In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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(The Dominion, The Kingdom)

42OriginalTapestry Al Mulk Shop42


In Surah al-Mulk (67:1-2), Allah, Al-Malik al-Mulk (The Master of the Kingdom and Dominion), describes Himself as the Blessed and Bountiful (Tabarak), One in Whose Hand is the Dominion, The All-Powerful over everything, The One Who Created Death and Life, The Almighty and The All-Forgiving. Allah is The Divine Owner, The Sovereign, The Omnipotent, The Everlasting Pure Essence and The Bountiful Existent Being. Thus, Allah’s Omnipotence, Majesty and Infinite Might leave no room for hopeless, defect nor limit. Allah’s Knowledge encompasses all and the Emanation of His Existence embraces all.

In this ayat (verse) it is clear that we have been created in order for Allah to test which of us believes in our Lord and performs the best actions here on Earth. This Divine Trial is a fostering that causes us to enter the arena of action and inshallah (Allah willing) makes us experienced and pure and deserving of Divine Proximity. The goal is performing good deeds, not their quantity, doing them sincerely for the sake of Allah, The Almighty, while worshipping our Creator. It is important to note that the preservation of our deeds from impurities is harder than performing good deeds. Plus, we should not expect praise for their performance from anyone besides our Lord.

Death is the transference from this world to the next. Death is mentioned before life because paying attention to, remembering death and preparing for death makes a profound impression on us and should cause the performance of good deeds. So we must not despair of having committed mistakes and stop striving toward spiritual growth for Allah is Invincible and Oft-Forgiving, the Compassionate, The Merciful. [This bookmark was extremely time-consuming due to its sheer size, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Pistachio Green and Dark Garnet Design in Light Shell Pink, Very Light Topaz, Dark Pistachio and Dark Garnet; Border in Very Light Topaz


6” X 11.6”




(The One and Only, The Unity)

79OriginalTapestry Al Ahad Shop79


In Surah al-Hashr (59:22), Allah, Al-Ahad (The One and Only, The Unity), proclaims in this beautiful ayat that indeed He is the One Who there is no god but He. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala is the Knower of the seen and the unseen, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Subhanallah! “Presence (hudhur) is accompanied by observation, through the outward or inward eye. Thus, where human perception and observation penetrate, it is the world of presence and what lies beyond the realm of perception and observation is the world of the unseen or intuition…However, they are all equal before Divine Omniscience, since His Infinite Presence is Omnipresent. Thus, nothing lies beyond Divine Omniscience and Omnipresence.” We must be aware that Allah’s “Graciousness embraces all creatures particularly the believers.” We must set our “hope on treading the long path of perfection” toward Allah, Al-Ahad, aware that we “may not pass beyond the shadows and error without Divine Graciousness.” (From An Enlightening Commentary on the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20 @ It is highly recommended to recite this ayat and the next ayat which are the concluding ayats of this surah often, inshallah. These ayats mention 18 of Allah’s Glorious Names and remind us that there is none worthy of worship except our Sustainer, The Creator of Everything, The One and Only.


Writing in Medium Emerald Green; Design in Light Emerald Green, Medium Emerald Green, Medium Coral and Medium Tangerine; Border in Medium Emerald Green


5.1” X 6.1”




(The Guardian and Preserver of the Qur'an)

141OriginalTapestry Al Hafiz al Quran Shop141


In Surah al-Hijr, Allah, Al-Hafiz (The Guardian), reminds us once again that He sent down the Reminder to us and that He is surely Al-Hafiz of it. In ayat 6, the unbelievers used to mock Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and called him crazy and insane, thus denying from Whom the Prophet received the Words of the Qur’an, the Reminder. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala is saying, “Stop hesitating! It is certainly We Who reveal the Qur’an and the Reminder upon him.” The unbelievers call the Prophet Muhammad insane and in this ayatAl-Hafiz “attributes to His Own Sacred Essence the revelation of the Qur’an and its preservation.” Allah is the Qur’an’s Guardian. His testimony and pledge reveal that there are no and will never be changes or distortions in the Book of Allah." (See also 41:42) “No untruth has any way into the Holy Qur’an.” In addition, “Muslims have protected the Qur’an from the beginning and have been earnest in its writing and preserving it” and memorizing it. We recite it in our salat and duas. Some men give “the instruction of the Qur’an as a dowry.” Al-Hafiz means The Guardian and The Preserver and a hafiz al-Qur’an means the one who has memorized the whole Qur’an, thus guarding and preserving it orally. Al-Hamdulillah! (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 8, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Very Dark Violet and Kelly Green; Design in Very Dark Violet, Very Dark Lavender, Kelly Green, Turquoise, Very Dark Peacock Blue and Very Dark Salmon; Border in Kelly Green


8.4” X 4.9”




(Owner of the Throne)

134OriginalTapestry Dhu al Arshi Shop134 1


In Surah al-Buruj (85:13-16), Allah, the Dhu al-Arshi (Owner of the Throne), says that He originates and repeats. It means the Dhu al-Arshi creates everyone and everything in the beginning and will do so again at the Resurrection in which everything returns to Him. Then Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala mentions five of His Divine Names – Al-Ghafur (The Oft-Forgiving), Al-Waddud (The All-Loving), Dhu al-Arshi (Owner of the Throne), Al-Majid (The Glorious, The Majestic) and Alun lima yaridu (Doer of what He wills). Allah is forgiving of the sins of those sinners who repent and is Loving to the servants who do good. The Arsh (Divine Throne) refers metaphorically to Allah’s “Power and Sovereignty.” Al-Majid comes from “majd,” meaning “to excel in glory." “The rulership of all creatures is His, and Allah’s Will is, itself, the Word and the Deed. There is no interval between them. No circumstance whatever can come between His Will and the execution thereof. Therefore, it is quite easy for Him to call the dead to life, again, and punish the persecutors and the oppressors…With His Will… nothing can stop Him, no one is able to confront Him, nor does His Will fade.” (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 19, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Desert Sand and Medium Aquamarine; Design in Black, Desert Sand, Medium Aquamarine, Topaz, Bright Orange, Light Bright Turquoise and Light Plum; Border in Desert Sand


7.4” X 4.6”





(Prayer, Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong and Patience)

127OriginalTapestry Salat Amr bil Maruf wa Nahy Anil Munkar and Sabr Shop127


In Surah Luqman (31:17), Allah, Al-Khabir  (The All-Aware), in this ayat relates several of the commands that Luqman, peace and blessings be upon him, gives his son. He tells him to establish the salat and amr bil ma’ruf wa nahy anil munkar (enjoin the right and forbid the wrong) and is’bir  (be patient) over what befalls him. These are the duties of parents towards their children so that they may become dutiful and responsible adults. Luqman commands salat first “because it is the most important link between you and your Lord. Prayer makes your heart awaken, your soul purify, and your living light and bright. Prayer washes out the signs of sin from you, causes the light of faith to illuminate inside your heart, and keeps you away from indecency and sins.” Then Luqman tells his son that these are the 'azmi al-umuri (matters that require determination). The Arabic word /'azm/ means: ‘a firm determination’, and the application of /'azm-il-’umur/ here either means the things that Allah has ordered to be serious about them, or the affairs that man must have a decided decision and a firm intention unto them. Either of these two meanings points to its importance. The Arabic word /ŏalika/ [dhalika - translated as “that”] here refers to patience and perseverance. This is also probable that it refers to all of the affairs that have been mentioned in the verse, including: prayer, enjoining right and forbidding wrong, but this subject has been mentioned after the subject of patience in some other verses of the Qur’an, which strengthens the first probability.” Nevertheless, these are the commands of Allah and He is Al-Khabir. (The more expensive price is due to the sheer size of the tapestry.) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 14, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Wedgewood; Design in Light Wedgewood, Dark Wedgewood, Dark Lemon, Rose and Dark Rose; Border in Dark Rose


10.2” X 13.2”




(Make Me an Establisher of the Salat and from my Offspring)

<Optimized 120OriginalTapestry Ijalni Muqima al Salati wa min Dhurriyyati Shop120


In Surah Ibrahim (14:40), Allah, Al-Mujeeb (The Responsive), in this ayat we are reminded of Prophet Ibrahim’s (peace and blessings be upon him) prayer to our Lord to make him and his offspring successful in establishing the salat and also to accept his calls and prayers and duas and pleas. This ayat is one of seven ayats in this surah relating Prophet Ibrahim’s prayers. (See also Tapestries #119 and #121) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Grass Green; Design in Dark Grass Green, Light Tangerine, Deep Red and Very Dark Beige Brown; Border in Deep Red


4.8” X 7.9”




(Upright in the Religion)

<Optimized 113OriginalTapestry Al Dina Hunafaa Shop113


In Surah al-Bayyinah (98:5), Allah, Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy, The Laudable, The One Who Is Praised), in this ayat says that the People of the Book and the polytheists were commanded not except to worship Allah Alone being sincere to Him in the religion, upright, and to make salat (prayer) and pay the zakat (alms). Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says “And that is the truth-loving way of life.” Al-Hamdulillah! “The People of the Book already had the three eternal principles in their own religion: Unity of God, prayer and alms.” And so do the Muslims. But the People of the Book “were not true to their promise concerning these principles.” The right and straight way of life, the truth-loving way of life, denotes these three principles – “pure monotheism, prayers and alms” which “are eternal and unchangeable in all religions, or it can be said that they are found within the nature of all human beings.” Subhanallah! Our destiny leads us to monotheism. Our nature invites us to being grateful to Allah Al-Hamid through worship and prayer, “knowing His divine essence.” Our social spirit calls us to the service of the needy by giving charity. “Therefore, the root of these characteristics, in general, exists in all humans and that is why these laws are also found in the teachings of all the former prophets and are the core in the teachings of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S).” (See Tapestry #110, Tapestry #111, Tapestry #112) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Pine Green and Light Raspberry; Design in Ultra Very Light Dusty Rose, Dusty Rose, Light Raspberry, Pine Green, Light Yellow Green and Light Salmon; Border in Dusty Rose


7.5” X 8.4”




(The Certainty, The Conviction)

<81OriginalTapestry Al Yaqeen Shop81


In Surah al-Hijr (15:98-99), Allah, Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy), in these last two ayats of this surah, tells Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and indeed all of us to glorify our Sustainer with praises and be of those who prostrate to Him and worship Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala until al-yaqeen (the certainty, the conviction) comes to us, inshallah. This is Al-Hamid’s commandment in order to help Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and all of us to endure and face the hardships and hateful words from the enemies of Islam and Shaitan. This will help us to have more “energy, ability, illumination and sincerity.” In fact, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, used to establish salat whenever he felt sad and the worship of Al-Hamid wiped away his grief and sadness. It is said that al-yaqeen in this ayat refers to death and the knowledge of death, the event that is certain and known to people, and when death comes the veils are lifted and the realities become certain and clear. Some people think that once you are certain of Allah and Islam, there is no need to worship Him, but this is idle foolish talk and not true. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, possessed yaqeen and, of course, he continued worshipping Allah, praising Allah and prostrating to Allah until his death which is Allah’s commandment – to worship Him throughout our lives – as long as we are alive. Subhanallah! “Worshipping Him [Allah] is the highest level of education; it provokes one’s thought and calls one’s way of thinking towards the endless boundaries. It wipes out and washes away all the dust of sinfulness and negligence from one’s heart and soul, while inculcating supreme human values within us. It strengthens one’s faith and awareness, and makes one responsible in our affairs. It is for this reason that it would be impossible to imagine that people might be needless of this great educational school for even one moment. Those who think people may reach a stage where they will be no more in need of worshipping, either have regarded people’s development as a limited process, or they have not grasped the full meaning of worshipping.” (From An Enlightening Commentary upon the Light of the Holy Qur’an @


Writing in Very Dark Antique Mauve; Design in Very Light Antique Mauve, Medium Antique Mauve and Very Dark Antique Mauve; Border in Very Dark Antique Mauve


7.1” X 9.9”




(Hospitable Gift, Hospitality)

<104OriginalTapestry Nuzulan Shop104


In Surah al-Fussilat (41:31-32), Allah, Al-Rahim (The Most Merciful), gives the glad tidings that the Angels will descend, saying they are the protectors of the believers in this world and in the Hereafter and whatever our souls desire is there and whatever we ask for is there. This is a nuzulan (hospitable gift, hospitality) from Allah, the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. It is interesting that Allah calls the Angels our awliya (protectors, guardians, friends) so we should view them as such. The Angels are the friends of Allah’s friends and the enemies of Allah’s enemies. The word nuzl literally means food and drink served to guests. The author of the tafsir  "Atyab al-Bayan" wrote: “Nuzlan designates the glad tidings to be borne by angels upon death encompassing all this worldly and otherworldly blessings from the moment of death to entering Paradise.” Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said “that angels say unto believers that they protected them from afflictions and hardships and upon death they protect them against satanic temptations. It will be in the Hereafter that they will protect them from the severity of chastisement and will accompany them unto Paradise.” (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 16, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Ultra Very Dark Dusty Rose; Design in Medium Pistachio Green, Light Pistachio Green, Ultra Very Dark Dusty Rose and Ultra Dark Dusty Rose; Border in Dark Pistachio Green


10.6” X 6.8”







(The Word of Your Sustainer)

71OriginalBookmark Al Kalimatu Rabbika Shop71 2


In Surah al-An’am (6:115), Allah, Al-Sami’ (The All-Hearing), tells us that His Kalim (Word) and the Holy Qur’an are perfect in truthfulness and justice. The facts about history, science, events, etc. are true and the laws, rewards, punishments, etc. are just. Not only that, but Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Words cannot and will never be changed, including the spelling of words, information and laws, etc. Al-Kalimatu Rabbika will be protected forever and ever since it is the final Revelation sent to guide us until the end of our world.


Writing in Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand; Design in Turquoise and Very Dark Straw; Border in Very Dark Straw


3.9” X 10.1”







(The Hidden and the Witnessed)

86OriginalBookmark Al Ghaybi wa al ShahadatiShop86


In Surah al-Sajdah (32:6), Allah, Al-Alim (The All-Knowing), describes Himself as The One Who Knows about al-ghaybi wa al-shahadati (the hidden and the witnessed). And He is Al-Azimu wa Al-Raheemu (The All-Mighty and The Most Merciful). Our Sustainer has Infinite Knowledge of everything while we have limited knowledge. Knowledge is either hidden or witnessed (seen, visible, manifest). Nothing is hidden from Al-Alim. The One Who created everything, Al-Azim, Who manages everything, Who is the Master of everything, Who is the Sustainer of everything, Who is the Judge of everything, Who is Al-Raheem has Complete Knowledge of everything whether it is hidden or witnessed. Allah’s Power and Glory is accompanied with His Compassion, Mercy and Grace. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 14, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al- Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Hunter Green; Design in Very Light Pistachio Green, Medium Pistachio Green and Dark Hunter Green; Border in Dark Hunter Green


4” X 5.2







(Allah is He)

61OriginalBookmark AllahHuwa Shop61


In Surah al-Tawbah (9:104), Allah, Al-Tawwab (The Guide to Repentance), asks if we do not know that Allah is He (Allah Huwa) Who accepts His servants’ repentance. It is only Allah, the Most Forgiving, Who forgives our faults and accepts our repentance. Huwa means the Divine Truth and Essence, but is usually translated as the pronoun “He.” It is a code that refers to the fact that Allah’s Holy Being is concealed so much that we cannot even come close to thinking about or imagining or touching our Lord’s Essence. Rather, we have been given the signs of Allah’s Existence which are marvelous, apparent and clear.


Writing in Green; Design in Light Green, Green, Light Lavender, Medium Lavender, Medium Yellow, Cranberry and Dark Cranberry; Border in Light Green


4” X 8.7”







(The Messengers, The Clear Proofs, The Book, The Balance and The Iron)

126OriginalTapestry Al Rasula Al Bayyinat Al Kitab Al Mizan wa Al Hadid Shop126


In Surah al-Hadid (57:25), Allah, Al-Qawiyy wa Al-Aziz (The Strong and The Mighty and Victorious), in the preceding ayats of this surah, tells us that the journey “toward Divine Mercy, Forgiveness and Paradise requires the leadership of Divinely appointed leaders.” In this ayat, which includes the name of the surah, He tells us that it is He Who sent His Rasula (Messengers) with Al-Bayyinat (Clear Proofs). These Clear Proofs are “the miracles and intellectual arguments of Divinely appointed Messengers.” It is He Who sent down with them Al-Kitab (The Book, The Scripture), which “reflects the unity of their spirit and truth” of all the Scriptures sent by Allah, The Most High, and Al-Mizan (the Balance, the Scales, the Weighing) so the people may establish justice. “The word balance reflects Divine Commands and Laws thereby a distinction may be made between truth and untruth and good and bad. The Holy Qur’an is the clear proof and the Scripture and it elucidates Divine Laws and Commands. In other words, the Holy Qur’an constitutes three dimensions. The goal of sending the Prophets, such great men, with such perfect equipment, is to keep up equity and justice.” The words “that the people may establish justice” means that the people, rather than just the Prophets, must establish justice. “The blessed Verse is saying that people must grow such that they keep up justice themselves.” But “despite the exalted state of ethics, belief, and fear of God Almighty in any society, there are still people who disobey…God Almighty and stand in the way of keeping up equity and justice.”

