In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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What We've Learned

Blog Post 69

July 28, 2024

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Recently I began rereading The 100 – A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by Michael H. Hart, which was published in 1977. This is the famous book that placed Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, as Number One. Indeed, it was shocking for many and well-received by Muslims. As I read, many glaring errors are evident. Not only are religious, political and historical facts


wrong, but Hart’s opinions are often lopsided, prejudicial, eurocentric and clearly toed the line even though he tried to make them seem to be his own.

Gaza 1

 Since the book is almost 50 years old, it is interesting to see the changes, turns and directions that our world has taken and Hart’s predictions and thoughts about the future. It’s certainly not a risk to write about history and your opinions of people, places, events and things, unless you’re afraid no one will agree with you. But it is a risk to put your neck out and predict the future based on what happened in the past and your analysis of those events. That got me to thinking about what we’ve learned since the virus hit us and the date in October 2023 occurred. I believe the two things are connected.

Let’s start with the virus.

1. Although people have tried for a long time to convince their employers to let them work from home with very limited success, we learned that a vast majority of people don’t have to leave home to work and the other people’s jobs are not that important and could be done by robots.

2. Although we know that social interaction is crucial for our well-being, we learned that using technology to socially interact with our loved ones and friends was better than nothing. In fact, many people have realized that they like it better that way and have continued to “keep in touch” electronically, becoming more and more isolated and socially inept, anxious and depressed, all the while fearful of missing out, comparing themselves to fake “friends” online and furling headlong into an unhuman abyss.

3. Although we have heard for decades or even longer about technology taking over the world and that jobs will become obsolete due to robots, leaving workers in the lurch, we learned that many people are okay with that because they don’t want to or need to work that hard and they enjoy the inhuman technological feel of a science fiction world in which everything’s at their fingertips, thumb and eyeballs, stealing their attention, making them distracted, unable to function as a productive, purposeful, reasoning, social and empathetic member of society.

4. Although we know about medical experiments on animals and believe they are wrong, we learned that the medical experiments on people are horrific, unconscionable and sadistic and that the jab and its two, three, four, etc. was forced down our throats, taking over our lives, destroying relationships and dividing people while scaring the heck out of many and saddening us to the brink of hopelessness when seeing the elderly dying alone and the children without friends. It is my belief that the plandemic was set up to experiment on us, to see how far we can be pushed, controlled and terrorized, to see what we would do, how passive or aggressive we behaved, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.

5. Although some of us know about the use of forced mask wearing to dehumanize, control and cause anxiety, fear and panic and agree that they are utilized as a cruel and sinister device placed on prisoners (of all types), enslaved people and whoever they want to control, we learned that the most compliant people reside in the western countries, for example, Austria, the US, Germany, France, Spain, the UK, Belgium, Italy and Canada, and masks did not effectively or at all lower the rate of transmission and were at the least a confidence trick and at the most a medieval superstition, or the other way around, but they were effective in making people not see other people’s humanity because their face was hidden and their expressions were gone, obliterating individuality, reducing us to a functional object – a real goal of a future (now) dystopia. It is difficult to realize that so many people fell for it and every day we see some people still wearing masks, even outdoors. We could talk about this for a long time.

6. Although we know that we need our brain to think, rationalize, differentiate and make decisions, we learned that technology can do that for us so easily and so why waste your brain. For example, the number of accidents and stupidness that are occurring due to gps is mind-boggling. Someone like us who does not have gps in our car actually knows where we are going and how long it will take to get there. We do not depend on a voice in the dash telling us to turn left in 500 meters/yards or whatever and then – not knowing how far that is – we slow down and pause at every little driveway and alleyway disrupting traffic and being a hazard on the road. Technology isn’t making us smarter. It’s reducing and even destroying our cognitive capabilities. The reason is because “technology is an extension of the mind” and people can never unplug. Our independent thinking skills are ruined along with our creativity.

