while differences and similarities in eye color have not been treated as socially significant, differences and similarities in skin color have. The term race is a social construct.

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What I Wish I Knew At 21

Blog Post 57

December 4, 2022

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(This piece was written on August 16, 2019 for a dear Sister-Friend of mine who turned 21 in 2019. It was included in a gift book of writings on this topic by her family and friends.)

Sister-Friend, when you were born, I was there. And now you’re 21!



When I turned 21, I was married, in my last year of university and about a year and six weeks away from taking my Shahadah, Al-Hamdulillah.

What I wish I knew when I was 21 is how lovely Islam is so I wouldn’t have wasted so many years deciding if Islam was the final and complete religion.

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Fifth Year Anniversary

Blog Post 56

November 1, 2022

5th Year Sale 1

Its the 5th Year Anniversary

of Inked Resistance

Islamic Publishing!

Al-Hamdulillah! Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is celebrating our fifth year in operation. We couldn’t have done it without Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala’s Help, our family’s support and the generous collaborative enthusiasm and love of buyers, writers, contributors and donators. May Allah bless you all tremendously.

To say A GREAT BIG THANK YOU, we are offering all our books to you at 25% off.


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70+ Years of Monarchical Crimes

Blog Post 55

September 20, 2022

WARNING: This article may be triggering to many people worldwide.


“Allah does not love the oppressors.”

(The Holy Qur’an 3:140)

“And think not that Allah is unaware of what the oppressors do.

He only grants them respite until the Day when the eyes will stare in horror.”

                                        (The Holy Qur’an 14:42)

People who love the queen have their heads screwed on backwards. It doesn’t matter if you talk with them about their feelings or you leave them to wallow in it.


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Imam Husayn's (a.s.) Revolution

Blog Post 54

August 10, 2022

The following was compiled by Sister Laila Hasib for a Central Madrassa Workshop at the Jaffari Islamic Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on December 2, 2012.

Imam Husayn Oppression

(1) A revolution means a drastic change in one’s life or the collective life of people.

Imam Husayn (a.s.) proclaimed the reason for his revolution by saying: “Indeed, I did not revolt joyfully, arrogantly, to be an oppressor or a corrupted one. Rather, I revolted to persuade the reformation of the Islamic Ummah of my grandfather, the Prophet.” (The Revolution of Imam Husayn)


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Good and Evil

Blog Post 53

June 29, 2022


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In Fundamentals of Islamic Thought: God, Man and the Universe (1985), Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari (1) writes: “If there are certain inequalities in society, if some are rich and have wealth by the shiploads at their disposal, while others are destitute and in despair on oceans of affliction, the divine decree is not responsible. Man, free, empowered, and responsible, bears the blame for these inequalities.” (pp. 127-128)


Put like this, it's easy to understand.

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Learning the Scoop on the zionist state of Israel

Blog Post 52

May 18, 2022

Husayn with statue of man being attacked by police and attack dog in Kelly Ingram Park in Birmingham Alabama Dec. 27 2013

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What is the common factor between US policing and state-sponsored terrorism against Black and Brown people? What is the common factor between western imperialism and state-sponsored terrorism against Black and Brown people? What is the common factor between the “good ole boys” and state-sponsored terrorism against Black and Brown people?

Many people don’t know that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (formerly known as Malcolm X) visited Ghazzah and refugee camps in Palestine before his assassination on February 21, 1965. It was during his infamous Hajj trip when he also visited African countries.

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Effects and Advantages of Religious Faith

Blog Post 51

April 10, 2022

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"Future man is the cultural animal, not the economic animal; future man is the man of belief and faith, not the man of stomach and waistline."

So writes Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari (1) in Fundamentals of Islamic Thought: God, Man and the Universe (1985, p. 30), where "man" means "people."


This is refreshing news.

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Allah, The Most High

Blog Post 50

March 16, 2022

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Everyone knows that the belief in and worship of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala is the foremost duty of humankind. Because we came from Allah and we will return to Allah we have been provided with a fitrah (innate disposition) that recognizes Allah

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Getting Writers Motivated

Blog Post 49

February23, 2022

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It would be a crying shame to miss out on the opportunity to get your manuscript published by us. As you know, Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is dedicated to publishing young and new adult Islamic fiction for and by young and new adults. Even if you’re older, if you write Islamic fiction for that age group, we’d be interested in taking a look at your work, inshallah. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is set up solely for Islamic young and new adult fiction, inshallah. Were here to help you do that, inshallah. It’s your company, too, inshallah!