Plus Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala sent down al-hadid (the iron) which has mighty power and benefits for the people and so that He may make evident who helps Him and the Messengers in the unseen. “It is worthy of note that the Arabic word bas denotes severity, intensity, power, and might and it connotes war and struggle as well. Thus, some Qur’an exegetes maintain that it signifies military equipment employed for invasion and defense.” “Divine Omniscience herein reflects the objective actualization of His Knowledge, namely it reveals that who will rise to render support to God Almighty and His religion and thus rise toward the upkeep of equity and justice and who will refrain from acting upon such great obligation. Thus, one of the main goals is to test mankind and screen and purify them. Assisting God Almighty undoubtedly reflects support [of] His religion and Messengers and propagation of truth, equity, and justice, although God Almighty is in need of no one but all beings are in need of Him. Al-Hamdulillah! Allah is Al-Qawiyya wa Al-Aziz! (The more expensive price is due to the sheer size of the tapestry.) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 17, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Very Light Golden Olive and Dark Blue Violet; Design in Very Light Golden Olive, Cyclamen Pink and Dark Blue Violet; Border in Cyclamen Pink


9.9” X 12.3”







(Their Skins and Hearts Soften)

92OriginalTapestry Talinu Jaluduhum wa Qulubuhum Shop92


In Surah al-Zumar (39:23), Allah, Al-Majid (The Most Glorious, The Majestic, The Dignified), speaks about the Best Hadith (the statement, the narration), due to its comprehensiveness, eloquence and firmness. Allah is referring to the Holy Qur’an, the Revelation, the Book of Allah, the oft-repeated Words. The ayats in the Holy Qur’an are similar, resemble and incline to each other so that some interpret others consistently and harmoniously. The ayats repeat and invigorate us, without being boring and stale. The ayats before these speak of the believers who listen to the Holy Qur’an with an open heart and broad mind ready to embrace the Words of Allah. The Words make the skins of the believers and those whose hearts are open shiver out of fear and awe of Allah’s Majesty, Power and Beauty and His warnings and wrath. This shivering is the motion which awakens us and makes us aware of our obligations here on Earth. And then talinu jaluduhum wa qulubuhum (their skins and hearts soften) by welcoming Al-Majid’s Words, remembering Him, hopeful of His Mercy, Love and Forgiveness, resulting in tranquility and peace of mind. We are immersed in the Holy Qur’an with a “pleasing sadness,” seeking cures and hopeful in its encouraging ayats, the eyes of our hearts gazing “at it in astonishment,” making it our example, in awe of the inspirations and fearful of the warnings “as if the moans and the flames of the awe-inspiring Hellfire echo in their hearts,” as Imam Ali, peace be upon him, narrates. The Holy Qur’an surely is Divine Guidance, our Light in the darkness. Subhanallah! And Allah guides whom He pleases. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 16, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Blue; Design in Black, Medium Blue, Dark Blue, Very Dark Coral Red, Cranberry, Topaz, Medium Tangerine, Tan and Medium Pistachio Green; Border in Medium Blue


5.4” X 15.3”

d Green; Design in Christmas Red, Dark Cyclamen Pink, Rust, Tangerine, Green, Blue and Black; Border in Christmas Red








(The Right-Minded)

101OriginalTapestry Al Rasheeduna Shop101


In Surah al-Hujjarat (49:7), Allah, Al-Rasheed (The Director to Righteousness), informs us in the beginning of the ayat that indeed among us is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, and that if he obeyed us, we would surely be in difficulty. We are supposed to obey Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and not expect him to obey us. However, Allah has endeared the faith to the believers and made it pleasing to their hearts. He has made faithlessness, defiance and disobedience hateful to them. These are the right-minded ones – al-rasheeduna. If we obey the Messenger of Allah, inshallah, faith will be deeply rooted in our hearts and we will perceive the truth of Islam and we will receive guidance, right teachings and illumination.


Writing in Blue and Green; Design in Christmas Red, Dark Cyclamen Pink, Rust, Tangerine, Green, Blue and Black; Border in Christmas Red


9.8” X 6.6”








(Enter Completely Into Submission)

82OriginalTapestry Udkhulu fi al Silmi Kaffatan Shop82


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:208), Allah, Al-Raqib (The Watchful, The Observer), warns us to ud’khulu fi al-silmi (enter completely into submission) to Him and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan. Shaitan is our clear and manifest enemy. A’oodhu billaahi min al-Shaitan al-rajeem (I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaitan). The word silm and salaam come from the same root as Islam and Muslim and they mean peace, quietness, submission. It is only through faith in and submission to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala that we can achieve peace in our inner and outer lives. “It is evident that material affairs such as language, race, wealth, geographical region, and social classes are totally the origin of separation and dispersion. They cannot provide the real worldly peace which needs a firm circle of connection between the hearts of human beings in the world. This linking circle is only Faith in Allah which is beyond those differences. Therefore, a certain worldly peace without Faith is impossible; the same manner that the inner peace and tranquility in the unity of a person and in his spiritual environment, without having a true Faith, is impossible.” The footsteps of Shaitan are the temptations and deviations from Allah’s Path, such as hatred, hypocrisy, arguing, fighting and war, and they begin in simple and slight stages, come on gradually and end up in a state far from faith and peace. We must be aware of this and stop them from occurring, inshallah. This is what Shaitan swore to Allah, Al-Raqib, that he would do to us. It is not a secret to those who believe, rather it something clear and manifest and always in the forefront of our watchful eyes so that we can avoid Shaitan’s tricks, snares, hostility and enmity with the Help of Allah. It is important to remember that those who go astray do so at their own peril. Their going astray does not in the least harm Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala nor the cause of Allah nor those who truly submit to Allah and remain steadfast on the Path. Their going astray does not alter nor defeat Allah’s Power and Wisdom. Al-Hamdulillah! (From An Enlightening Commentary upon the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Accessed from


Writing in Bright Red; Design in Light Orange Spice, Green,Lemon and Bright Red; Border in Lemon


6” X 7.9”









(Peace Be Upon You)

21OriginalTapestry As Salaamu Alaikum Shop21 2 1


In Surah al-Rad (13:24), Allah, Al-Muqsit (The Implementer of Justice), outlines the characteristics of the believers along with eight gateways to Paradise in the previous ayats (verses) and exclaims in this ayat that the righteous believers will be greeted by the angels with “As-Salaamun Alaikum” (Peace be upon you) because they patiently persevered. Al-Salaam (The Source of Peace) is one of Allah’s Names, one of the ways our Lord greets the Prophets, a Divine congratulation on the people of Paradise, the whisper of the angels, the tasleem (salutation) at the end of our salat (prayer), the cordial greeting of Muslims upon arrival and departure, and the spoken and written words of goodwill used at the beginning of every speech and letter. This message of peace from Allah, the Most High, shows our Lord's respect, congratulations, prayer and greetings to the believers. Those who patiently persevere through hardships, trials, disasters, illnesses and so forth, for Allah’s sake, relying on Allah Alone, Al-Sabur (The Patient) and therefore the source of all Patience, will be rewarded with unlimited and vast Blessings and Mercy. The true believer realizes that difficulties are blessings and so they are patient. Patience is one of the most sublime virtues and perfections. The last part of this ayat proclaims that the attainment of the Final Ultimate Abode or Home (dar) of Paradise is excellent and the best. [This tapestry is a compilation of many new stitches I learned, thus the higher price. You can fluff up the blue border with a dry toothbrush, dry mustache comb or your dry fingers.]


Writing in Light Antique Violet; Design in Very Light Antique Mauve, Very Dark Antique Violet, Light Lavender, Dark Garnet, White, Medium Parrot Green, Salmon, Lemon, Light Pale Yellow and Cranberry; Border in Very Light Blue and Medium Blue


6.6” X 7.1”








(They Rejoice)

81OriginalBookmark YastabshirunaShop81


In Surah al-Tawbah (9:124), Allah, Al-Basit (The Unfolder, The Expander, The Releaser and Reliever), tells us that whenever a surah is sent down for those who believe in Him it increases their faith and yastabshiruna (they rejoice). The word iman (faith) has the same root as amanu (believe) (hamzamimnun). This ayat is in response to the mocking of the disbelievers who ask each other: “Which of you have increased their faith by the surah?” In fact, the believers react with two reactions when a surah is revealed and recited: their faith is increased and they are happy and joyous (yastabshiruna) as well as hopeful. But for the disbelievers, their disbelief and evilness will increase and their sick hearts will become worse with hatred, haughtiness, obstinacy, bigotry and filth and they will die as kafiroon (disbelievers). (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 6, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Parrot Green; Design in Medium Parrot Green, Dark Parrot Green, Very Dark Parrot Green and Very Light Golden Olive; Border in Medium Parrot Green


3.9” X 6.7”







(Do Not Pursue)

59OriginalBookmark LaTaqfu Shop59


In Surah al-Isra (17:36), Allah, Al-Alim (The All-Knowing), instructs us to not pursue (la taqfu) what we have no knowledge of. We must not follow ideas, people, governments, etc., unless they are themselves following the Way of Allah, All Praises be to Him. The ayat continues to inform us that our eyes, ears and hearts will be questioned on the Day of Judgement and they will witness for and against us. So this means we must refrain from pursuing fraudulent things and activities and indecent people even by simply looking at, listening to and believing in them. We should not listen to nor carry rumours; submit to the enemy and tyrants; engage in blind obedience and bad habits; accept baseless interpretations and unfounded judgments; appraise, criticize and issue verdicts without prior knowledge; fall for the swearing and tears of others without reason; and carelessly follow our ancestors. We must follow the knowledge of those who pursue decisive, religious principles with logic and insight.


Writing in Very Dark Topaz; Design in Very Dark Topaz, Ultra Very Dark Topaz, Lemon and Dark Bright Turquoise; Border in Ultra Very Dark Topaz


4.5” X 5.1”






(Outward and Inner)

72OriginalBookmark Zahir wa Batin Shop72 3


In Surah al-An’am (6:120), Allah, Al-Zahir wa Al-Batin (The Outward, The Manifest and The Inner, The Hidden), instructs us to not commit sins that are zahir wa batin (outward and inward), those that are seen by others and those that are done in private, alone, those that are done against others and those that are done against our own selves. If a sin is a sin, it doesn’t matter if it is done in public or private, it is still a sin. If the sin is done openly or secretly, it is still a sin. We can never hide our sins from Allah Subhanahu wa’tala.


Writing in Baby Blue; Design in Pale Yellow, Light Old Gold, Topaz and Baby Blue; Border in Baby Blue


5” X 3.6”




(Great Moral Character)

45OriginalBookmark Khuluqin Azimin Shop45


In Surah Al-Qalam (68:4), Allah, Al-Sami’ (The Hearing), after swearing by Al-Qalam (The Pen) and what is written and reassuring Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, that he is not insane, which the people called him, and will receive great, ever-lasting rewards, announces that indeed he is of khuluqin azimin (great moral character). He possesses marvelous nobilities of character, unrivalled purity and sincerity and indescribable patience, perseverance, steadfastness and forbearance. The Prophet called the people to worship and obey Allah, The All Mighty. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, has an inherently pure heart and should be the model upon which we build our own moral character.


Writing in Dark Violet; Design in Satin Gold, Green, Very Light Golden Olive, Medium Brown, Medium Copper and Dark Violet; Border in Medium Copper


3.9” X 9.8”




(The Wisdom)

125OriginalTapestry Al Hikma Shop125


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:269), Allah, Al-Hakim (The Wise), in this ayat tells us that it is He Who grants al-hikma (the wisdom) to whoever He wants. Al-hikma means “the sense of knowledge, the cognition of secrets, awareness of facts, and reaching to reality.” Then Al-Hakim says that whoever is granted al-hikma, they are certainly granted abundant good. Finally, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala reminds us that no one remembers except those who have understanding. Subhanallah! Regarding understanding in the translation: “The Arabic term /albab/ is the plural form of lubb in the sense of ‘heart, love, intellect, and understanding.’” Everyone who has wisdom are not “/ulul ‘albab/” (“those who have understanding”). This title is only for those people “of understanding who utilize their intellect definitely to find out the path of real happiness in their lives.” In a hadith, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, says hikma is “knowledge and becoming learned in religion.” (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 3, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Emerald Green; Design in Dark Lemon, Light Emerald Green, Medium Emerald Green, Mauve, Very Dark Mauve, Light Violet, Ultra Dark Lavender, Light Salmon, Very Dark Rose, Very Dark Melon, Tangerine, Light Peach, Light Orange Spice, Light Turquoise, Turquoise and Light Bright Turquoise; Border in Very Dark Melon


6.3” X 6.8”




(Make This City Secure)

Optimized 119OriginalTapestry Ijal hadha al Balada Aminan Shop119


In Surah Ibrahim (14:35), Allah, Al-Muhaymin (The Guardian, The Protector), in this ayat is reminding us of Prophet Ibrahim’s (peace and blessings be upon him) prayer. Prophet Ibrahim is asking Al-Muhaymin to “Ij’al hadha al-balada aminan" (make this city secure) – the city/town of Makkah – and to save him and his offspring from worshipping idols. It is the beginning ayat of several that relate the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon him) in this surah. He prayed for Makkah to be safe and secure. This is one of two times that he prayed for Makkah to be safe and secure. (See also The Holy Qur’an 2:126; and he also mentions Makkah in 14:37) “The Divine law has designated it [Makkah] as a safe and secure region,” although throughout history it has not always been a place of security and much torture has been inflicted there and much blood has been shed there. Although Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon him) was on the Straight Path, a Muslim obedient to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, this does not mean he is not afraid “of the dangers of deviation,” so of course he will appeal to Allah and seek His protection. (See also Tapestries #120, #121 and #122) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Violet, Medium Parrot Green and Medium Electric Blue; Design in Topaz, Medium Violet, Deep Red, Bright Orange-Red, Medium Parrot Green, Medium Electric Blue and Black; Border in Bright Orange-Red


5.4” X 9.3”




(Towards the Ease)

90OriginalTapestry Lil Yusra Shop90


In Surah al-Lail (92:5-7), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), informs us that those who a’ta (give) - in charity in the way of Allah and helping the needy – and have taqwa (fear of Allah, righteousness, piety) and believes in al-husna (the best), having faith in Divinely blessed rewards, Allah will ease them il-yusra (towards the ease). Al-HamdulillahYusra, from yusr, means “to saddle a horse and make it ready to ride on.” So it is used for any easy action. This easing lil-yusra may be the success given to us by Allah or making the path of obedience easy for us or paving the way to Paradise for us or the act of the angels relieving and greeting us – or all of these, inshallah. Those who piously give in charity and believe wholeheartedly in the Resurrection and the rewards from Al-Hadi will see their difficulties turned into ease and they will enjoy a calm demeanour, inshallah. People who believe and behave like this find it easy to face hardships and enjoyable to give in the way of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, even to the point of giving their lives in shahahdat (martyrdom).(see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Pistachio Green; Design in Medium Pistachio Green, Light Baby Blue, Light Salmon, White, Light Tawny, Light Topaz and Light Drab Brown; Border in Dark Pistachio Green


5.6” X 7.8”




(From Before Him and From Behind Him)

131OriginalTapestry Min Bayni wa Min Khalfi Shop131


In Surah al-Rad (13:11), Allah, Al-Hafiz (The Guardian), in this ayat, speaks about ‘the succession and consecutive arrival of the angels during [the] day and night.” They come from before us and from behind us. The angels guard and protect us from dangers, natural accidents and calamities and they also record our deeds. “Based upon the Islamic narrations in conformity with the Will of Allah, on various occasions, the protecting angels are allowed to abandon their role and allow some harm to come to man in accordance with Divine wisdom…As soon as the decisive Will of Allah arrives, the protecting angels abandon their protection mission and leave man to his doom and death which is certain to happen. Thus there are two sides to Allah’s commandments: those that are certain to happen and those that are not certain. The angels only save man from those accidents which are not certain to occur. It goes without saying that such a protection in fact does not relieve man of his duties and freedom of choice. The destinies of individuals and nations are always in their own hands. The protection of angels is not confined to that of the lives of men but it also involves their acts as well as their faith and thought against deviations and satanic temptations as the Qur’anic term /yahfazūnahū/ [who guard him] includes both the soul and the body. Imam Sajjad [Imam Zain al-Abideen] (as), alluding to this verse, said: 'The sins which alter blessings consist of: oppressing the people, ingratitude of Allah, abandoning of the good deeds which one is used to do.’ This holy verse deals with human societies and not with individuals one by one. That is, a decent righteous society is covered by Allah’s blessings, and a deviant one will get entangled with the Divine punishment. However, this formula does not adapt to the case of a righteous individual and an indecent one, for one may be righteous though he may, for divine trial or experimental purposes, get involved with difficulties; or one may be vicious though he may be momentarily left to himself for the respite given to him by Allah.” This ayat continues with a well-known sentence. Please look it up, inshallah. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 8, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Emerald Green; Design in Light Emerald Green, Medium Emerald Green, Dark Emerald Green, Bright Green, Chartreuse, Dark Melon, Light Coral and Coral; Border in Dark Emerald Green


15.4” X 5.4”