7. And so back to the masks and the jabs – Although conformity is useful in terms of solidarity and religiosity, as in following Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and the Imam, people who wore masks and took the jab and displayed their band-aid in a “conformist virtue-signaling” should expect that their “commitment to freedom” is viewed as suspect, like those who wear it outdoors or alone in their car. We learned that the masks, the jabs and the lockdowns suited those unthinking conformists, but the rest of us resisted the game and are all the better for it. If you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe this:

“Israeli research tells us that if you are kidnapped, and you are blindfolded or you have a hood over your head, you are far more likely to be murdered by your captors. You would think, since I cannot identify my captors, then I am less of a threat to them. But your potential long-term threat to your captors is not what is keeping you alive. It is looking into the face of another human being — thus creating a powerful biological sense of empathy — which is the most important factor keeping that captive alive.

“The face is the window to the soul, and covering the face with a mask destroys empathy and empowers interpersonal aggression.

“That is why individuals being executed by hanging or firing squad, are traditionally blindfolded or hooded. Mass murders committed by criminals, terrorists, or totalitarian states, very often involve shooting victims in the back of the head, or cutting their heads off from behind. Once again, covering or hiding the face negates empathy, and empowers some of the most ghastly forms of mass murder.

“Masks also muffle your voice. So, many people shout in order to be heard and understood while wearing a mask. But shouting signals aggression! When someone shouts at you, you immediately become defensive and hostile. And the situation can spiral downward from there, into aggressive confrontations, violence, and even murder.”

And if you don’t believe that, believe this (Trigger Warning):

I’m nauseated now.

Let’s move on to the date in October 2023 and the horrifying massacres that were started immediately and are continuing in Gaza and all over Palestine as we write this.

1. Although people have known for a long time that there’s a group of corporations that own most of the products, media and financial systems that we use on a daily basis, we learned that it’s actually a small bunch of zionists who control everything. For example, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street own the corporations. “Together, the Big Three are the largest single shareholder in almost 90% of S&P 500 firms, including Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, General Electric and Coca-Cola.” Eleven companies own almost every type of consumer and food products – Kellogg’s, General Mills, Kraft-Heinz Company, Mondelez International, Mars, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, PepsiCo, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle. There are many facts to prove they have a secret globalist agenda, such as the Bilderberg Group which was formed in 1954, and is attended yearly by monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and government, military, financial, corporation, academic and media figures. For example:

A.“BlackRock is a New York City-based investment company that has massive investments in Israel and in companies including Lockheed Martin, RTX, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics that make the weapons Israel uses to murder Palestinians. BlackRock invests in companies that arm the Israeli war machine!

“Its CEO, Larry Fink, is also an outspoken supporter of the apartheid regime in Israel and is cheering on a regional war. When the Biden administration deployed a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the region last month to threaten war against Iran, Fink called it “a spectacular statement by the United States.”

B. “In another example of indirect financial support for Israel, some of Starbucks’ biggest shareholders are also major investors in military companies with ties to Israel:

  1. The Vanguard Group holds approximately 90.5 million shares of Starbucks (7.7%), and is also a top shareholder in Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons company.
  2. BlackRock holds approx. 84.3 million shares of Starbucks (7.2%), and is also a top shareholder in Lockheed Martin, which produces fighter jets for the Israeli military and boasts of being “proud of the significant role it has fulfilled in the security of the State of Israel.”

This means that, in theory, the profits of Starbucks could indirectly support Israel by being reinvested into companies that produce weapons for the Israeli military. However, these linkages are not because of the actions of Starbucks or its current leadership, but instead reflect the actions of its major investors.”

C. For information on State Street and more, see

There are many websites that help you boycott products that harm and murder Palestinians. Here’s a few:

3. Back to what we learned – The zionist state of Israel was founded to be a permanent frontier settler-colonialist bulwark to create on-going control of and war against the Muslim populations in particular and the innocent peoples of the region. With that cancer there, life will always be in jeopardy for the lovers of peace and the believers in Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, the Prophets, peace be upon them all, the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter.

4. Anti-zionism is not antisemitism. Period. People understand that thoroughly now. (See Bill Bigelow’s article, “No, Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism”, and Nora Barrows-Friedman’s video, “Why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.”)

5. Everything hinges on the zionist state’s demands. They make the decisions for the world. It was hard to believe that the US is a zionist colony and not the other way around. But maybe now it’s clear to everyone.