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The Chronicles of Deosai

Blog Post 48

January16, 2022

Chronicles of Deosai 3 D Revision

Our Brand-New Title

Is Here Now, Al-Hamdulillah! Right on Time for 2022! 

Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is so pleased to have worked with Sister Tayyaba Amir to actualize her dream of seeing her fantasy folktale in print. When we read her original manuscript in 2018, it blew us away and we knew it was a story unlike any we had heard before. And so we worked diligently with Sister Tayyaba from September 2020 through all of 2021 to revise, edit and tidy up her story for publication.  

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More About Books

Blog Post 47

December 24, 2021

A Fly Went By

SwimmyThe Bluest EyeChronicles of Narnia Lion Witch and Wardrobe C.S. Lewis

Phantomtollbooth.PNGThere's so much more about books I could say. Especially fiction books! If you're looking for some books to read, here's more, inshallah. Enjoy!


        Books I’ve loved through my decades, in order of publication, include:

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In Commemoration of Sister Zahra

Blog Post 46

December 9, 2021

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Acknowledging our Duty to the Native Peoples 

(The following talk, hosted by the Hosseini Movement in Toronto, was given by Sister Laila Hasib in commemoration of Sister Zahra Jacko and her sons, Ali and Hussayn Nima, on-line on December 8, 2021, the eve of her passing on December 9, 2017. There were some technical difficulties with the recording that we hope to fix soon.) 

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

“O people! Indeed, We have created you

from a male and a female

and We made you nations and tribes

that you may know one another.

Indeed, the most noble of you with Allah

is the most Allah-conscious of you.

Indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware.”

(The Holy Qur’an 49:13)

As-Salaamu Alaikum Everyone,

The Native Peoples of America have always had a profound hold on me ever since I was a little girl in North Carolina. And that continued as I became a Muslim and moved to Canada. This is evident if you knew of all the books I’ve read, the movies our family has seen, the trips our family has taken and some of the poetry I’ve written. 

For example from my poem Prayer Rock written on Muharram 14, 1438 (October 16, 2016):

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Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing's Fourth Year Anniversary

Blog Post 45

November 3, 2021

4th Year Anniversary 1

Our sincere thanks goes out to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala first and foremost for His Help in the success of Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing as we celebrate our fourth year anniversary.

It is through Allah's, The Most High, Mercy that we have not fallen victim to the devastating upheaval that has taken place over the past almost two years as people have succumbed to the virus, passed away and fallen sick and businesses have closed down. We pray to Allah to relieve the world of this hardship.

Our grateful thanks also goes out to all the supporters of Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing. It is through your love of the company and the love of reading that we have been able to keep afloat. Without your patronage and hope in our continuing successful future, it would have made it that much more difficult. May Allah bless all of you.

To show our appreciation of your generosity, we are once again offering a 25% discount on all our books. Al-Hamdulillah, we have been able to publish another book this year, A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance, and have been working very hard on and expect to publish another one, hopefully this month, inshallah. Please look out for The Chronicles of Deosai by Tayyaba Amir, inshallah.

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Justice for Children

Blog Post 44

October 20, 2021

Justice for Children Poster


(The following speech was given by Sister Laila Hasib at the Arbaeen Imam Hussain (a.s.) Conference: Justice for Hosseini Children that was held on-line on October 2-3, 2021, hosted by the Hosseini Movement in Toronto.)

Arbaeen Hosseini (a.s.) Conference

Justice for Children

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

As-Salaamu Alaikum Dear Sisters and Brothers.

“Why can’t you always remember this?”

When asked why Native people in Canada can’t just get over what happened to them, this is the answer Indigenous Justice Murray Sinclair, the chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC), said on March 29, 2017. (Historica Canada, 2020) It is always the right answer.

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Arbaeen Walk

Blog Post 43

September 28, 2021 - Arbaeen

Arbaeen Walk 2021

At least be free.

(The following is the text of the speech Sister Laila Hasib was scheduled to give on the Arbaeen Walk in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on September 26, 2021. Due to circumstances beyond her control, the speech was forfeited. Allah knows best.)