Optimized 116OriginalTapestry Our Life Shop116


 In Surah al-Lail (92:12-13), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), in these two ayats, tells us that He guides people to the Straight Way. But it is our choice whether to take that Path or not. Our Sustainer has no need of it nor does He need our obedience nor does our sinning harm Him. The Straight Way is beneficial to us. Surely, Allah is Al-Hadi. He has given us our fitrah (natural disposition), intellect, books, Messengers and Prophets and hadithsAl-Hamdulillah! Then Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala declares that the last and the first belong to Him. The last, the end is our life in the Hereafter and the first, the beginning is our life in this world. Since the Hereafter is our ultimate goal, Allah in His Wisdom has said it first to show its great importance to us. Al-Hadi is encouraging the believers that the Way is easy because He has taken it on Himself to guide us and show us the Way back to Him. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Electric Blue; Design in Medium Electric Blue, Cranberry, Dark Cranberry, Very Light Aquamarine and Blue; Border in Medium Electric Blue


5.3” X 6.4”




(Best of the Creatures)

Optimized 110OriginalTapestry Khayru al Bariyati Shop110


 In Surah al-Bayyinah (98:7), Allah, Al-Mu’min (The Granter of Faith and Security), in the previous ayats explains that the People of the Book and the polytheists were waiting for al-bayyinah (the clear evidence, the name of this surah) from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to be sent to them. “But when it came, they were dispersed.” They rejected al-bayyinah and rebelled. The worst of all the creatures, Allah says in the ayat before this one are the disbelievers from the People of the Book and the polytheists. And the best of the creatures are those who believe and do righteous deeds. Al-Hamdulillah! (See Tapestry #111, Tapestry #112, Tapestry #113 and Bookmark #93) (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Garnet; Design in Black, Light Tangerine, Garnet, Bright Red, Deep Canary and Bright Green; Border in Bright Red


5.5” X 8.9”




(Indeed, I am One of the Muslims)

103OriginalTapestry Innani Mina Al Muslimeena Shop103


 In Surah al-Fussilat (41:33), Allah, Al-Mu’min (The Inspirer of Faith, The Granter of Faith and Security), asks us who is better in speech than the one who invites to Allah, does righteous deeds and says, “Innani mina al-Muslimeena”? (“Indeed, I am one of the Muslims.”) The best of words is calling people to Allah, so the best people are the Messengers and Prophets of Allah, peace and blessings be upon them. They submit to Al-Mu’min totally. Plus, they call people to submit to Allah, guide them to Divine Guidance and happiness and show them the Straight Path of Divine Laws. The Messengers and Prophets of Allah also do what they say. Their deeds are always righteous. They announce that they are Muslims, that they submit themselves to Allah. This ayat is applicable to all those who work in the Path of Allah, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and propagate Islam, calling others to the belief in monotheism, the belief in Allah and His Way. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 16, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Light Wedgewood; Design in Bright Orange Red, Dark Pistachio Green, Light Wedgewood and Wedgewood; Border in Wedgewood


10.5” X 5.1”




(They Recognized the Truth)

87OriginalTapestry Arufu al Haqq Shop87


In Surah al-Maidah (5:83), Allah, Al-Shahid (The Witness), informs us, in the previous ayat, that surely those who are nearest in affection and love to those who believe are the people who say “We are Nasara” (Christians, from nasr (help)). The reason for this, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says, is because among them are qassisina (priests, chaplains, pastors, clergy) and ru’bana (people dedicated to worship, those who live a monastic life, monks and nuns) and that they are not yastakbiruna (arrogant, proud). In this ayat, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala continues by saying that when they listen to and hear what has been revealed to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his family (s.a.w), we see their eyes overflowing with the tears because they recognize Al-Haqq (the Truth). Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah)! When they hear the Truth from Al-Shahid, shedding tears of joy at being closer to the Truth of The Beloved, they say, “Our Lord! We believe so write us down with al-shahideen (the witnesses).” Those who follow the teachings of Prophet Isa, peace and blessings be upon him (a.s.) (Prophet Jesus (a.s.)) naturally would be merciful, kind, loving, humble, knowledgeable, truthful and just, as any true follower of a Messenger of Allah should be, and they recognize the Truth when they hear it because it is the same Truth of One Allah and the glad tidings of the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) that Prophet Isa (a.s.) gave them. The people who embrace Islam and Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w.) teachings and way of life are those who say “We believe in it. Verily, it is the Truth from our Lord. Indeed, even before it, we were Muslims.” (28:52-53). This is important to realize: People who followed or follow the true teachings of the former Prophets of Allah and believe in Allah our Creator, not deviating, were or are “Muslims” because Muslim means people who submit to Allah Subhanahu wa’tala and if they hear the Words of Allah The Most High in the Holy Qur’an they will embrace it, the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Islam. This is why when giving dawa (calling to Allah), the Words of the Holy Qur’an should be recited to the people. (See also Tapestry #60 - AL-DAM’I (The Tears))


Writing in Dark Lavender; Design in Light Wedgewood, Medium Green Grey, Ultra Light Avocado Green, Dark Lavender, Mauve, Medium Mauve; Border in Medium Mauve


6.2” X 13.9”





40OriginalTapestry Sima Shop40


In Surah Al-Fath (48:29), Allah, Al-Raheem (The Merciful), continues to present a depiction of Prophet Muhammad’s, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, companions and followers, including their outward and inward characteristics and also their thoughts, emotions and deeds by enumerating five attributes, three of which are presented here – ruku (bowing) and sajdah (prostration) in salat (prayer), seeking the bounty and pleasure of Allah and the sima (mark) on their faces from prostration. Worshipping Allah, Glory to Him, by performing salat reflects submission to the Divine Command and the negation of arrogance and false pride. It takes a true believer in Allah to bow and prostrate to their Lord five times every day of their life. Believers are not pretentious nor do they expect people to reward them. They are solely attentive toward Divine Satisfaction and Allah’s Bounty and often confess their faults and view their deeds as unworthy of Divine Rewards. Finally, the mark of prostration is seen on their faces due to the repetitiveness of placing the forehead on the Earth in submission to Allah’s Majesty. As well, the believers’ appearance is one of humbleness, light, peace, piety, rightness, lawfulness and justness, not only in their faces but also in their whole demeanour and life choices and practices. These exalted characteristics are a source of encouragement for friends, but enrage the disbelievers. (The other two characteristics are discussed in the previous tapestry – Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.)


Writing in Very Dark Violet and Light Emerald Green; Design in Medium Lavender and Light Emerald Green; Border in Medium Lavender


6.1” X 7.4”




(The Committed Believers, The God-Conscious)

56OriginalBookmark Al Mutaqina Shop56


In Surah al-Maidah (5:27), Allah, Al-Adl (The Just), earlier in this ayat (verse) relates the story of Prophet Adam’s, peace be upon him, sons, Habil (Abel) and Qabil (Cain), both of whom offered a sacrifice to their Creator, but their Lord only accepted Habil’s sacrifice. Habil offered his best lamb and Qabil offered the worst of his agricultural produce. A sacrifice must be something you love if you want to attain taqwa (consciousness of Allah, piousness). Allah only accepts from Al-Mutaqina (the God-Conscious, the Committed Believers), those who make sacrifices only to get closer to Allah, The Just. Thus, Habil was blessed because he was thankful and grateful to his Lord.


Writing in Very Dark Lavender; Design in Very Light Golden Olive; Border in Very Dark Lavender


6” X 4.2”




(The Most Kind, The Doer of Goodness)

55OriginalBookmark Al Barr Shop55


 In Surah al-Tur (52:28), Allah, Al-Barr (The Most Kind, the Doer of Goodness), informs us that the people of Paradise will say that they used to make duas (supplications) to and praise The Almighty, but now they truly perceive and feel the Reality of Allah’s Kindness, Mercy, Compassion and Generosity. It is in the Hereafter where Allah’s Most Beautiful Divine Names are manifested and the Bounties and Favours are bestowed upon the believers for their small deeds, despite their numerous mistakes and defects. Allah’s Justice, Wisdom and Omnipotence are witnessed in the Hellfire as well. Subhanallah! (Glory to Allah!)


Writing in Very Dark Pewter Grey; Design in Very Dark Salmon, Pewter Grey and White; Border in Very Dark Salmon


3.4” X 7.5”




(The Sustainer of This House)

83OriginalTapestry Al Rabba hadha al Bayti Shop83


In Surah Quraysh (106:3-4), Allah, Al-Rabba Hadha al-Bayti (The Sustainer of This House), in this short surah which is partnered with the previous Surah al-Fil, is speaking about the Quraysh, the tribe in Makkah who have enjoyed Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Blessings, saying, let them worship the Sustainer of the Holy Kabba, the Sustainer Who feeds them when they're hungry and gives them security when they’re afraid. Following Surah al-Fil, we see that Allah, The Most High, is saying that it is He Who protected them from Abraha and his elephants who was trying to destroy the Holy Kabba and overrun Makkah and the sacred land; it is Allah Who honoured them because they stayed near the Holy Kabba by making them prosperous in trade and literary endeavours due to the security of Makkah from invasions and His protection of their caravans during their summer and winter trading routes; it is Allah Who caused the people to honour the Quraysh due to His plan to bring His Final Messenger from there. So the Quraysh should have been grateful to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and they should have worshipped their Sustainer devoutly. This surah is an open admonition to the Quraysh and a warning from Allah, Al-Rabba Hadha al-Bayti.


Writing in Medium Electric Blue; Design in Cranberry, Medium Electric Blue and Dark Blue; Border in Dark Blue


5” X 6.8”




(Our Families)

56OriginalTapestry Ahlina Shop56 2


In Surah Ta Ha (20:132), Allah, Al-Matin (The Firm, The Steadfast, The Determined, The Ever-Constant), instructs us to enjoin salat (prayer) on our families and to is’tabir (be steadfast) on it. This steadfastness is from the same root as sabr (patience), which denotes endurance, constancy, fortitude, dutifulness, unwaveringness, steadiness, resolve, determination and loyalty. The word muramara is from the same root as amr (command, decree), which means ordering, instructing, establishing, mandating, prescribing, enacting. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala does not need our salat. Our worship does not increase our Sustainer in anything. We are being advised that since Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala created us to worship Him, salat is an action most pleasing to our Creator and Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will reward those who worship Him, inshallah (Allah Willing). We must also encourage others, especially the members of our household, to pray to The Most High and thank Him. Salat offers us a sanctuary, serenity of the mind and heart, blessings, hope, unity, courage, strengthening of our spirit and closeness to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. It increases our piety and helps to develop ourselves into faithful, pious, truthful and justice-seeking human beings.


Writing in Pumpkin; Design in Black, Pale Pumpkin, Pumpkin and Topaz; Border in Black and Pale Pumpkin


5.1” X 4.8”




(Like the Twinkling of an Eye)

87OriginalBookmark Kalamhin bil BasariShop87


In Surah al-Qamar (54:50), Allah, Al-Malik al-Mulk (The Master of the Kingdom), after warning us of severe chastisements that happened to previous peoples and reminding us that He created everything, explains clearly that His Amr (Command, Order) is one, like the twinkling of the eye. This means that Allah only makes a single command and it is well-measured, wise and fast. Whatever Allah wills, He only says, “Be,” and it is. This word “Be” is only used due to the restrictions of our language. It means that whatever Allah wills, it is. One single Command from Al-Malik al-Mulk makes everything realized, whether it is birth or death, success or failure, perfection or destruction, resurrection... Allah’s Amr is Decisive and Swift. It does not need any preparation and it takes place immediately. This ayat is a warning to all of us to obey the orders of Allah at all times, inshallah. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 17, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al- Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Plum; Design in Very Dark Rose and Ultra Dark Lavender; Border in Ultra Dark Lavender


4.4” X 4.4”





109OriginalTapestry Tharrah Shop109


In Surah al-Zilzal (99:6-8), Allah, Al-Shaheed (The Witness), at the beginning of this surah, is speaking about “that Day,” the Day “when the Earth will quake with a mighty quaking” – a zilzal (earthquake) - and this “world-shaking event” will cause everyone to be terrified. “That Day” is the Day when all the people will be resurrected from the graves. “That Day” is the Day when all of humanity will come forth in scattered groups with their Imams (see the Holy Qur’an 17:71) to be shown their deeds which they performed on Earth. “That Day” is the Day of Judgement. The Earth will reveal all the good and evil deeds that were performed on it. It will be a witness (shaheed) for and against humanity. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said, "Be careful of your ablution; and the best action of your deeds is prayer. Then, protect the earth, because she is your mother; and there is no one on her who does good or evil, but that she reports it." "Abu-Sa’id-Khudri has narrated that when they were in the desert they would call to prayer loudly, because he had heard from the Messenger of Allah (S) who said: ‘There is no jinn or human or stone that hears it, but does not bear witness to it (on the Day of Judgement).’” This ayat is about “the embodiment of deeds’ which on That Day men’s [people’s] deeds are incarnated in their forms and appear in front of every individual.” The word tharrah has been translated as: “‘a small ant’, ‘the dust that sticks on the hand when one puts it on the ground’; or particles of dust floating in the air that are seen when a beam of sunlight shines through an opening into a dark room.” Today it is used for “atom” and “atomic.” In any case, it means that we will see our deeds, good and evil, whether they are the weight of something as tiny as an atom or as large as the largest thing you can imagine. Allah’s account and His scales are so “extraordinarily proper and sensitive” and “so delicate and just that they count the smallest weight of” our actions. Inshallah, because we know our “deeds will be counted later, even those that are as small as a mustard seed, [we] will pay careful attention to…[our] actions today; and this is the best lesson to train…[us]. Furthermore, on the Day of Judgement one good action will be counted ten to seven hundred times as much for those that Allah wills, while one sin will be counted as only one for divine punishment; and Allah is forgiving.” (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Very Dark Blue Violet; Design in Light Green, Very Light Avocado Green, Light Avocado Green, Light Yellow Green, Very Light Topaz, Deep Canary, Medium Blue, Very Dark Blue Violet and Iris Violet; Border in Iris Violet


4.7” X 11.1”




(Read, Recite, Proclaim)

84OriginalTapestry Iqra Shop84


In Surah al-Alaq (96:1-2), Allah, Al-Khaliq wa Al-Kareem (The Creator and The Generous), declares for Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, to iqra (read) in the Name of our Sustainer, our Creator. These were the first two of the first five ayats revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala through Angel Jibreel. The word iqra also means recite and proclaim and it is a commandment to the Prophet to recite and proclaim the revelations of Al-Kareem. The word Qur’an comes from the same root as iqra. Al-Khaliq mentions what He created – the human being – and what we are created from – a clinging substance. Al-Alaq is often translated into English as “The Clot” or congealed blood, but it is more than that. It is a leech-like substance that clings. The literal meaning is “to adhere to something.” What is amazing is that our beginnings are in this form – from the egg and the sperm, we become a small clinging sticking clot in the uterus of our mother, stuck and adhered to the side of her womb, suspended there, like a leech that sucks blood. At the beginning, our nutrition comes through the wall of her uterus. This is a miracle because not only does Al-Khaliq create us from these tiny beginnings, but no one knew the science behind this creation at that time and for many centuries afterwards. No one knew these steps and what we are like in the womb of our mothers in the beginning stages. Al-Hamdulillah Rabbil Alameen!


Writing in Light Blue; Design in Pale Yellow, Tangerine,Very Dark Salmon, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Very Light Avocado Green, Medium Avocado Green and Very Dark Avocado Green; Border in Dark Blue


6.5” X 6.5”




(A Gentle Word)

75OriginalBookmark Qawlan Layyinan Shop75 2


In Surah Ta Ha (20:44), Allah, Al-Khaliq (The Creator), informs Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, to go with his brother Prophet Harun, peace be upon him, to Fir’aun (Pharoah) and speak to him qawlan layyinan (a gentle word). This gentle word is the first step in enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong, even with tyrants and oppressors. That is because we must never despair of the guidance of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for anyone. Perhaps Fir’aun may be admonished or fear Al-Khaliq and change his beliefs and actions.