6. The zionist settler-colonialist entity is not unlike other settler-colonialist entities, such as the US, England, Australia, Spain, etc. They invade and exterminate the indigenous populations how ever and whenever they want and steal and lie and cheat. “Settler colonialism as a structure requires genocide…Indigenous peoples are erased so that the settlers can ‘truly claim ownership’ of the land.” Settlers have a responsibility to be part of dismantling the structures that preserve settler colonialism, because to preserve or reinforce these structures makes one complicit in genocide.” (Quotations from Shreya Shah’s article, “What is Settler Colonialism?”) Native and First Nations Peoples in North America and all over the world fully understand this. It’s simple enough, but if you need more information see Muhannad Ayyash’s article, “Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does”, and many more articles online.

7. The enemy of the zionist state will always be talked about the way we define the zionist state. Turning the mirror away from themselves doesn’t fool anyone. They are the murderous, torturous, violent, insane group that tries to paint their enemy as the bad guys. Cowboys and Indians, all the time.

8. Testing the waters to see how much the people will fight back is useful to the zionist state. This time they found out no one likes them and everyone wants them to cease and be charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. The people in the world have made their voices heard and will not let the destruction of a whole people in such a brutal manner be washed away into the margins of history. (See all the ways of rainbow washing @

9. Other massacres, genocides, famines and destruction of water, air, soil, animals, plants and infrastructure are also always occurring in the world. We stand against all the oppressors of the world and voice our support for the oppressed wherever they are. And yet it is important to remember that the same forces, the same zionists who want to control the whole world, are behind all of the oppression and horror that takes place everywhere and any time. So that entity must be collapsed, removed from the world and brought to justice. Inshallah.

So basically, we learned that the two – the virus and the genocide after the date – are part and parcel of the same plan: the main plan that every other plan is tied to all over the world. We know you learned what we learned. "And Allah is the best of the planners." (The Holy Qur'an, 3:54)  Al-Hamdulillah. Free Free Palestine!


Alexandra, Zoe. (November 9, 2023). “Blackrock Funds Genocide Against Palestinians.” The People’s Forum. Accessed from 

“Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Conformity 70 Years Ago.” (September 27, 2020). Stillness in the Storm. Accessed from

Ayyash, Muhannad. (July 7, 2020). “Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does.” Al Jazeera. Accessed from

Barrows-Friedman, Nora. (October 6, 2021). “Video: Why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.” The Electronic Intifada. Accessed from

Bigelow, Bill. “No, Anti-Zionism Is Not Antisemitism.” Rethinking Schools. Accessed from 

“Boycott Israeli Goods & Services.” Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC.IE). Accessed from

“CJPME Factsheet 241.” (April 2024). CJPME. Accessed from

Fichtner, Jan, Heemskerk, Eelke and Garcia-Bernardo. (May 10, 2017). “These 3 firms own corporate America.” The Conversation. Accessed from

Gott, Molly and Seidman, Derek. (October 26, 2023). “Corporate Enablers of Israel’s War on Gaza.” Little Sis. Accessed from

Grossman, Dave, Lt.Col. (September 3, 2020). “Masks can be murder.” Linked In. Accessed from

Hanna, Jason. (September 6, 2020). “Here’s what spit socks and spit hoods are, and how police use them.” CNN. Accessed from 

International Business Guide. (June 13, 2016). “Which Corporations Control the World?” Watershed Sentinel. Accessed from

[Iron mask, collar, leg shackles and spurs used to restrict slaves]. US Library of Congress. Accessed from 

“Open letter from former Guantanamo Prisoners.” (May 4, 2013). The Guardian. Accessed from

“Rainbow Washing.” Decolonize Palestine. Accessed from 

“Shackles of the Soul: The Horrifying Use of Metal Masks on Slaves.” (September 1, 2023). Black Journals. Accessed from 

Shah, Shreya. “What is Settler Colonialism?” The Indigenous Foundation. Accessed from

Sommerlad, Joe. (May 28, 2019). “What is the Bilderberg Group and are its members really plotting the New World Order?” Independent. Accessed from  

Steele, Charles. (October 29, 2020). “Letter to the Editor: Wearing Masks is Dehumanizing.” Hillsdale Collegian. Accessed from 

“The dehumanizing effect of technology.” Karbon Magazine. Accessed from

“These 11 Companies Control Everything You Buy.” Capital One Shopping. Accessed from 

Weiss, Yinon. (February 3, 2021). “These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID.” The Federalist. Accessed from   

Wikipedia. “List of Bilderberg Participants.” Accessed from