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

As-Salaamu Alaikum Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The supreme sacrifice of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and the shohada (martyrs), peace and blessings be upon them all, on the plains of Karbala on the day of Ashura, provides us with the principles taught to us by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala from the beginning of time through the Prophets and Messengers and Imams and Lovers of Allah - the principles of Tawheed (There is no god but Allah), Justice, Allah-Consciousness, Resistance, Faith, Morality, Knowledge, Peace, Love and Harmony. These are the principles all human beings have within our Allah-Given fitrah, our innate nature, which must be recognized, activated, used with responsibility and held onto.

My talk will briefly touch on five points, inshallah. First: Imam Husayn’s (a.s.) call on the Day of Ashura:

“Is there any helper to help us?”

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A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance

Blog Post 42

July 30, 2021

Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms 3 D


A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance is an original Muslim fiction collection of 22 Muslim writers from around the world. It is an anthology that was a long time in the making. But, All Praises to Allah, the Most High, it is here!

The story started with the call-out from Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing in February 2020, but then the virus

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Families: The "Real Work"

Blog Post 41

May 15, 2021

Warning: This blog post contains challenging content dealing with sexism, misogyny, abuse, violence, injustice and oppression.

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Eid Mubarak!

This is not the time to celebrate though. There's too much oppression and misery in the world.

Listen. I set out to write about families in my February 10, 2020 blog post, He, Him, His, Himself, but once again my fingers typed out something else altogether. This happens sometimes to writers. We sit down to pour our hearts into a piece with good intentions, good vibrations and good 

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Twenty Fitrah Questions

Blog Post 40

February 24, 2021

Rajab 13, 1442

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Take a quiz. Answer these questions truthfully.

1. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? (1)

2. Have you seen what you emit? Is it you who create it or are We the Creator? (2)

3. Have you seen what you sow? Is it you that cause it to grow or are We the Grower? (3)

4. Have you seen the water that you drink? Is it you who send it down from the rain clouds or are We the Causer of it to come down? (4)

5. Do human beings think that We will not assemble their bones? (5)

6. Do you indeed really disbelieve in The One Who created the Earth in two days and set up equals with Him? (6)

7. Are they only waiting for the Hour to come upon them suddenly while they are unaware? (7)


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Killing a Soul

Blog Post 39

January 18, 2021

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It’s simple really!


"For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, other than for a soul or for spreading corruption in the Earth, it is as though he killed all the people; and whoever saves it, it is as though he saved all the people; and certainly Our Messengers came to them with clear arguments, yet indeed even after that many of them transgress extravagantly in the Earth." - Surah al-Ma’idah, 5:32

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Third Year Anniversary: Milestones - Part 4

Blog Post 38

December 20, 2020

Part 4

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Continuation of events that took place during the past three years

Part 4

See Blog Post 35, November 2, 2020 for Part 1, Blog Post 36, November 17, 2020 for Part 2 and Blog Post 37, December 3, 2020 for Part 3

Introduction Repeated here for your benefit –



Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing

is Three Years Old!

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Third Year Anniversary: Milestones - Part 3

Blog Post 37

December 3, 2020

Part 3

London Churchill

Military Police at White House

Continuation of events that took place during the past three years

Part 3

See Blog Post 35, November 2, 2020 for Part 1 and Blog Post 36, November 17, 2020 for Part 2

Introduction Repeated here for your benefit –



Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing

is Three Years Old!

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Third Year Anniversary: Milestones - Part 2

Blog Post 36

November 17, 2020

Part 2

No Justice No Peace

Continuation of events that took place

during the past three years

Part 2

See Blog Post 35, November 2, 2020 for Part 1

Introduction Repeated here for your benefit –


Inked Resistance

Islamic Publishing

is Three Years Old!


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Third Year Anniversary: Milestones

Blog Post 35

November 2, 2020

Part 1

Third Year Anniversary


Inked Resistance

Islamic Publishing

is Three Years Old!