Writing in Dark Lavender; Design in Dark Lavender, Blue Green and Very Dark Straw; Border in Very Dark Straw


4.7” X 4.5”




89OriginalBookmark QurayshShop89


In Surah Quraysh (106:3-4), Allah, Al-Muhaymin (The Guardian), in these last two ayats of the surah, tells us that the Quraysh should worship the Sustainer of the House, the Ka’aba, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, Who is the One Who feeds them and gives them security from fear. In the previous two ayats, Allah speaks of uniting the Quraysh and maintaining and protecting their winter and summer trade caravans to Yemen and Syria, respectively. Because the Quraysh loved Allah, the Ka’aba and the sacred land of Makkah, they were sustained and protected there and received dignity, honour and security amongst the people. All of these are tremendous blessings which Al-Muhaymin has given the Quraysh, the Arabian tribe to which Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, belonged. However, it is important to remember that the Quraysh after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, announced his Prophethood became the fiercest enemies of Islam, specifically amongst the Ummayad and the Abbasid clans which continued for centuries. These ayats are a warning to them and to us not to take for granted our Sustainer’s calling us to Islam, His Mercy and Protection and instead we should be grateful for the ample blessings we receive from Him and seek His forgiveness for our sins. Surah Quraysh should be combined with Surah al-Fil when being read and recited. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al- Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Violet; Design in Black, Deep Canary, Bright Canary, Very Dark Violet, Medium Violet and Chartreuse; Border in Violet


7.4” X 4.1”




(Spread, Lavished, Showered His Bounties Upon You)

82OriginalBookmark AsbaghaAlaykumNiamahu Shop82 2


In Surah Luqman (31:20), Allah, Al-Wahhab (The Generous Bestower, The Great Giver, The Giver of Gifts), asks if we can see that He has subjected and made subservient everything that is the Heavens and the Earth for us and to benefit us. These include whatever we use with our own will, things we have mastery and control over, such as animals, and things that we do not control, such as the sun and the moon. Plus Al-Wahhab has asbagha alaykum ni’amahu (spread, lavished and showered His bounties upon you) – the outward and apparent and the inward and hidden ones. The outward bounties include sustenance, health and beauty and the inward bounties include faith, certainty, knowledge and good character, among many other blessings. We should be forever grateful and thankful for all these blessings which we have been given. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to keep us away from shirk (polytheism) and denial of His Oneness. We ask Allah to help us hold fast to Him, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family), the Holy Qur’an and knowledge of Islam for it is only through these ways that we can be guided on the Straight Path. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 14, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Dark Parrot Green; Design in Medium Parrot Green, Dark Parrot Green, Delft Dark Blue, Medium Yellow, White, Very Dark Salmon, Coral and Pewter Gray; Border in Medium Parrot Green


4” X 4”




(Purification, Remembrance and Prayer)

Optimized 117OriginalTapestry Tazkiyah Dhikr wa Salat Shop117


In Surah al-A’la (87:14-15), Allah, Al-Zahir (The Manifest, The Evident), in these two ayats, explains the salvation of the believers and the causes of this success. They are three: purification, the remembrance of the Name of Allah and salat (prayers). The believers must purify their soul, “the most important purification.” We must purify our heart by doing righteous deeds, inshallah. We must also purify ourselves by giving the Zakat al-Fitr before the Eid prayers after Ramadhan. Believers must remember the Name of Allah and Al-Zahir mentions this before salat because we must remember Allah before we make salat. Salat is worthy when we do it solely for Allah in His Name and Remembrance. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Ultra Dark Lavender and Chartreuse; Design in Ultra Dark Lavender, Medium Baby Blue, Very Dark Coral Red, Medium Red, Geranium, Light Tangerine, Chartreuse, Black and White; Border in Ultra Dark Lavender


4.1” X 9.6”



AL-FALAQ WA AL-NAS (The Daybreak and The People)

106OriginalTapestry Al Falaq wa al Nas Shop106


In Surah al-Falaq and Surah al-Nas (113:1 and 114:1-3), Allah, Al-Rabb (The Sustainer), instructs us how to ask for His protection and refuge. He is the Sustainer of the daybreak and the Sustainer, King and God of the people. The surahs continue to explain what we are seeking protection and refuge from, including the evil of what is created, the evil of darkness, the evil of those who blow on knots, the evil of the envier and the evil whisperers from the jinn and the people. Falaq comes from falq which means “to split, to separate some from others, daybreak…Since at the time of the appearance of daylight the black curtain of night breaks open, this word is used with the meaning of 'daybreak.'” It also means “the creation of all living creatures…because they come forth from splitting seeds, eggs, and the like, which is the most surprising stage of their existence. In fact, when it comes forth, a great change happens in that being and it transfers from one world to another.” Others say its meaning covers any creation…because it is by the creation of every being that the curtain of nothingness breaks and the light of existence appears.” Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala does not create evil. “Evil appears where the creatures diverge from the laws of creation and separate from the appointed path; for example, the sting (of insects) or the keen teeth of animals are their weapons to defend themselves against their enemies, and the same is true for the weapon we use against our enemies. If this weapon be used appropriately it is 'good', but if it be used inappropriately and against friends it is ‘evil.’ Besides, there are many things that we, from their appearance, count as ‘evil.’ but they are, indeed, ‘good’ like startling and warning events or infestations of pests, which awaken Man from the sleep of neglect and move him to seek the path of Allah and they are certainly not ‘evil.’” Qasiq comes from qasaq which means “the intense darkness of the night which appears at midnight…The darkness of the night becomes full when it rushes into the midnight. One of the concepts that is essential for this meaning is ‘attack or rush.’ So “qasiq, in the verse under discussion, means either ‘attacker’ or any ‘evil creature’ that uses the cover of the darkness of the night to attack, because not only the wild and biting animals come out of their dens at night and cause damage, but also filthy, defiled persons often misuse the darkness of the night for their wicked aims.” Waqab comes from waqb “which means ‘hole, ditch,’, so, its verb with the meaning of ‘to enter into a hole’ has been used; or, it means ‘to overspread.’” Naffathat comes from naffth which means ‘“to emit a little water out of the mouth’ and since it’s done by blowing, the term has been applied with the meaning of ‘to blow.” Commentators interpret naffathat “with the meaning of ‘witches’ who blow on knots with a kind of incantation by which they practice sorcery.” “Envy is a hideous, evil quality which comes forth due to different factors, such as, weakness in faith, the existence of miserliness in the unity of a person, and which demands or wishes the destruction of another person’s blessing. Envy is the origin of many great sins.” “…Three attributes of the magnificent attributes of Allah: Lordship, Ownership, and Divinity, are emphasized” in Surah al-Nas. They are all concerned with the training of people. “The objective of ‘taking refuge with Allah’ is not that a person says this phrase merely with his tongue, but he should accomplish it with his thoughts, faith, and actions. He should avoid devilish routes, devilish programs, devilish minds and communications, and devilish societies and meetings; and travel the divine paths; otherwise, the person who follows those devilish ways and lets himself fall into the hands of those temptations cannot be safe by only reciting this Surah.” For information about the evil whisperers from the jinn and the humans, see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, Surah al-Nas. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from and


Writing in Light Bright Turquoise; Design in Kelly Green, Bright Orange Red, Dark Lemon and Light Bright Turquoise; Border in Dark Lemon


13.7” X 4.6”




(Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong)

83OriginalBookmark Amrbilmarufwanahianilmunkar Shop83 1


In Surah ale Imran (3:104), Allah, Al-Barr (The Most Kind, The Doer of Goodness), advises us that there should be an Ummah (community) among the people who invite to what is good and enjoin the right and forbid what is wrong. They are al-muf’lihuna (the successful people). Al-Barr has placed this ayat between verses calling for unity and singleness, perhaps because in a social system that is not united there is no authority that calls for what is good and enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong and/or those calls are not effective. This amr bil maruf wa nahi anil munkar (enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong) can be performed in two ways: 1) as a public common duty in which everyone participates as much as they can and 2) as a specific group of people with authority who do it. It is important to always invite to what is good before enjoining the right and enjoining the right comes before forbidding the wrong. The people who truly care about and try to develop and improve the society are the successful ones. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 3, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Medium Golden Brown; Design in Medium Coral and Light Tan; Border in Medium Coral


2.9” X 5.5”



AL-HAKIM (The Wise)

73OriginalBookmark Al Hakim Shop73 3


In Surah al-Tin  (95:8), Allah, Al-Adl wa Al-Hakim (The Just and The Wise), after swearing by the fig and the olive, the Mount of Sinin and the city of security, tells us that indeed human beings were created in the best of moulds and are honoured. So those who believe in Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and the Judgement Day and do righteous deeds will receive unending rewards. Then the question is asked, “Isn’t Allah the Most Wise and Most Just of the judges?” Our creation is full of Wisdom and Knowledge and Justice, Al-Hamdulillah.


Writing in Medium Nile Green; Design in Medium Nile Green, Medium Emerald Green and Very Light Beige Brown; Border in Medium Nile Green


4.3” X 6.6”



LAN TABURA (Never Perish)

54OriginalBookmark Lan Tabura Shop54


In Surah al-Fatir  (35:29), Allah, Al-Ra’uf (The Kind Giver, The Affectionate), tells us that recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Allah’s Divine Book, with contemplation and action, making salat (prayer) and spending all go together. When we read Allah’s Divine Book, we realize we must act. So we worship our Sustainer through salat and we give to others, whether it is material items, wealth or knowledge. Sometimes we spend openly and at other times secretly. So, too, do we recite the Holy Qur’an and worship Allah, our Lord.

All of these create hope for us, hope that our Lord will accept our good deeds and reward us. We hope that our hearts, full of awe and fear of Allah’s Greatness, our tongues, which recite the Words of Allah, Glory be to Him, our bodies, which perform salat, and our unselfishness, in generously giving, will be accepted by our Creator. People who do these righteous deeds do not look for any reward in this world, but turn their hope to the Hereafter where Al-Ra’uf has promised a great reward for us, a reward that will never be destroyed nor perish (lan tabura). It is, thus, like a trade in which there is a tremendous wage and even profit for the believers. We trade or sell our good deeds to Allah, The Most Merciful, and send them ahead of us to the Hereafter and hope that they will be multiplied there. And so we are anxious to meet our good deeds and the servants and believers of The Affectionate in Paradise where we will rest peacefully and happily forever. [This bookmark was time-consuming, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Cranberry; Design in Rose, Dark Cranberry, Lemon and Green; Border in Cranberry


3.6” X 8.1”



FAZADATHUM IMANAN (Then It Has Increased Them In Faith)

95OriginalTapestry Fazadathum Imanan Shop95


In Surah al-Tawbah (9:124), Allah, Al-Basit (The Unfolder, The Expander, The Releaser and Reliever, The One Who Grants Increase), tells us at the beginning of this ayat, that whenever a surah of the Holy Qur’an is revealed, those who disbelieve, especially the munafiqun (hypocrites), ask each other mockingly if their faith was increased because of the surah’s revelation. They did this to insult and make fun of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and the Muslims. Allah tells us that whenever a surah of the Holy Qur’an is revealed, it increases the faith of those who believe. This increase of faith makes the believers rejoice. But the disbelievers and the hypocrites’ faith was indeed decreased as they behaved with more and more hatefulness, bigotry and obstinacy whenever the Allah’s revelations were revealed.


Writing in Black; Design in Black and Light Wedgewood; Border in Grey


5” X 6.4”



FAHADDITH (Proclaim, Announce, Narrate)

88OriginalTapestry Fahaddith Shop88


In Surah al-Duha (93:11), Allah, Al-Muqit wa Al-Razzaq (The Nourisher and The Provider and Sustainer), speaks to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and to all of us, about the blessings and loving care He has given him: giving him shelter when he was an orphan, guiding him when he was lost, making him self-sufficient when he was in need. Then Al-Muqit wa Al-Razzaq instructs the Prophet and all of us also to help the orphans by not oppressing them and treating them harshly and the ones who ask by not repelling and repulsing them. In this last ayat of the surah, Allah instructs Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and indeed all of us, to fahaddith (proclaim, announce, narrate) the blessings and favours of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. We are to announce and relate the bounties of our Sustainer through statements of gratitude and thankfulness, not in a prideful, haughty and boastful manner. And we should also relate the bounties of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala through sharing in charity, donations and spending in His Way. When a blessing from Allah is given to you, proclaim it and thank Him and give from the bounty in the Way of Allah. We must not be like the misers and greedy and stingy people who are never happy even when they receive Allah’s blessings and hide the favours and pretend they are impoverished. The ayat also means as the bounties of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to be Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and the Holy Qur’an, which includes the blessings we have received of the knowledge of Al-Muqit wa Al-Razzaq through our Prophet and the Holy Book of Allah which we should also narrate and proclaim,inshallah.


Writing in Turquoise; Design in Turquoise, Dark Cranberry, Blue Green, Very Dark Coral Red, Medium Lavender, Medium Yellow and Black; Border in Dark Cranberry


5.2” X 5.2”



TADHKIRAH (Reminder)

76OriginalTapestry Tadhkirah Shop76


In Surah al-Muzzammil (73:19), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), reveals to us that the Holy Qur’an is a tadhkirah (Reminder). This word has the same root as dhikr (remember, remembrance, reminder) and also has the idea of taking heed, a warning and admonition within its meaning. When we dhikr, we recite Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Holy Names and phrases as a form of ibadah (worship) to remember Him and to remind ourselves the Presence of our Sustainer at all times. Likewise, when we read and recite the Holy Qur’an, we are reminded of our duty towards our Creator and our heart, mind and soul are brought into remembrance of Al-Hadi. The tadhkirah may also mean the reminder of the doom of the unbelievers which are reiterated in the previous ayats of this surah. These warnings include “shackles and fetters, burning Fire, rough, choking and deadly food, and different kinds of torments… the price of wrong doing, arrogance, neglect, and disobedience to God Almighty.” As well, since the beginning and end of this surah speak about salat al-lail (prayers in the night), this tadhkirah may be a reminder that a significant and special sabil (way, path) leading to Allah is performance of nightly prayers. Although Al-Hadi reinforces that salat al-lail is extremely beneficial, it is not obligatory on us and we have a choice in performing salat al-lail, how much, how long and how often. Plus they must be done sincerely and humbly with complete devotion and we must not feel or act arrogantly about the extra effort exerted in worshiping during the night. In this next to the last ayat in this surah, the encouragement is given to us to make the right choice and take the sabil to our Rabb (Sustainer), from Whom we came and to Whom we will return. Our foremost obligations are establishing salat, paying zakatkhums and giving charity, asking Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for forgiveness and reciting the Holy Qur’an, “a perfect plan of self purification and spiritual growth.” (An Enlightening Commentary upon the Light of the Holy Qur’an). If we are sincere and committed and heed the tadhkirahAl-Hadi will guide us to the sabil and guide us on the Sirat al-Mustaqeem (Straight Path) so that we may find everlasting happiness and peace, inshallah.


Writing in Light Avocado Green; Design in Peach, Dark Carnation and Light Avocado Green; Border in Dark Carnation


5.2” X 5.4”



TAQWA (Consciousness of Allah, Piety)

10Original–Tapestry Taqwa Shop10 (2)


In Surah al-Hashr (59:18), Allah, Al-Jami’ (The Gatherer), advises us to observe our duty to our Lord. We must be conscious of Allah at all times and be careful and cautious in our worship and behaviour. By doing good deeds and refraining from sinful ones, we develop taqwa (consciousness of Allah, piety) and become closer to Allah, the Most High. Our Lord will gather everyone on the Day of Judgement to account for our worship, thoughts, intentions and deeds and is Allah is Well-Aware of what we do.


Writing in Black; Design in Peach, Light Yellow Green, Light Turquoise, Turquoise and Black; Border in Peach


4.3” X 6.3”



ASLAHA (Reforms)

57Original Bookmark Aslaha Shop57


In Surah al-An’am (6:54), Allah,  Al-Ghafur (The Forgiver and Hider of Faults), tells us that whoever does evil out of ignorance and then repents and reforms (aslaha) their ways, their Lord is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. It is clear that simply repenting and asking for forgiveness is not enough. We must correct ourselves, make amends, reform our character and not return to nor continue to commit bad actions.


Writing in Medium Tangerine; Design in Turquoise, Medium Tangerine and Nile Green; Border in Turquoise


3.1" X 10.1"



MAULANA (Our Protector, Our Guardian)

97OriginalTapestry Maulana Shop97


In Surah al-Tawbah (9:51), Allah, Al-Mawla (The Protector, the Guardian), tells us that if good befalls the believers, it distresses the unbelievers. And if a calamity befalls the believers, the unbelievers rejoice. Our Protector instructs us to say, “Nothing will befall us except what Allah has decreed for us. He is Mawlana (Our Protector, Our Guardian) and in Allah let the believers put their trust.” This is because our Mawla will never prescribe something that is not good for His servant. We live within and under Allah’s Mastership. Therefore, we must live alongside Allah’s Divine Laws, put our trust in Him and rely on Him Alone, and leave our destiny in His Loving Hands.


Writing in Medium Beige Brown and Light Copper; Design in Medium Beige Brown, Light Copper and Light Autumn Gold; Border in Light Copper


4.9” X 6.3”



NASRA ALLAH (Help of Allah)

96OriginalTapestry NasraAllah Shop96


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:214), Allah, Al-Naseer (The Helper), asks us if we think we will attain Paradise when we have not been touched with adversity and hardship like those who came before us. Their difficulties were so hard and they were shaken up so much that the Messenger of Allah and the believers asked, “When will the Nasra Allah come?” Allah The Most High tells us that His Help is near without a doubt. It is said that the revelation of this ayat came at the Battle of Ahzab (Confederates) when the Muslims were surrounded by the enemy and became impatient and afraid. It is also said that the revelation of this ayat came after the Muslims were defeated in the Battle of Uhud when Abdullah ibn Ubayy asked the Muslims how long they were going to keep on giving their lives. He said if the Prophet were truly a Prophet he would not let his followers be captured or killed. Astagfir Allah. This ayat shows us that it is not a mere profession of faith that will get us to Paradise, but a true willingness to sacrifice for the sake of Allah is what is required. It is not the case that we will be free of hardships. But if we are patient and persevere with devotion, then the Nasra Allah will come, inshallah. We too must plead to Al-Naseer and remember His Help is always near. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 2, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Cranberry Pink and Medium Pistachio; Design in Medium Pistachio, Rose and Cranberry; Border in Cranberry


5.6” X 5.2”



ALLAHU GHAFURAN RAHIMUN (Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful)

94OriginalTapestry Allahu Ghafurun Rahimun Shop94


In Surah al-Nur (24:22), Allah, Al-Rahim (The Most Merciful), asks us if we do not like that Allah should forgive us? The question is asked because some of the wealthy Muslims did not want to give to the near of kin, the needy and muhajireen (immigrants) because they had been deceived and became involved in speaking about and spreading the mushriks’ (hypocrites’) ifk (lie, rumour and slander) of an unchaste and indecent act (adultery) against an innocent Muslimah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. (The narration of the grievous ifk is in the previous ayats of this surah. It was so grievous because it slandered a chaste Muslimah and was also meant to destroy the decency and reputation of her and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, as well.) But Al-Rahim tells them that they should continue to help them and not swear against them nor abandon and ostracize them more than they deserve. They must not exceed the limits in punishment. Rather they should forgive the people, overlook and ignore their past errors and be lenient with them. We must not forget to forgive others. And Allahu Ghafurun Rahimun (Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful). So essentially it is an order from Allah because since He forgives the people, they too must forgive them and continue to help them. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 11, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from and Allamah Tabatabai’s Tafsir Al-Mizan, Surah 24 – An-Nur, Verses 11-26, Accessed from


Writing in Coral; Design in Coral and Medium Baby Blue; Border in Baby Blue


4.5” X 6.7”



ITTAQU ALLAH (Be Conscious of Allah)

86OriginalTapestry Ittaqu Allah Shop86


In Surah Ale Imran (3:200), Allah, Al-Hasib (The Reckoner and Rewarder), in this last ayat of the surah, tells us to be patient and patiently persevere and unite in readiness and ittaqu Allah (be conscious of Allah) so that we may be successful. This ayat tells us how to persevere when faced with difficulties. First, be patient when facing personal adversities, desires and temptations. Second, compete in more patient perseverance and endurance against the enemy’s pressure. Third, unite and be ready to guard the boundaries against physical, ideological, economical, theological, psychological, intellectual, spiritual attacks and invasions. The word used here is rabat which literally means to tie. It’s been translated as unite in readiness, meaning unite to guard against, tie yourselves, your hearts, minds, souls to Allah, Al-Hasib. It also means relationship, related and communicator in the sense of being tied together, linked together, communicating together, inshallah. And when we do these, inshallah, we will be successful. (From An Enlightening Commentary upon the Light of the Holy Qur’an @


Writing in Dark Coffee Brown and Medium Yellow Green; Design in Light Coral, Coral, Peach,Medium Yellow Green, Hunter Green and Very Dark Coffee Brown; Border in Medium Yellow Green and Hunter Green


7.3” X 7”




85OriginalTapestry Alladina Yunfiquna Amwalahum Shop85


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:262), Allah, Al-Wasi (The All-Encompassing, The Omnipresent), says alladina yunfiquna amwalahum (those who spend their wealth) in His Way without following it with reproach and harm, their reward is near their Sustainer and they will not fear nor grieve. In the previous ayat, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala speaks about giving in His Way and how He may multiply it 700 times. In this ayatAl-Wasi is talking about spending in His Way and then not behaving and speaking afterwards using mean words, haughty looks, bragging, insults, reminders of what you’ve done for the person, harming their honour and dignity. (See also Bookmark #74 – Qawlan Mar’ufun (A Kind Word))


Writing in Dark Delft Blue; Design in Light Yellow Green, Hunter Green, Ultra Very Light Dusty Rose, Dark Dusty Rose, Very Light Topaz, Topaz, Pale Delft Blue, Medium Delft Blue, Dark Delft Blue and Light Brown; Border in Dark Delft Blue


4.6” X 12.7”



IKH'TILAFU (Diversity)

73OriginalTapestry Ikhtilafu Shop73


In Surah al-Rum (30:22), Allah, Al-Khaliq (The Creator, The Maker), draws our attention to the fact that among the numerous ayats (signs) of His is the creation of al-Samawat wa al-Ardh (the Heavens and the Earth) and ikh’tilafu (the diversity) of alsinatikum wa alwanikum (your languages and your colours). While we know much about the Heavens, the universe, the galaxies, there is still much that we do not know still. The same is true of the Earth and what it contains and what lives on and in it. Subhanallah! The diversity, the variety, the differing languages and colours of people in the world is a great ayat of Al-Khaliq. Without people having such diversity, it would be impossible to differentiate each other. It is through the differences in how we speak and how we look that we are able to know one another. Each person speaks with a different voice and a different tone than every other person. We can often recognize a person just from their voice alone. As well, people speak different languages and through the languages we can know more about them, where they originated from, where their ancestors came from in the world. Each person has a different face than every other person (except perhaps identical twins) and it is through the face that we are able to recognize each other. People have identifying colours, such as hair and eye colour, as well. People’s skin colours are also diverse and we can recognize people by their skin colour. Groups of people have similar colours so that we can know where they originated from, which country, which part of the world they or their ancestors were born in. This diversity of people’s languages and colours is indeed a magnificent sign of Allah’s Greatness and Power. Allahu Akbar!


Writing in Light Pistachio Green; Design in Light Lavender, Very Dark Lavender, Light Orange Spice, Topaz, Medium Blue, Sky Blue, Rose, Medium Copper, Very Light Blue, Very Light Topaz and Light Pistachio Green; Border in Very Light Pistachio Green


6.3” X 8.4”



YUQA (Is Saved and Protected)

72OriginalTapestry Yuqa Shop72


In Surah al-Hashr (59:9), Allah, Al-Muhaymin (The Guardian, The Protector), is telling us about the muhajireen (the Muslims who migrated on the hijrah to Medina from Makkah due to the persecution of the Quraysh) and the ansar (the Muslims who had accepted Islam wholeheartedly, awaited the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and took the muhajireen into their homes and helped them) of Medina. The ansar certainly were loving and hospitable and generously spent their resources and money, even though they were impoverished themselves, to assist the Muslims who came with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) to Medina because they preferred to help the muhajireen before themselves. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala tells us that whoever yuqa (is saved and protected) from unselfishness and is not stingy, misery and greedy, whoever cleanses their nafs (their soul) from those negative traits, they are the successful ones. The word yuqa comes from taqwa which is usually translated as “fear” of Allah The Most High, piety, righteousness. But it also means guard, safety and protection. Taqwa is often now translated as Allah-Consciousness and whoever is Conscious of Allah and lives with Allah in their heart, mind and soul is certainly saved and protected and negative traits within them will be wiped and cleansed away with Allah’s Help.


Writing in Burnt Orange; Design in Ultra Dark Coffee Brown, Light Old Gold, Medium Tangerine, Burnt Orange and Pumpkin; Border in Ultra Dark Coffee Brown


4.7” X 5.75”



SABARTUM (You Patiently Endured)

68OriginalTapestry Sabartum Shop68


In Surah al-Rad (13:24), Allah, Al-Sabur (The Patient, The Forbearing), in the previous ayats, tells us about the characteristics of the believers and the great reward we will receive in the Hereafter. When the believers enter Paradise, the angels will say to them, “Salamun ‘alaykum (Peace be upon you) for what sabartum (you patiently endured). Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq (a.s.) has told us that he is among those who keep their patience, but the followers of Prophet Muhammad and the Ahlul Bayt are more patient than those. This is because the Prophets and Imams know so much and are patient, while the believers know so much less and are still patient. Subhanallah! Patience comes only from Al-Sabur (see Surah al-Nahl 16:127) and is the key to Paradise. This patience is for the good times and the hard times. It for dealing with calamities, maintaining worship and religious duties and staying away from sin. Those who are patient are also grateful and thankful to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for whatever good or distress they receive (see Surah Ibrahim 14:5). Imam Husayn (a.s.), in his will to his son Imam Zain al-Abideen (a.s.), said, “O my son! Be patient with the Truth even if it is bitter.” Just like Prophet Ibrahim’s (a.s.) patience in submitting to and obeying Allah’s Commands to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail (a.s.) and the patience with the difficulty it involved, we too must patiently endure during the ups and downs of life, inshallah. Patience is the characteristic of the believers that will be rewarded without taking an account, an amount without measurement (see Surah al-Zumar 39:10).


Writing in Black, Dark Lavender and Light Coral; Design in Black, Dark Lavender and Light Coral; Border in Dark Lavender


5.1” X 7.6”



AL-GHAFIR (The Perfectly Forgiving)

61OriginalTapestry Al Ghafir Shop61 2


In Surah al-A’raf  (7:155), Allah, Al-Ghafir (The One Who Protects us from sinning, The Perfectly Forgiving, The One Who Veils our faults, The Pardoner), in the story of Prophet Musa (a.s.) (Prophet Moses (a.s.), tells us, in the previous ayat (verse), that after receiving the Shari’ah (laws) from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala on Mount Tur and coming down to find the people engaging in idol worshipping with a golden calf, he took up the al-alwaha (tablets), the inscription of which is Guidance and Mercy for those who are yarhabuna (fearful) of their Lord. In this ayat, Prophet Musa (a.s.) chose 70 men for Allah’s Appointment to repent to their Lord for what they had done, but they asked to see Allah The Most High, so an earthquake came by the Will of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and killed everyone. Prophet Musa (a.s.) asked his Sustainer if everyone would be destroyed because of what the fools had done. Prophet Musa (a.s.) said that Allah The Most High let some go astray and guided some. Then he supplicated his Sustainer, saying: “You are our Guardian so forgive us and have Mercy on us and You are Al-Ghafir (The Best of Forgivers).” It is said that Allah restored the dead to life and they gave witness about what had occurred. [The sheer size of this bookmark results in the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Coral; Design in Black, Very Light Blue, Dark Blue, Light Wedgewood, Dark Antique Violet, Light Lavender, Dark Coral, Medium Red, Cranberry, Ultra Light Avocado Green, Medium Emerald Green, Dark Emerald Green, Pumpkin and Light Autumn Gold; Border in Dark Cranberry


6.9” X 13.7”



QU (Protect, Preserve)

58OriginalTapestry Qu Shop58 2


In Surah al-Tahrim (66:6), Allah, Al-Waali (The Sole Governor, The Protective Ruler, The Friendly Master), addresses those who believe to protect and preserve ourselves and our families from Hell. The word qu, meaning to protect, preserve, defend, keep, is from the same root as taqwa, meaning Allah-Consciousness, piety, righteousness. The description of Hell in this ayat (verse) is a fire that is fueled by people and stones, unlike any fire on Earth, guarded over by stern and severe Angels who do not disobey what Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala commands and do whatever He orders them to do. These Angels are stern against the disbelievers upon whom they show no mercy and their structure is severe, powerful, strong and frightening. No amount of crying and pleading will help people there. May Allah The Most Merciful have Mercy on us. We know that to keep ourselves from Hell, we must believe in Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, be Allah-conscious, obey His commands, worship Him sincerely, do righteous deeds and forbid sinful ones. We must educate our families, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong and set up Allah-conscious households full of worship and love of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and each other, endeavour to help each other fight against our lower nafs (ego), engage in other forms of ibadah (worship) such as salat (prayer), zakat (alms-giving) and fasting, help the needy and grow spiritually and piously, always remember our Sustainer and ask forgiveness for our mistakes and sins. This is an obligation we are duty-bound to obey because we are guardians of our families.


Writing in Very Dark Peacock Blue; Design in Black, Light Baby Blue, Peacock Blue, Very Dark Peacock Blue, Salmon and Medium Topaz; Border in Peacock Blue


4.9” X 14.9”



AD'U RABBI (I Supplicate My Sustainer)

57OriginalTapestry Adu Rabbi Shop57 2


In Surah Maryam, Allah, Al-Samad (The Eternal, The Everlasting, The Satisfier of Every Need), tells us the story of Prophet Ibrahim’s (a.s.) (Prophet Abraham (a.s.)) talk with his uncle Azar. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) tried to call his uncle to the worship of Allah rather than idols which cannot hear or see nor benefit anything or anyone, but he was met with anger and threats of death and was told to leave and go elsewhere. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) answered his uncle with peace and said he would ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for forgiveness for him. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) said he would leave him and what his uncle Azar invokes instead of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) separated himself from unbelievers, the first step needed to obey Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. We, too, must separate ourselves from infidelity, false deities and corruption before we can join The Truth. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) then said, "I will ad’u Rabbi (supplicate my Sustainer) and hopefully I will not be disappointed or unblessed bi’duai (in supplication) to The Creator of the Worlds." This supplication, invocation and call to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala is the word dua, which we pray daily and repeatedly, Al-Hamdulillah (Allah Praise Belongs to Allah).


Writing in Medium Delft Blue; Design in Black, Dark Delft Blue and Topaz; Border in Medium Delft Blue


5.5” X 7.3”




LIBAS (Clothing)

55OriginalTapestry Libas Shop55 2


In Surah al-A’raf (7:26), Allah, Al-Jamil (The Most Beautiful, The Source of All Beauty), addresses all of us, the children of Prophet Adam (a.s.) and Lady Hawwa (a.s.), saying The Most Merciful has sent down to us libas (clothing, raiment) to cover ourselves so we won’t be shy and ashamed of our nakedness, to cover our vices and sins, protect us from heat, cold, the weather and personal and social dangers, hide our beauty and as a rish (adornment). The first use of clothing is essential and a necessity, but the second is complimentary. The use of clothing can make our stature and personality seem more beautiful and splendorous than it really is. Ever since Prophet Adam (a.s.) and Lady Hawwa (a.s.) came to Earth, people have worn clothing. However, it has transformed into a type of luxury and has expanded corruption, excitation of lusts, arrogance, gaudiness, flashiness, extravagance and wastefulness. The fashion industry wastes not only our wealth, but also a great deal of time and energy, whether people are designing, making, modelling, selling, buying or wearing. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala tells us that the clothing of Allah-Consciousness, of piety and righteousness, is the best. It protects our soul and makes it beautiful, inshallah (Allah Willing). Both of these types of raiments are ayats (signs) of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala so that we will remember the Divine Bounties we’ve been blessed with. [This bookmark was more time-consuming, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Turquoise; Design in Light Turquoise, Turquoise, Dark Turquoise and Light Shell Pink; Border in Dark Turquoise


4.9” X 6.4”





90OriginalBookmark Ishatin RadiyatinShop90


In Surah al-Qari’ah (101:6-7), Allah, Al-Hasib (The Reckoner and Rewarder) tells us that on the Day of the Striking Calamity, Al-Qari’ah, after warning us of the alarming and unimaginable events of the Day, we will be divided into two distinct groups: those with heavy mawazin (scales; singular –mizan) and those with light mawazin. Our record of deeds done in this life will be weighed or it may be that our deeds done in this life will be transformed into corporal beings and weighed on the mizan. Those whose mawazin of good deeds is heavy will be in ishatin radiyatin (a pleasant life), so pleasant, happy, calm, tranquil, bounteous and safe “that the life itself is well-pleasing.” Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, said when asked about the mizan, “The scales and justice are the same.” So our deeds will be weighed against Allah’s Divine Laws of Justice and the deeds of Allah’s Prophets and His lovers, peace be upon them all. The values of the good deeds of those who believe in One Allah and Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, and are virtuous and do good deeds are more weighty. A hadith tells us that the salawat (salutations) on Prophet Muhammad and his family is the most weighty of all good deeds, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. This Day of the Striking Calamity is the destruction and end of this world and it is the Day of Resurrection in which fear and terror will strike the hearts of the people causing confusion, distress and helplessness. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala save us from the Abode of the Hawiyah (Falling into the Deep Abyss and Pit) of the Narun Hamiyah (Violent, Blazing, Raging Fire) of Hell. Astagfir AllahSalawat.