Here’s what we can do: We copy others; show affection and concern without prompts; take turns; show a wide range of emotions; understand mine, hers and his; separate easily from Mom and Dad; get upset with major changes in routines; and dress and undress ourselves. We carry out instructions with 

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Justice Doers: Putting everything in their right places

Blog Post 34

October 10, 2020

Ramadhan 1

The Islamic definition of justice is putting everything in their right places,  as Imam Ali (peace be upon him),  in Nahj al-Balaghah,  said, “[making sure] that everything is placed in its real place” and expounded on in The Institute for  

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Heal the World and Your Self

Blog Post 33

August 26, 2020

Thanks a lot 1

For the past while, Muslims have been listening to lectures about social justice, Black Lives Matter, the racist history of the US, the “pandemic” and the US elections. Ramadhan has come and gone as has Hajj and we haven't been

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Ways to Serve Allah, The Most High

Blog Post 32

July 27, 2020

sports and competition  mother  islamic 4910915 1280  stethoscoperamadan worker classroom quran

paint board and brush 2 hearts playground  ClipartKey 3155286 heart 1  manifestation  brainbaby

Much of Islamic teaching is about good behaviour and morality. We hear about it all the time – adab and akhlaq.

Some of us don’t know how to implement this besides being kind to others.

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Glorifying Violence and The True Reality

Blog Post 31

June 6, 2020

Blog 31 George Floyd

The US of A is looted land, built upon murdered Native Peoples, built by looted, maimed and murdered Black people, run and ruined by white supremacist racist looter-murderer psychopaths. That is the true reality.

Whoever doesn’t believe that, doesn’t know anything about Amerikkkan history.

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Make This Ramadhan Count

Blog Post 30

May 13, 2020


Quran Dates

As Ramadhan coincides with stay-at-home orders, except for “essential” workers, because of what some are calling a “plandemic,” ulama, masajid and many of us are focusing on the self with online lectures, seminars and discussions on topics like: “Moral Excellence in Times of Trials,” “Spiritual Psychology in the Qur’an,”

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Unprecedented Times?

Blog Post 29

March 28, 2020


"Indeed, those who patiently

persevere will truly receive

a reward without measure.”

- The Holy Qur’an 30:10 

Jargon. Every profession, every activity, every group has their own. That’s fine.

But when the “government” uses jargon, it’s not fair to the people. We aren’t in that group, even though

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He, Him, His, Himself

Blog Post 28

February 10, 2020

Warning:This blog post contains challenging content dealing with racism, sexism, misogyny, abortion, sexual assault, rape, physical abuse, torture, violence, slavery, kidnapping, murder.


Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem.svg 2

A respectable man told me the other day that the family is such an important aspect of our lives and we need to put our time and effort into the family. He said it’s harder than fighting against oppression and injustices, here and globally, cause 

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Intentional Criminality

Blog Post 27

January 10, 2020


From December 20 to 23, 2019, we attended MSA (PSG)’s 49th annual conference in Bethesda, Maryland, on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., the capital of the Great Shaitan. It was a refreshing break from the mundane work-a-day life in Canada. Everybody was genuinely excited about what Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is doing, Mashallah.

The workshops were well-attended and enlightening, revolutionary and inspirational. We could feel the pulse of the attendees, moderators and lecturers and the pulse was beating strong and red. It seemed to me

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Are We Missing Something?

Blog Post 26

December 2, 2019

5OriginalsHope Page5

Fiction is not a waste of time.

When Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing set out a little over two years ago to establish an Islamic fiction publishing company for young and new adults, Al-Hamdulillah, we saw it as

“an attempt to offer Muslim youth a stepping stone, a light,

a rope to hold on to, in order to extricate themselves from the confusion

and to provide them with the knowledge that truth is justice,

justice is love and others believe as they do.”

Yet it seems some Muslims are slow to get on board. Perhaps it’s guilt that keeps some Muslims from taking

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Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing's Second Year Anniversary

Blog Post 25

October 30, 2019

Two Year Anniversary

Al-Hamdulillah, we’re celebrating our second year in business! And it’s all because of Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Generosity, Blessings and Help, along with the insight, encouragement and love from you all that we’ve stood our ground and begun to make an impact out there. Words alone can’t express our appreciation and indebtedness to our Sustainer and our earthly supporters for this success. So we’re offering a tiny incentive so you can purchase books at a reduced rate and, inshallah, pick up some one-of-a-kind bookmarks and tapestries as well for yourself, your family and friends. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala continue to bless you all and Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing with everything that is good.

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What Kind of Muslim are You?