Writing in Coral; Design in Peach, Dark Carnation, Light Baby Blue, Medium Baby Blue and Medium Nile Green; Border in Coral


5.3” X 4.25”




AL-MUH'SININA (The Virtuous)

85OriginalBookmark Al MuhsininaShop85


In this last ayat (verse) of Surah al-Ankabut (29:69), Allah, Al-Samad (The Eternal, The Everlasting, The Satisfier of Every Need), promises that He is indeed with al-muh’sinina. This part of the ayat comes after Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala is speaking of jihad (striving in His Way for Allah). (see also Bookmark #27 - Jihad (Strive)) Allah’s Words in the Holy Qur’an are certainly the Truth. The root of al-muh’sinina (ha seen noon) is used by Allah 194 times in the Holy Qur’an. The literal meaning is the good-doers, the virtuous. Other forms of the root are: hus’nanhus’nahasan (good as nouns); hus’na (best as a noun); hasanan (good as an adjective); hus’na (best and most beautiful as adjectives); ahsana (do good as a verb); ih’sanan (good as a verbal noun). What Allah is telling us in this ayat is that those who strive in His Way, through all the difficulties – recognizing the Truth, obtaining knowledge, temptations of the shaitan, facing the opposition of unjust and cruel enemies, mistakes and sins which we make, patience in obedience, helping the weak, doing good to others – are al-muh’sinina (the virtuous) and will receive the help and guidance and victory from our Sustainer. These are the Ways of Allah, the various Ways and Paths to Allah. This is our Creator’s Promise to us. But it will only occur if we face these difficulties and strive along these Ways with the sincere intention to get closer to Allah. If we neglect jihad or if our intentions are impure, our lives will be difficult, afflicted, intolerable, in despair, in failure, disgraceful and without the support we need from Al-Samad. The tafsir of this ayat tells us that al-muh’sinina are those who are more excellent than those who strive for Allah because they are not just striving for themselves, for their own salvation, but they are also the good-doers, the virtuous, doing good, being kind, being giving to other strivers, the weak and oppressed and the whole of humanity – they strive for others as well. (See An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 14, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al- Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from


Writing in Ultra Dark Lavender; Design in Medium Emerald Green, Medium Lavender and Ultra Dark Lavender; Border in Medium Lavender


5” X 4.5”




DHALAMNA ANFUSANA (We Have Been Unjust to Ourselves)

84OriginalBookmark Dhalamna Anfusana Shop84


In Surah al-A’raf (7:23), Allah, Al-Ghaffar (The All-Forgiving, The Absolver, The Veiler of Sins and Faults), relates the story of Prophet Adam and Lady Hawwa, peace be upon them both, after they had eaten from the tree and were addressed by their Creator. They prayed to their Rabb (Sustainer) with great humility and earnestness, “Dhalamna anfusana (We have been unjust to ourselves)” and if He didn’t forgive them and have mercy on them, they would surely be among the losers. They abandoned performing a recommendable act and were deprived of its rewards. And if Al-Ghaffar did not forgive them and have mercy on them, they would be like those who lives are not enjoyable and beneficial to them. They did not request anything specific, but only expressed their dire need for forgiveness and mercy from their Creator and pleaded not to be among the eternal losers and failures. Whenever we cause a loss to ourselves or do not stay away from danger or damaging ourselves, we have been unjust to ourselves. This does not mean that we will receive a reward or punishment for the injustice to ourselves. Prophet Adam and Lady Hawwa, peace be upon them both, did not get sent out of the Garden as a punishment. The injustice was done to themselves by themselves by the Will of Allah. If they had not eaten of the tree, it would have been better. (see An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an Vol. 5, compiled by a group of Muslim scholars, under the direction of Ayatullah Allamah Al-Hajj Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani, Accessed from and Allamah Tabatabai’s Tafsir Al-Mizan, Surah 7 - Al-A’raf, Verses 10-25, Accessed from


Writing in Light Wedgewood; Design in Black and Dark Wedgewood; Border in Black


4.5” X 4.6”




ASHABU AL-MAYMANATI (Companions of the Right)

78OriginalBookmark Ashabu al Maymanati Shop78 2


In Surah al-Balad (90:17-18), Allah, Al-Muqtadir (The All-Determining, The Prevailing and Powerful Ordainer), in the previous ayats, outlines what the uphill road is: freeing enslaved and captive people, feeding starving orphans of our relatives, especially during times of drought, famine, etc., and other very needy people. In these two ayats, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says that those people who do these actions are of those who believe and enjoin others to be patient and compassionate. Therefore, they are ashabu al-maymanati (companions of the right). They are on the Right Path and they are the right companions of Paradise, inshallah, because they display “strong sincerity in the three dimensions of belief, morals and action” and are thus successful in climbing the uphill road. So their deeds will be accepted by Al-Muqtadir. Concerning the word thumma (then), some commentators say that “faith and enjoining patience and compassionate kindness is higher than the value of helping the indigent or…good deeds originate from faith and high morals.” Other commentators say that “good deeds are sometimes the cause of faith and they are especially effective in fixing the basis of high morals, because people’s behavior manifests itself, first, into ‘practice,’ then into ‘mood’ and then into ‘habit,’ and finally into the form of' ‘a firm characteristic,’ and settles in his spirit or nature as a result of that constant practice.” “Patience and perseverance on the path of obedience to Allah, and the challenge against one’s own desires, and also strengthening the principle of compassionate kindness should not occur in the society only in the form of individual behaviour, but it should appear as a common current in the whole society, and all the members of a society should enjoin observing and preserving this principle on each other in order to make their social relationship, in this way, closer and stronger.” (From An Enlightening Commentary on the Light of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 20 @


Writing in Medium Blue; Design in Black, Pale Delft Blue, Medium Blue, Very Dark Salmon, Light Yellow Green, Topaz and Light Orange Spice; Border in Pale Delft Blue


3.6” X 9.9”





74OriginalBookmark Qawlun Marufun Shop74 2


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:263), Allah, Al-Ghani wa Al-Halim (The Independent and The Forbearing), in the previous two ayats talks about spending in the Way of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and how He multiplies it 700 times; that is if it is truly spent in His Way, without reproach or injury after the fact. In this ayatAl-Halim says that qawlun mar’ufun (a kind word) and forgiveness is better than giving charity followed by harm. People who display good manners and good words, especially with people in need, and forgive others even when they are insistent or rude, and are consoling and protecting towards them, are better than the people who give and then cause injury and irritation afterwards by dishonouring the needy by exposing their neediness to others or insulting them in any way. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: “When a needy person asks you, do not interrupt their statement until they complete it. Then, respond to them calmly and politely, or give to them what you are able to spend, or return to them agreeably, because they may be an angel who is commissioned to try you in order to see how you behave with the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you.” (See also Tapestry #85 - Alladina Yunfiquna Amwalahum (Those Who Spend Their Wealth))


Writing in Dark Cranberry; Design in Very Light Cranberry, Dark Cranberry, Light Lavender, Very Dark Lavender, Light Tan, Very Light Golden Olive and White; Border in Very Light Cranberry and Very Dark Lavender


4.9” X 4.1”




AL-A'LAWNA (The Upperhand, The Superiority)

68OriginalBookmark Al alawna Shop68


In Surah Ale Imran (3:139), Allah, Al-‘Ala (The Most High), reassures us to not have weakness and infirmity (al-wahn) and grief (al-huzn) because if we are believers, having Allah-Consciousness and faith, we will have al-a’lawna (the upperhand and superiority). This ayat was revealed after the Battle of Uhud when the Muslims due to their disobedience of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), because of their weakness in character, courage, will-power, patience and faith, were overcome by the enemy. Due to that, along with the seventy shaheeds (martyrs) and many others wounded, the Muslims now felt even more weakened and saddened and humiliated and are being told not to lose heart. If we only have hope in Allah Al-‘Ala’s Power and Mercy, obey the Prophet (s.a.w.) and stay strong with piety and patience, we can overcome all setbacks and be victorious. Within any group of Muslims, the people will have different levels of belief. Some are true believers. Others have weaker faith. Others have sick hearts. Allah’s words create hope and “enthusiasm in the believing souls, admonishes and revives the weaker ones and censures and reprimands the hearts ailing with hypocrisy.” (Tafsir Al-Mizan) Prophet Musa (a.s.) received counsel from Allah when facing Fir’aun (Pharoah) and the magicians’ magic not to fear for he will be the uppermost, superior (see Surah Ta Ha 20:68).


Writing in Light Carnation; Design in Very Light Carnation, Light Carnation Pink, Light Old Gold, Medium Delft Blue, Brown and Medium Gray Green; Border in Light Carnation


4.3” X 5.4”




AL-'AMILINA (The Workers)

53OriginalBookmark Al Amilina Shop53


In Surah Al-Zumar (39:74), Allah, Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy), tells us that the believers, when they enter Paradise, will say, “Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise to Allah)” because Allah’s Promise has been fulfilled. Not only did they inherit the Earth, but now they may choose to settle in whatever part of Paradise they wish. The reward of al-‘amilina (the workers) is indeed excellent! Al-‘Amilina comes from 'amal (good deeds), so those who do good and righteous deeds are the ones who will be rewarded in Paradise.


Writing in Very Dark Grey Green; Design in Light Coral, Light Orange Spice, Dark Geranium, Rose, Red, Very Light Cranberry, Lemon Yellow, Medium Grey Green and Very Dark Grey Green; Border in Lemon Yellow


3.7” X 10.8”




TA'UDDU (You Count, You Number)

50OriginalTapestry Tauddu Shop50 2


In Surah Ibrahim (14:34), Allah, Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner, The Bestower of Forms, The Shaper of Beauty), in the previous two ayats (verses), outlines some of the Bounties and Favours that our Sustainer has created and provided to us, such as the heavens, the Earth, the sky, rain, fruits, seas to sail upon, rivers, the sun, the moon, night and day, which He made subservient to and of service to us, so we can make use of them and benefit from them. And Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has given us everything we asked of Him. Then we are reminded that if you were to ta’uddu (count, number) the Favours of our Sustainer, we will never be able to ta’uddu them. And we will never be able to thank Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala sufficiently for what we have been given and even our thanking our Sustainer is a Blessing He has given us, Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah).


Writing in Dark Emerald Green; Design in Dark Emerald Green, Black and Medium Red; Border in Black


6.8” X 11”




THAWAB (Reward)

62OriginalTapestry Thawab Shop62 2


In Surah al-Kahf (18:46), Allah, Al-Shakur (The Most Grateful, The Most Appreciative, The Rewarder of Good Works), tells us, at the start of this ayat (verse), a parable about how this world’s life is like the water He sends to mingle with the vegetation of the Earth, making it fresh and green and colourful, which we and animals eat, but then it dries up and becomes broken pieces that scatter in the winds. And Allah is Al-Muqtadir (The All-Determining, The Prevailing and Powerful Ordainer). We are told that wealth and children are adornments of the life of this world, what we boast about and compete with each other for and are actually a trial and an opportunity for rewards if our money is used fi Sabil Allah (in the Way of Allah) and our children are brought up as pious believers. These two resources, economic ability and human ability, are main resources which allow for the betterment of humankind with Allah’s Help. But al-baqiyatu salihatu (the everlasting righteous deeds) are khayr (better) near our Sustainer as thawab (reward) and better for hope. Rather than vying for wealth and the adornment of this life, we must compete in righteous deeds, such as worship, charity, fasting, helping others, being kind to our family and each other, improving ourselves, maintaining ties with the believers, being truthful and just, writing useful works, building masajid (places of worship), schools, hospitals, etc. In fact, it is quite possible that we may not witness the reward of our good deeds immediately and others may not appreciate what we do. These pious deeds are stored in the Hereafter and await us if they were done for the Pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala,inshallah (Allah Willing).We must try to do righteous deeds only for Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and not expect or hope for any reward for them from people. The rewards we may receive from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala are better than anything and they are the things we must place our hope in, the amal (hope) that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will accept our good deeds and reward us near His Glory in Paradise, inshallah. For it is only Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala Who is Most Thankful for righteous actions and beliefs and will certainly bestow great and abundant rewards for good works, inshallah.


Writing in Very Dark Seagreen; Design in Medium Lavender, Very Light Turquoise, Very Light Baby Blue, Medium Blue, Medium Electric Blue, Sky Blue, Light Green, Medium Emerald Green, Very Dark Seagreen, Very Light Topaz, Very Light Salmon and White; Border in Light Green


4.6” X 13.1”




SIRATI AL-HAMID (Path of The Praiseworthy)

53OriginalTapestry Sirati Al Hamid Shop53 2


In Surah Al-Hajj (22:24), Allah, Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy, The Laudable, The One Who Is Praised), in the previous two ayats (verses), describes Jannah (Paradise) which is awaiting those who believe and do righteous deeds. It will be a place of gardens with flowing rivers, where the believers will be adorned with bracelets of gold, silver and pearls, wearing garments of green silk and heavy brocade. (see also 76:21) In this ayat, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says the believers will be in Jannah because they were and are guided to the pure and good speech and to the Sirati Al-Hamid (Path of the Praiseworthy). The speech is one of salaam (peace), tranquility, love, respectfulness, sincerity, spirituality, and the glorification and praise of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, totally devoid of evil, sinfulness, pride and vanity.


Writing in Medium Coral; Design in Light Coral, Medium Coral, Dark Coral and Hunter Green; Border in Light Coral


6.3” X 5.6”




DO NOT TALBISU AL-HAQQ (Do Not Cover The Truth)

51OriginalTapestry Do not Talbishu The Truth Shop51 2


In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:42), Allah, Al-Haqq (The Ultimate Truth), addresses the Jews, beginning in ayat (verse) 40, where He reminds them to remember the Blessing and the Covenant bestowed on them, and then advises them to accept the Revelation of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) which confirms the scripture they received and proclaims the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), to not be the first to reject the Truth, to not sell the verses which they altered and corrupted for money, especially those about the Prophet, and to fear Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. In this ayat, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala tells them to not talbisu (cover) al-Haqq (the Truth) with al-batil (the falsehood). Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has sent down al-Haqq and no one must conceal, confuse, obscure nor mix it with lies, distortions and corruptions. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala uses the word talbisu from the same root as libas (clothing, garments) which we use to conceal and cover ourselves. We must not hide the truth and facts and spread lies and falsehoods. Rather we must make the Truth known and explain it correctly to everyone.


Writing in Copper; Design in Copper, Sky Blue, Light Wedgewood, Dark Wedgewood and Medium Beige Brown; Border in Copper


4.9” X 6.5”




KASHIFA (Remover)

67OriginalBookmark Kashifa Shop67


In Surah Al-An’am (6:17), Allah, Al-Dharr (The Distresser), tells us that if distress, hardship and affliction touches us from Al-Dharr, then there is nobody and nothing that can remove it from us. There is no kashifa (remover) except the Sustainer of the Worlds. We do not do any good or bad action without Allah knowing of it. In fact, we have no independent ability to do either good or bad and alone we possess neither benefit nor harm. Everything that happens is by the Will of Allah The Almighty. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala in this ayat uses the word touches to indicate how easy it is for Him Who is All-Powerful. We are told to ask Allah for help when confronting distress because all goodness comes from our Sustainer and the removal of hardships brings ease. But remember that blessings come during affliction and trial also. People can be delivered from distress and then lose faith and go off the right path during ease. Distress, hardship and affliction are opportunities for us to stand strong and patient and fulfill our duties of ibadah (worship) in that state. It is not gratitude when we receive blessings after blessings from Allah and then falter when faced with some distress. So we must understand that everything we deem as good may not be and everything we deem as harmful may not be. Allah is The Most Powerful over all of us and over all things. (See Tapestry #67 also)


Writing in Black; Design in Medium Red; Border in Rose


3.75” X 5.5”




MUBARAK (Blessed)

66OriginalBookmark Mubarak Shop66 2


In Surah Maryam (19:31), Allah, Al-Hamid (The Praiseworthy, The Laudable One, The One Who Is Praised), relays the words of Prophet Isa (a.s.) (Prophet Jesus (a.s.)), when his mother Lady Maryam’s (a.s.) people were shocked that she had a newborn, especially since she was unwed, saying it was an amazing thing and that her father was not a wicked man nor was her mother unchaste. Lady Maryam (a.s.) pointed to her infant and they asked in astonishment how a baby in a cradle could speak. But, by the Will of Allah, Prophet Isa (a.s.) spoke! He said, “I am an Abdullah (Servant of Allah). He gave me a Kitab (Book) and made me a Nabi (Prophet). And He has made me Mubarak (blessed) wherever I am and enjoined on me the salat (prayer) and the zakat (alms-giving) as long as I am alive and being dutiful to my mother. And He has not made me insolent, arrogant, unblessed and damned. And peace be on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the Day I will be raised alive.” (19:27-33) Blessings are contingent on our intentions, aims and Allah-Given virtues. We are told by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala in this ayat (verse) that Prophet Isa (a.s.) was giving these blessings by Allah Alone. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala tells us that this is Prophet Isa (a.s.), the son of Lady Maryam (a.s.), the Prophet born of no father! Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise belongs to Allah)!


Writing in Black; Design in Black, Very Dark Lavender, Medium Delft Blue, Dark Cranberry and Lemon; Border in Black


4.4” X 5.4”




ARJAN KABIRAN (A Great Reward)

69OriginalBookmark Arjan Kabiran Shop69


In Surah al-Isra’ (17:9), Allah, Al-Kareem (The Generous), explains that the Holy Qur’an guides humankind to the most upright beliefs, constant and eternal laws and most pleasing, loving, balanced, correct and just behaviour. It is the most pure, direct, complete and best way for us to traverse back to our Sustainer, the way that coincides with our fitrah with which our Creator created us. It is the right, upright and straight path that is outlined in the Holy Qur’an. The word used in this ayat for upright is aqwam from the word qiyam, meaning standing, the position of being upright, balanced and controlled, the position in which all our affairs can be managed, unlike when we are sitting or lying down. As well, Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Holy Book gives glad tidings to the believers, those who do righteous deeds, that they will receive a great reward. It is this upright deen which takes care of us here and in the Hereafter. And while other religions and lifestyles have some uprightness and take care of some aspects of life for their followers, they also contain some harms. The deen of Islam is indeed a great blessing for humankind and for those of us who believe and do good, a right is assigned to us which we will definitely receive because it is owed to us from Al-Kareem Who always keeps His promises.


Writing in Very Dark Violet; Design in Light Antique Violet, Very Dark Violet and Lemon; Border in Very Dark Violet


3.9” X 9.3”




JANNAH (Paradise)

Jannah Bookmark


In Surah al-Hashr (59:20), Allah, Al-Ba’ith (The Resurrector), after advising us not to forget our Lord and becoming defiantly disobedient, goes on to announce that the possessors, the companions, of Paradise (Jannah) are the winners, the achievers and the successful ones. The dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of Paradise are not equal in this world and in the Hereafter.


Writing in Medium Pistachio Green; Design in Rose, Dark Rose, Very Light Pistachio Green, Medium Pistachio Green, Ultra Light Avocado Green, Light Blue Green, Light Raspberry, Light Orange Spice, Medium Tangerine, Medium Cornflower Blue, Dark Cornflower Blue, Topaz, Dark Coffee Brown, Very Light Brown, Light Tan and Light Golden Brown; Border in Light Tan


4.7” X 4.2”




IKHWATUN (Brethren)

75OriginalTapestry Ikhwatun Shop75


In Surah al-Hujarat (49:10), Allah, Al-Raheem (The Most Merciful), explains to us that it is only those who are Momineen (Believers), those who are Allah-Conscious, who are ikhwatun (brethren) of each other. In the previous ayat and this one, Al-Raheem mentions three times that we should asilhu (make peace) between our ikhwatun. However, if one part of our ikhwatun oppresses the other, then we should fight with the group that is being oppressed against the oppressive group until they stop and then we should asilhu with adl (justice) for Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala loves adl. Since it is only the Momineen who are ikhwatun, we must asilhu between us and have Allah-Consciousness so that we may receive Allah’s Rahmah (Mercy). Ikwatun is usually translated as brothers, but this is not the meaning of the word. It means brethren, which includes male and female, or siblings (sisters and brothers). The relationship between siblings is rooted family, having the same parent(s), a bilateral relationship between them full of love and caring. Ikhwatun are friends with the friendship based on spiritual principles, love, support and compatible dispositions. Thus we see that the Momineen and Momineenat are true Ikhwatun with each other wherever they may be in the world, regardless of gender, age, nationality, tribal affiliations, language, class, etc. We are all members of the same family. Al-Hamdulillah! In fact, we address each other as Brother and Sister. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said, “Muslims are brethren. They never do wrong to each other. They never forgo supporting each other. They never abandon their brethren in hardships.” Just as our siblings have rights and responsibilities, so too do our Muslim Ikhwatun, such as visiting them, embracing them, remembering them, cheering them up, praying for them, meeting their needs in terms of food, clothing, debts, during illness and death, etc. In fact, in a hadith from Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), he says that our Muslim Ikhwatun have 30 claims on each other. (An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an, see 


Writing in Ultra Dark Pistachio Green; Design in Satin Gold, Black, Dark Royal Blue, Ultra Dark Pistachio Green; Border in Ultra Dark Pistachio Green


6.1” X 12.5”





64OriginalTapestry Ya Ayyuhal Nas Shop64


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:121), Allah, Al-Rasheed (The Director to Righteousness), calls out, Ya Ayyuha’l-Nas (O All the People, O All of Humanity) to worship The Sustainer, the One Who created you and all those who came before you. Why does Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala speak to all the people, not just to the those who are Allah-Conscious? This ayat says that everyone must worship Allah The Most High so we can become Allah-Conscious, so we can have taqwa. It is through the worship of our Creator that we become more and more Allah-Conscious. It is through the worship of our Creator that we stay away from sins and engage in righteous actions. Allah addresses everyone using the words Ya Ayyuha’l-Nas 20 times in the Holy Qur’an. The words that follow are for all the people, regardless of gender, nationality, tribe, class, etc. because Islam is for all the people and The Creator is The Creator of all of humanity. When we worship Allah, The Most High, we display our submissiveness and obedience and love to Him. Once we realize who we are, how we are the noblest and best creature on Earth, then we come to realize Who He is Who created us and why. From this realization, we understand our servitude to our Creator, The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, The One Who sustains us, Who holds our soul, The One from Whom we came and to Whom we will return. It is only right that we worship, thank and obey the One Who created all the blessings which we ourselves have within our own bodies and spirits, never mind all the blessings which we enjoy every day. And it is not The Most Merciful Who needs or benefits from our worship, but ourselves who need to connect to our Creator, The One Who Loves us, and this benefits us immensely in many ways, foremost of which is keeping us away from disobedience and helping us perform good actions through having a clean and loving heart, mind and body and a sense of responsibility and devotion and servitude to Al-RasheedAl-Hamdulillah!


Writing in Violet; Design in Light Pale Yellow, Topaz, Light Wedgewood, Violet and Light Shell Pink; Border in Light Shell Pink


8.5” X 7.7”




AL-MAJID (The Most Glorious, The Majestic)

54OriginalTapestry Al Majid Shop54 2


In Surah Hud (11:73), Allah, Al-Majid (The Most Glorious, The Majestic, The Dignified), in the previous ayats (verses), speaks about when the Angels came to Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) (Prophet Abraham (a.s.)) to inform him of the glad tidings of the birth of his son Ishaq (a.s.) (Isaac (a.s.)). This ayat continues the Angels’ talk with him and his wife Lady Sarah (a.s.) because they were surprised since they were elderly and seemingly past the child-bearing age. The Angels asked if they were amazed at the Amr of Allah (Decree, Command) Subhanahu wa ta’ala. They told them, “Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu Alaikum Ahl al-Bayt (Mercy of Allah and Blessings be upon you, O People of the House).” Allah is indeed Worthy of All Praise, The Most Glorious, Majestic and Dignified. Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah)!


Writing in Dark Grass Green and Dark Cranberry; Design in Medium Yellow Green, Dark Grass Green, Light Raspberry and Dark Cranberry; Border in Dark Cranberry


5.2” X 6.4”




AL-FIT'YATU AL-KAHF (The Youths of the Cave)

52OriginalTapestry Al Fityatu al Kahf Shop52 2


In Surah Al-Kahf (18:10), Allah, Al-Batin (The Hidden, The Inner One, The Knower of All Hidden, Secret Things), when al-Fit’yatu al-Kahf (the Youths of the Cave) sought refuge and shelter in the cave from the people whom they feared would persecute them because they were believers, they prayed to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, asking for His Rahmah (Mercy) and Help and facilitation in their affair to the Right Way. They were asking for Allah’s Assistance in concealing and protecting them and making the end result good for them so they can fulfill their duties to their Sustainer.


Writing in Dark Pistachio Green and Very Dark Rose; Design in Rose, Very Dark Rose, Light Pistachio Green and Dark Pistachio Green; Border in Dark Pistachio Green


4.4” X 9.4”





47OriginalTapestry Anqadhakum Shop47


In Surah al-Imran (3:103), Allah, Al-Wajid (The Finder, The All-Perceiving), reminds each of us that we were on the brink of the pit of the fire, then Anqadhakum (He saved you). The ayat (verse) speaks earlier of the fact that the Muslims had been enemies of each other, but Allah, Al-Wahhab (The Bestower, The Ever-Giver of Gifts), granted the Great Bounty of Love and Unity among them and formed a united Ummah (Community). Allah, Al-Jaami’ (The Gatherer, The Uniter) took unaware, ignorant, separated, abusive and conflicted people and delivered them from that horrible precipice to the safe space of Islamic love and brotherhood and sisterhood. One of the main reasons why the Muslim Ummah isn’t always as strong, united and loving like Allah wants it to be, as mentioned in the following ayat, is because we do not always seriously invite others to the good and what’s best and amr bil mar’uf wa nahy an al-munkar (enjoin the right and forbid the wrong).


Writing in Blue; Design in Blue, Rose and Very Dark Red; Border in Blue


4.7” X 8.4”




ATI'U (Obey)

46OriginalTapestry Atiu Shop46


In Surah al-Imran (3:132), Allah, Al-Rahman Al-Raheem (The Compassionate The Merciful), instructs us to obey (ati’u) Him and the Messenger so that we may receive Compassion and Mercy. The order of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, whether it is governmental or religious, is the command of Allah and thus incumbent to be obeyed.


Writing in Very Dark Violet; Design in Cyclamen Pink, Light Autumn Gold and Violet; Border in Very Dark Violet


5.7” X 5.6”





64OriginalBookmark Al Hasanah Shop64 2


In Surah Yunus (10:26), Allah, Al-Wahhab (The Bestower, The Giver of Gifts), tells us that those who do good will receive al-husna (the best) rewards fully and even ziyadah (more, increase). The doing of good includes having correct faith in Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, worshipping our Lord and performing righteous deeds. The reward from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for doing good is multiplied for us, inshallah (Allah Willing), here and in the Hereafter, through Allah’s Rahmah (Mercy) and Al-Fadhl (The Bounty, The Grace). It may be multiplied ten times (6:160) or even 700 times (2:261), Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah). The nadhrah (radiance, brightness), salaam (peace) and suroor (joy) that we can receive from our Sustainer are only some of the rewards promised to the servants of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, rewards so wonderful that we cannot describe them. And on that Day, the Day of Resurrection and Judgement, the servants of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will not fear or grieve or be distressed and abased, inshallah (Allah Willing).


Writing in Medium Pistachio Green; Design in Medium Pistachio Green, Very Dark Salmon, Medium Brown and Black; Border in Medium Pistachio Green


4.4” X 6.5”




AL-RASHAD, AL-RUSHD (The Right Way, The Righteousness)

63OriginalBookmark Al Rashad Shop63 2


In Surah al-Kahf (18:24), Allah, Al-Rashid (The Director to the Right Way, The Appointer of the Right Path and Belief) is describing the Companions of the Cave and advises us that when we forget something or don’t know something, we should remember our Lord and turn to Him and ask for guidance and say that perhaps Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will guide us to a nearer way that is righteous and correct. The ayat (verse) and the story of the Companions of the Cave were revealed after a group of Jewish scholars was asked by several polytheistic chiefs of Makkah to determine whether Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was a Divine Prophet and if they had anything in their Books about his advent. The scholars said they should ask Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) three questions – about the Companions of the Cave,  Dhul-Qarnain and Al-Ruh  – and that if he answered two of them, it would prove he was the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet told them he would explain it “tomorrow.” And so Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala delayed the revelation, most likely for about 15 days, and the people began to doubt that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was actually the Messenger of Allah and said awful things about him. When Surah al-Kahf was revealed, Allah  Subhanahu wa ta’ala said that when we say, or even write, “tomorrow,” we must add inshallah (Allah Willing) because everything is in Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Power and He Causes all things, including “tomorrow.” It is human to forget and we must ask Allah Subanahu wa ta’ala for guidance, whether it is something we forget to say, such as inshallah, or something we do not know. It is not right to talk about things we do not know the truth about. In any case, if we say “tomorrow” we will do something, without saying  inshallah and “tomorrow” comes and we don’t do what we said we would, it means we have uttered a falsehood. We must depend on Allah  Subhanahu wa ta’ala for all things because we cannot perform anything without Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Will and this is the way of the Prophets as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, for example Prophet Yaqub (a.s.) (Prophet Jacob (a.s.)) in 12:99, Prophet Musa (a.s.) (Prophet Moses (a.s.)) in 18:64, Prophet Shu’aib (a.s.) (Prophet Jethro (a.s.)) in 28:27 and Prophet Ismail (a.s.) (Prophet Ishmael (a.s.)) in 37:102. This ayat about guiding us to a nearer way that is righteous and correct means that not only Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala may guide us to remember to say inshallah, even if we are “certain” it will happen, such as death, and other righteous things, but that we may be guided to knowledge and awareness that is more convincing, clearer and expressive than what we know or don’t know and closer to the truth of the matter, inshallah.


Writing in Medium Tangerine; Design in Medium Tangerine and Bright Orange Red; Border in Bright Orange-Red


4.4” X 9.3”




YAQEEN (Certainty, Conviction)

60OriginalBookmark Yaqeen Shop60


In this last ayat of Surah al-Rum (30:60), Allah, Al-Matin (The Steadfast, The Firm), tells us to not let those who have no yaqeen (conviction, certainty) weaken us. This is because the Promise of Allah is True and the Truth of Islam will be victorious. We must stand steadfast and firm and not allow those who have no conviction sway us off the Straight Path. Through patience and perseverance, true believers, those who are filled with certainty and conviction of faith in The Most High, will be triumphant over all inward and outward enemies, inshallah (Allah willing).


Writing in Very Dark Sea Green; Design in Very Dark Sea Green, Bright Red, Black and Medium Electric Blue; Border in Black


3.8” X 5.5”




KADIHUN KADIHAN (Labouring with Exertion)

58OriginalBookmark KadihunKadihan Shop58


In Surah al-Inshiqaq (84:6), Allah,  Al-Hasib (The Reckoner and Rewarder), reminds us that we are labouring with exertion (kadihun kadihan) to our Lord from Whom we came and there is no doubt that we will meet Allah, Glorious is His Name, in the Hereafter where we will receive our reward or punishment. The nature of this world is that it is filled with toil and pain, especially if our goal is to obtain material possessions, but even more so if we want to obtain eternal happiness and Allah’s Favour. This is part of the Divine program for our spiritual development. We are travelers who are trying to get back to the abode of Peace and our Creator and Lord, inshallah (Allah willing). To do that, all of our thoughts, efforts and actions must be purely for Allah, the Rewarder, toward the One Who Created us, using the gifts we have been given.


Writing in Ultra Very Dark Topaz; Design in Sky Blue and Light Tan; Border in Light Tan


3.5” X 6.7”




AL-DARAJAT (The Ranks, The Degrees)

43OriginalBookmark Al Darajat Shop43JPG


In  Surah Al-An’am (6:132), Allah, Al-Rafi (The Exalter, The Upgrader), tells us that each of us will be ranked according to what we have done on Earth. Al-Darajat (The Ranks, The Degrees) will be ascertained and meted out in the Hereafter according to Allah’s Justice. Within these ranks, people will receive rewards or punishments. One's good or evil fortune depends on their own beliefs, deeds and conduct.


Writing in Medium Henna; Design in Light Hazelnut Brown; Border in Light Copper


4.5” X 6.2”




AL-MUNTAHA (The Ultimate and Final Goal)

42OriginalBookmark Al Muntaha Shop42


In Surah Al-Najm (53:42), Allah, Al-Mumit (The Bringer of Death), announces that Al-Muntaha (The Ultimate and Final Goal) is to our Lord. Everyone and everything will return to Allah since our Lord is the First Efficient Cause and the Final Cause. Everything from the beginning to the end rests on Allah’s Divine Pure Essence. When we understand that we came from Allah and will return to Allah, it should cause us to live righteously. 


Writing in Dark Turquoise and Dark Violet; Design in Very Light Pistachio Green, Light Pistachio Green, Medium Pistachio Green, Dark Pistachio Green, Medium Avocado Green, Light Blue Green, Light Sea Green, Very Dark Sea Green, Very Light Yellow Green, Pale Yellow, Medium Topaz, Very Light Turquoise, Light Turquoise, Dark Turquoise, Peacock Blue, Wedgewood, Medium Blue, Sky Blue, Medium Antique Blue, Hydrangea Blue, Baby Blue, Pumpkin, Light Orange Spice, Red, Very Dark Rose, Plum, Dark Violet, Light Antique Violet, Dark Antique Violet, Lavender, Medium Blue Violet, Very Light Antique Mauve, Medium Antique Mauve, Grenadine Pink and Shell Pink; Border in Dark Violet


3.3” X 7.8”



YAMSAKA (Touches You)

67OriginalTapestry Yamsaka Shop67


In Surah al-An’am (6:17), Allah, Al-Qadir (The All-Powerful), in the second part of this ayat, tells us that if khayrin (good) yamsaka (touches you) from Him, then know that our Sustainer is Al-Qadir over everyone and everything. We do not do any good action without Allah knowing of it. We must not think that whatever good we have or do, it is from our own actions because everything that happens is by the Will of Allah The Almighty and without that we have no independent ability to do anything. All goodness comes from our Sustainer. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala in this ayat uses yamsaka to indicate how easy it is for Him Who is Al-Qadir. Because no one can keep Allah’s blessings from us or take them away from us, since no one is more powerful than Al-Qadir, we must show our gratitude when we receive blessings after blessings from our Sustainer by worshiping and obeying Him. Al-Hamdulillah! (See Bookmark #67 also)


Writing in Black; Design in Dark Emerald Green; Border in Light Green


5” X 5.5”



A'JALAKA (Hasten)

48OriginalTapestry Al Jalaka Shop48 2


In Surah Ta Ha (20:84), Allah, Al-Ghaffar (The All Forgiving, The Absolver, The Veiler of Sins and Faults, The Most Protecting One), in the previous ayat (verse) asks Prophet Musa (a.s.) (Prophet Moses (a.s.)) what made him a’jalaka (hasten) from his people. Prophet Musa (a.s.) answers that they are close upon his tracks and he ‘ajjala (hastened) to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala so that his Sustainer would be pleased. This hastening took place after the destruction of Fir’aun (Pharoah) in the sea and Prophet Musa (a.s.) and the people were nearing Mount Tur. He says that he hurried to meet his Sustainer and his people were close behind, following in his footsteps. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala made a covenant with Prophet Musa (a.s.) which required him to fast 30 days and nights, which was extended another 10 days, so he could receive the laws of the Taurat (Torah). So Prophet Musa (a.s.) went up on Mount Tur desiring to be alone in communion with His Beloved and to receive the Message in order to relay it to his people. Prophet Musa (a.s.) says his desire was to please Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. But while he was absent, the people broke their promise to Prophet Musa (a.s.), were led astray, made a golden calf and fell into idolatry.