Blog Post 24

September 24, 2019

Adalat Art 1

People come in many versions. Well actually, we are all born sinless with a fitrah (our innate nature, disposition and knowledge) that seeks our Creator from Whom we come and to Whom we will return. We have divine spirit within us and that’s why we are always desiring and searching for wholeness and spiritual connection, innately aware there’s a Great Powerful Being sustaining our lives and deserving of our worship. Human beings throughout the ages have always sought Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and realize that

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Nothing New

Blog Post 23

August 23, 2019

prisonerLittle Big HornCrazy HorseNat TurneroutputHarriet TubmansoldierHands UpMuhammad Alis Grave in Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville Kentucky July 14 2016 1Wounded Kneeicon 5usa flag

Please don’t believe that violence in America is something new. White supremacy isn’t new either. The country was overrun by violent white supremacists who exterminated the native population and captured and enslaved black people from Africa to make the great ole US of A what it is today.

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Birth and Death

Blog Post 22

A half hour past July 23, 2019

In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful

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We experience various events in our lives. These include our first words, first steps, first day of school, graduation, job, marriage, parenthood… Joys…

All these events are ordained by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and controlled by our Sustainer. Although we may think that they were in our control and/or caused by our own doing, we ultimately know this to be false. Of course, our accomplishments had something to do with our own actions because if we didn’t study, we wouldn’t graduate. If we didn’t take a job, we wouldn’t have one. If we didn’t agree to be married, we wouldn’t get married.

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Inked Resistance

Blog Post 21

June 30, 2019

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

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Shaitan tried to dissuade her as she sat stitching. Beginning a new venture, such as Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing, is like swimming in a piranha-infested pool. Upon retiring from 25 years of teaching, she put her plan into action and, Al-Hamdulillah, the publishing company was launched with a three-pronged approach – pub-lication of her own and young and new adults’ fiction, along with handstitched bookmarks and tapestries of inspirational ayats. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is young and new adult voiced and revolutionary, providing perspectives of resistance, honour, power, faith and hope,

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Eid Mubarak!

Blog Post 20

June 4, 2019

Eid Mubarak 2019

 Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing extends a huge EID MUBARAK to everyone! We pray your Ramadhan was full of spiritual highs and forgiveness.




Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing will be away for a couple of weeks, inshallah.

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Woke & Loud

Blog Post 19

May 9, 2019

Woke Loud May 2019

 You've read poetry and probably heard spoken word. But what about by Muslims? You're in for a unique journey with a diverse group of spiritual and revolutionary artists!

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Woke & Loud: A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry & Spoken Word

Blog Post 18

April 14, 2019 resizeimage

 Al-Hamdulillah! Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of our anthology:


Woke & Loud: A Faith-Based Medley

of Muslim Poetry & Spoken Word 

A 463-page compilation of open-hearted dynamic souls. A never-before seen venture. Readers will be taken on a journey unlike no other, a kaleidoscope of visions, beliefs, voices, emotions and actions. Our future generations will be confident that these Muslim wordsmiths actively sought a higher purpose and resisted wrongs with moral solutions.

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Why Our Voices Aren't Heard

Blog Post 17

March 9, 2019

multiple lightning bolts

 Writers know there are marginalized people. They also know there’s always been. They don’t write about them because they dont care


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Sextuple Whammies in the “Eyes” of the Great Shaitan

Blog Post 16

January 28, 2019

Marzieh Hashemi 1

 Even if all the United States government has done is exterminate, corral and repress the Native Peoples and kidnap, transport and enslave the Black Peoples, that’s enough reason to despise it. But as we know, that’s not all it has done and are doing up to this very day. And the US isn’t the only oppressive government in the world.

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An Anthology of Muslim Poets and Spoken Word Artists

Blog Post 14

December 5, 2018

Poetry Anthology 2

 As-Salaamu Alaikum Everyone,

At Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing, we are always on the lookout for Muslim fiction writers of Islamic books for youth and new adults. Our mission to hear the voices of young and new adults and document their   creativity in print has led us to our first call-out for poetry and spoken word.

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We Made It, Al-Hamdulillah!

Blog Post 13

November 13, 2018

One Year Anniversary

 “We set out to talk about Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing’s one year anniversary, Al-Hamdulillahand tell you about our 25% off on our  books to celebrate it, hoping you’d take advantage  of the discount to get a copy or two. But as I sat down to write, this is what got typed -

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Islamic Revolution

Blog Post 12

October 19, 2018


 “I have risen up solely to seek the reform of the Ummah of my Grandfather, 

peace and blessings be upon him and his family. I want to promote virtue and prevent vice and I follow the conduct of my Grandfather and my Father,  Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them and their family.”

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Words of Affirmation and a Surprise

Blog Post 10

Published July 24, 2018

5OriginalsHeavenorHell Page5

“I just love this book,” the tween girl told her friend, pointing to The Sandhills of Arabia.

“Where did you get it from to read?” the author asked, knowing only a few copies had been sold on-line so far.

“I borrowed it from my friend,” she said.

“Oh, you mean the old one,” the author said, referring to the original publication 25 years ago.

“Yes, I love it! I can’t wait till its sequel is republished.”

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Islamic Storytelling

Blog Post 9

June 24, 2018

5OriginalsMasjidan Nabawi Page5 2

Muslims have always engaged in artistic storytelling because we understand that storytelling is a vehicle to inspire faith and love for Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. It’s always been a method of tarbiyah (education and upbringing) through the relating of stories of the Prophets, peace be upon all of them, historical stories of specific and general situations and stories that provide a moral message.

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Right Against Might: The Trio Versus the Sefids

Blog Post 8
Published May 24, 2018

Right Against Might 3D April 23, 2018

Right on Time!

Doesn’t it seem that the zionist regime of Israel is always in the news, either crying or murdering? The past little while they’ve been at it again – bawling about the “terrorists” with stones on their border and shooting them down in cold blood. It’s not the Palestinians who’re the “terrorists.” It’s the zionist criminals and all those who support them, including the US, Britain and Canada.

Fajr Almas’s novel, Right Against Might: The Trio Versus the Sefids, has been published right on time, at

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Savvy Readers

Blog Post 7

Published April 24, 2018

5OriginalsHeavenorHell Page5

Young and new adults don’t have time to waste. You’re the fast-paced generation. Information is instant, efficient, easy and bite-sized. Waiting for anything seems like an eternity. The whole world’s at your fingertips with a click or a swipe. You’re wired!


But it’s important to look at what’s being poured into your mind.



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Chickens Roosting

Blog Post 5

Published March 1, 2018


On December 1, 1963, Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X), speaking about the assassination of US president John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, in response to a question, said “the chickens came home to roost” at a Nation of Islam address at the Manhattan Center in New York. For that, Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz was silenced by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad for 90 days. Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz later said, “His assassination was the result of the climate of hate.” In March 1964, Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz left the Nation of Islam.


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Walking in Footsteps

Blog Post 4
Published January 28, 2018

Imam Husayn Masjid

Many people dream of walking in the footsteps of their idols.

They stalk their idols’ social media, write fan letters to them, purchase books by them and books and magazines about them, relisten to their words, post pictures of and sayings by them, hang posters of them in their home and show up where they perform, might be or even live. If their idol has passed away, they retrace their footsteps by visiting their birthplace, where they made it big and their gravesite.

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Are You Ready for a Revolution?

Blog Post 3

Published Dec. 28, 2017

Company and Book Flyer

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Inked Resistance

Islamic Publishing

Resistance. Inspiration.

Creation. Revolution.

As-Salaamu Alaikum Everyone,

Inshallah, you and your family are well.

By now, we’re sure you’ve seen our new publishing company and are as excited about it as we are.

Since we’ve branched out into an entirely new field, the world of Islamic fiction for and by young and new adults, it seems it may just be too unique. Some folks can’t get their heads around Islamic fiction. That’s okay, though, because without venturing out into the unknown, we won’t swim with the always relevant and ever-evolving Islamic wave and instead we’ll be stuck in some ole fuddy-duddy time warp.

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Random, Slanted and Twisted Reading

Blog Post 2

Published Nov. 26, 2017

5OriginalsBooksRaining Page5   2017 young adult books are mostly cracked up.

Let’s take a look at these:

  1. Carve the Mark - sci-fi fantasy, American “white” female author born in New York City
  2. Blood Rose Rebellion - historical fantasy, American “white” female author living in Utah
  3. The Bone Witch – fantasy, female Filipino author born in the Philippines
  4. The Hate You Give – real life, black female author born in Mississippi
  5. Goodbye Days – real life, American “white” male author born in North Carolina

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Why the Onliest Original?

Blog Post 1

Published October 21, 2017                 

     I know what you're thinking - "I shoulda put down the money onStJosephsPeninsula
that bookmark."

         Why’s Inked Resistance only selling one-of-a-kind bookmarks and tapestries?


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