Writing in Dark Cornflower Blue; Design in Very Light Blue Violet, Medium Cornflower Blue, Dark Cornflower Blue, Rose, Dark Rose and Lemon; Border in Medium Cornflower Blue


6.3” X 13.4”



AL-FATHAN MUBINAN (The Manifest Victory)

44OriginalTapestry Al Fathan Mubinan Shop44


In Surah al-Fath (48:1-2), Allah, Al-Zahir (The Manifest, The All-Victorious), declares that He has given The Clear and Manifest Victory (Al-Fathan Mubinan) to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. The Manifest Victory refers to either the Treaty of Hudaybiyya or the Conquest of Makkah by Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. Al-Zahir makes it clear in these ayats (verses) that His Support is given to the Prophet. We, too, can receive a manifest victory by having the sins we’ve committed in the past and those in the future forgiven, receiving Allah’s Favour and being guided and supported by Allah, Glory to Him, on the Straight Path. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said, in reference to this ayat: “An ayat has been revealed to me which I love more than the world.” 


Writing in Dark Rose and Bright Orange; Design in Geranium and Bright Orange; Border in Bright Orange


5.4” X 13.4”



AL-RAHMAH (The Compassionate)

43OriginalTapestry Al Rahmah Shop43


In Surah al-An’am (6:54), Allah, Al-Salaam (The Peace), instructs us to say “As-Salaamu Alaikum” to those who believe in Allah’s ayats (verses, signs). Allah, our Lord, has prescribed or willed upon Himself Al-Rahmah (The Compassion). This Compassion is for believers who repent.


Writing in Dark Burnt Orange; Design in Peacock Blue, Light Blue Green, Very Light Pistachio, Topaz and Dark Burnt Orange; Border in Light Blue Green


3.2” X 13.1”





39OriginalTapestry Prophet Muhammad Shop39


In Surah Al-Fath (48:29), Allah, Al-Zahir (The Manifest, The Evident), bears witness to Prophet Muhammad’s Prophethood, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and the believers who are aware of it bear witness also. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, is the Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah), the Final Messenger, the Seal of the Messengers, in a long line of Messengers from our Lord. Then our Sustainer presents a depiction of Prophet Muhammad’s, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, companions and followers, including their outward and inward characteristics and also their thoughts, emotions and deeds by enumerating five attributes, two of which are presented here – strong against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Muslims need to be severe, decisive and firm against their enemies, behaviours that emanate from indifference, unhappiness, animosity and coolness. Muslims express love and mercy for their fellow believers. These two emotions – animosity and mercy – although they are opposites do not make believers leave the path of Truth and Justice. They always maintain Truth and Justice in their dealings with believers and unbelievers. Believers represent Divine Wrath in the face of enemies and reflect Divine Mercy and Favour before the friends of Allah. (The other three characteristics are discussed in the next tapestry - Sima.)


Writing in Very Dark Peacock Blue; Design in Peacock Blue and Very Dark Peacock Blue; Border in Peacock Blue


6.4” X 7.5”



QULUBUN (Hearts)

38OriginalTapestry Qulubun Shop38


In Surah al-Hajj (22:46), Allah, Al-Alim (The All-Knowing), asks if we have not travelled in the land and if we don’t have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear. The places on Earth and the various time periods of history teach us many lessons and Allah, Glory to Him, has instructed us to learn from places and history by travelling in the world. For example, our Creator tells us in the Holy Qur’an about various unjust and cruel people, tyrants and oppressors, who were punished and destroyed along with their cities and dwellings by Allah’s Power. Even just looking at the silent ruined castles and destroyed palaces gives us thousands of points to reflect on. We can come to understand the history of these nations, their shameful behaviours and their consequences on the people and finally their chastisement and downfall.

But worse than the blindness of the eyes and deafness of the ears is the blindness of the hearts which do not gain insight through advice and admonition. When people are obstinate and hostile toward the Truth, they will be transformed and unable to recognize the Truth with their hearts, intellect, eyes and ears. That is why Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: “The worst blindness is the blindness of the heart” and “The utmost blindness of the blindness is the blindness of the heart.” He also said, “When Allah intends to do a favour to a servant, He causes the eye of their heart to open by which they can see whatever was concealed to them.”

Thus, qalb (heart) is synonymous with wisdom, the symbol of our affections and spirituality. It is through our eyes, ears and heart that we perceive, comprehend and analyze, although it is possible to do so while being literally blind and/or deaf, by listening to or reading the advice of Divine Prophets and those walking upon the True Straight Path.


Writing in Forest Green; Design in Light Tangerine, Red, Very Light Baby Blue, Baby Blue, Very Dark Baby Blue, Light Wedgewood, Very Light Pearl Grey, Light Green and Forest Green; Border in Topaz


4” X 15.5”



SAYAHDINI (He Will Guide Me)

31OriginalTapestry Sayahdini Shop31 width=


In Surah Al-Shu’ara (26:63), Allah, Al-Fattah (The Granter of Success, The Opener), gives us the words Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, told the people when they saw Firaun’s (Pharaoh’s) forces coming toward them when he was leading them away from Egypt. With a sea on one side and Firaun’s forces on the other, the people said, “Indeed, we are overtaken.” Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, said, “No. Indeed, my Lord is with me. Sayahdini (He will guide me).” Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, was faithful, calm and confident. He caused the people to become tranquil. When confronting our enemies, we must not get disappointed, but instead trust Allah and believe in Divine Promises.


Writing in Medium Blue; Design in Dark Delft Blue; Border in Medium Blue


6.5” X 5.6”



AL-TURATHA (The Inheritance)

62OriginalBookmark Al Turatha Shop62 width=


In Surah al-‘Anbiyaa (21:105), Allah, Al-Warith (The Supreme Inheritor, The Supreme Heir), declares that certainly it is written in Al-Zabur (The Psalms of Prophet Dawood (a.s.), (Prophet David (a.s.)) after Al-Dhikr (The Reminder, Al-Taurat, The Torah of Prophet Musa (a.s.), Prophet Moses (a.s.)) that Al-Saliheen Abdullahs (The Righteous Servants of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala), those who have piety, knowledge, awareness, duty, action, self-improvement and preparedness, will  yarithuna (inherit) Al-Ardh (The Earth). Allah says He is Al-Fa’al (The Doer, The Accomplisher, The One Who Acts, The One Who Produces Efficiently, The One Who Does What He Pleases). This ayat (verse) is a message for everyone who worships Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. This Al-Turatha (The Inheritance) is written in all of Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta’ala Books and is a Promise. The Earth is the heritage of the believers and Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will grant the believers succession and establish for them the ability to practise Islam, the Way of Life Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has chosen for humankind, as Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: “If there is only a day remaining in the world, Allah will prolong that day so that He raises a righteous man from my household by whom the Earth will be filled with justice thoroughly the same as it has been filled with injustice and oppression.” Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah), this refers to Imam Mahdi (a.s.).


Writing in Dark Lavender; Design in Black, Medium Lavender, Light Emerald Green and Bright Orange-Red; Border in Dark Lavender


4.2” X 7.1”



AL-SALIHAT (The Righteous Deeds)

50OriginalBookmark Al Salihat Shop50


In Surah Yunus (10:9), Allah, Al-Salaam (The Peace), promises that those who believe and do righteous deeds, our Lord will guide them by their faith. Because we have faith in Allah, we have a beam of light of Divine Guidance. This light enlightens every aspect of our lives, guiding us on the Right Path and protecting us from satanic forces that attempt to lead us astray into sinful actions and un-Islamic thoughts. Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise be to Allah), whomever Allah guides no one can misguide them because Allah is Al-Hadi (The Guide). And their faith will guide them to the Gardens of Paradise beneath which rivers flow, where they will be greeted with “Salaam” (Peace). The believers will call out “Subhanallah” (Glory to Allah) and “Al-Hamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen (All Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds).”


Writing in Orange Spice; Design in Orange Spice, Pumpkin, Dark Blue, Light Emerald Green and Very Light Golden Olive; Border in Very Light Golden Olive


3.3” X 9”



RADIYATAN MARDIYYATAN (Well-Pleased, Well-Pleasing)

48OriginalBookmark Radiyatan Mardiyyatan Shop48


In Surah Al-Fajr (89:27-28), Allah, Dhu’l-Jalali wa Al-Ikraam (The Lord of Majesty and Honour and The Owner), relates what the believers will be told when they enter Paradise. This direct invitation of our Lord to the souls who are confidently at peace is full of grace, peace, tranquility and certainty. It is the invitation to return to our Possessor and Cherisher. There is combined mutual satisfaction. The believers are radiyatan mardiyyatan (well-pleased, well-pleasing). The lovers of their Lord are fully satisfied and well-pleased with the Beloved and the Beloved Lover, Allah Whom we worship, views the believers as well-pleasing. All of Allah’s lovers’ deeds will be fully accepted. The believers will be honoured with the crown of servitude and placed in a position of high rank by Allah, hosted by our Lord in Paradise. Our souls will see that all of the promises of Divine rewards are perfectly true and ever-lasting. We will receive Allah’s Mercy and Grace so much that we will be utterly delighted.


Writing in Very Dark Violet; Design in Light Lavender, Very Dark Lavender, Light Coral, Sunlight Yellow and Golf Green; Border in Light Lavender


3.7” X 8”



AHSANA AL-QASASI (The Best of the Stories, The Best of the Narrations)

70OriginalBookmark Ahsana al Qasasi Shop70


In Surah Yusuf (Joseph) (12:3), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), before expounding on the story of Prophet Yusuf, tells Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and all of us that indeed it is He Who narrates ahsana al-qasasi (the best of the stories) in the Holy Qur’an, stories of which we were unaware of before. It is through stories that people learn about others, history and morals. When we hear the stories of our ancestors, the more we come to understand them and how their lives are related to ours. Imam Ali (a.s.), in a letter to his son Imam Hassan (a.s.), spoke about having “studied the lives of the former nations… as if he had lived with them and did it as long as their lifetimes.” (An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an) Stories impact us in many ways, intellectually, ethically, religiously and emotionally. We love to read, listen to and watch stories. Allah guides us through the stories and narrations in the Holy Qur’an. And through the story of Prophet Yusuf, ahsana al-qasasi, we definitely learn much for his story is relevant to our lives, it deals with the nafs and the struggle with it, he is a virtuous Prophet-hero, it is full of emotion and it ends happily. Al-Hadi has guided us through the Holy Qur’an, Al-Kitab (The Book) and al-Iman (the faith), both of which we did not know before (see also Surah al-Shura 42:52).


Writing in Medium Cornflower Blue; Design in Medium Cornflower Blue, Dark Blue, Medium Pistachio Green and Dark Terra Cotta; Border in Medium Pistachio Green


4.6” X 10.1”



DHURRIYYATUHUN (Their Offspring)

70OriginalTapestry Dhurriyyatuhum Shop70


In Surah al-Tur (93:3), Allah, Al-Barr (The Most Kind, The Doer of Goodness), speaks, in the previous and following ayats, about Paradise and all its wonderfulness, its pleasures, its peacefulness. In this ayatAl-Barr promises that those who believe and are faithful and dhurriyyatuhum (their offspring and descendants) followed them in faith and stayed on the Path of Islam, dhurriyyatuhum will be joined together with them in Paradise. Al-Hamdulillah! Plus no one’s deeds will be overlooked and no one will be deprived of their rewards there. Interestingly, the word dhurriyyat (offspring, descendants) comes from the word dharrat which means atom (see for example Surah al-Nisa 4:40).


Writing in Dark Bright Turquoise; Design in Medium Coral, Black Brown and Topaz; Border in Black Brown


5” X 5.4”



RABBUKA (Your Lord)

34OriginalTapestry Rabbuka Shop34 2


In Surah al-Duha (93:3), Allah, Al-Mu'izz (The Giver of Honour), reassures Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and the people, after swearing by the brightness of the morning light and the darkness and tranquility of the night, that Rabbuka (Your Lord) has not deserted him nor is He displeased with him. This was in response to the disbelievers who had been taunting and tormenting the Prophet because he had not received any revelation from Allah, The Majestic, for a while. They said if his mission and religion was the Truth, then revelation would not have ceased.


Writing in very Dark Salmon; Design in Wedgewood, Green, Lemon Yellow and Very Dark Salmon; Border in Lemon Yellow


5.5” X 5.7”



IR'KA'U (Bow Down)

59OriginalTapestry Irkau Shop59 2


In Surah al-Maidah (5:55), Allah, Al-Waliy (The Nearby Guardian,The Master, The Loving Defender, The One Who Guides to Righteousness, The Protecting Friend), states clearly that our only Guardian, Master and Defender are Himself, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and those who believe, those who establish the salat (prayer) and give the zakat (alms-giving) while they ir’ka’u (bow down). This ayat(verse) was revealed after a poor man came into Al-Masjid al-Nabi (The Masjid of the Prophet) asking for assistance and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) asked who could help him. Imam Ali (a.s.) was praying and while in ruku (bowing), he extended his finger so the man was able to remove his ring. Immediately, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) announced, “The one upon whom I am the Waliy, then Ali is their Waliy.” Many people saw this event and reported it and this hadith (narration) is narrated by both Sunnis and Shias. This word waliy does not mean friend or helper because all Muslims are friends and helpers of each other. Because the word Allah uses, waliyyukumu, is singular it means only these three, Allah, the Prophet and Imam Ali (a.s.), are meant. And because there is no wa (and) between “those who believe” and “those who establish salat…”, it means that “those who believe” means only the one who gives zakat while bowing in salat, which everyone agrees is only Imam Ali (a.s.). It denotes the guardianship of Allah Subhanhu wa ta’ala, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Imam Ali (a.s.). Imam Ali (a.s.) did not view his salat as a barrier to helping the needy and we must not follow leaders who are inattentive and unresponsive to the needy. Allah Subhanhu wa ta’ala, in the next ayat, tells us that those who take as their Waliyy Allah, the Messenger and “those who believe” (Imam Ali (a.s.), then indeed the Hizbullah (Party of Allah) are victorious, triumphant. Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise Belongs to Allah)! [This bookmark was time-consuming, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Terra Cotta; Design in Very Dark Salmon, Dark Wedgewood, Medium Yellow and Light Golden Brown; Border in Dark Wedgewood


7.1” X 8.4”



MU'MINEEN (Believers)

4Original Bookmark Momineen Shop4


In Surah al-Anfal (8:19), Allah, Al-Mu'min(The Granter of Faith and Security), assures us that our Lord is with the believers (mu’mineen).


Writing in Very Dark Grape; Design in Dark Lavender, Light Antique Violet and Desert Sand; Border in Desert Sand


2.8” X 5.5”



RASULULLAH (Messenger of Allah)

14Original Bookmark Rasulullah Shop14


In Surah al-Ahzab (33:21), Allah, Al-Barr (The Doer of Goodness), proclaims that the Messenger of Allah (Rasulullah) is our best example. His whole life is the best pattern of conduct for us. His spirituality, patience, perseverance, awareness, knowledge, sincerity, love and behaviour when confronting difficulties are lessons for all humanity.


Writing in Dark Delft Blue and Medium Topaz; Design in Pale Pumpkin, Medium Topaz, Dark Delft Blue, Very Light Pearl Gray and Light Blue Green; Border in Light Blue Green


3.4” X 6.7”



SAJDA (Prostration)

11Original Bookmark Sajda Shop11


In Surah al-Rad (13:15), Allah, Al-Jabbar (The Compeller), explains that everything prostrates (sajda) to Allah, willingly or by compulsion, even the shadows. Allah's creation demonstrates obedience, modesty, humbleness and submission to our Lord continuously.


Writing in Forest Green; Design in Forest Green, Medium Emerald Green, Medium Antique Blue, Very Light Blue, Dark Blue, Pastel Blue, Dark Wedgewood, Peacock Blue, Royal Blue, Light Blue Violet, Medium Tangerine and Very Dark Coral Red; Border in Medium Emerald Green


2.9” X 6.9”



HIJRA (Migration)

19Original Bookmark Hijra Shop19


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:218), Allah, Al-Aziz (The Mighty and Victorious), tells us that those who believed and migrated (hijra) and strived in Allah's Way hope for our Lord's Compassion.


Writing in Red and Topaz; Design in Black, Topaz, Medium Tangerine, Red and Peacock Blue; Border in Red


4" X 8.3"



BUSHRA (Good News)

2Original–Tapestry Bushra Shop2


In Surah al-Nahl (16:102), Allah, Al-Jalil (The Gloriously Majestic), instructs Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the people that the Holy Spirit has brought the Holy Qur’an down from Allah in Truth to make the believers firm. The Holy Qur’an is the Guidance and Good News (Bushra) for the Muslims.


Writing in Dark Turquoise; Design in Very Light Turquoise, Dark Turquoise, Bright Red, Topaz and Dark Coffee Brown; Border in Medium Red


4.2” X 7.4”



AWLIYAH (Friends)

23Original Bookmark Awliyah Shop23


In Surah Yunus (Jonah) (10:62), Allah, Al-Wali (The Guardian and Protector), announces the Truth and Good News to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and us that the friends and allies of Allah (awliyah) will have no fear or grief. The awliyah are not distant from Allah and their hearts are unveiled.


Writing in Very Dark Rose; Design in Very Dark Rose, Topaz and Medium Emerald Green; Border in Very Dark Rose


4.6” X 4.6”



AL-MUQ'SITINA (Those Who are Just)

37OriginalBookmark Al Muqsitin Shop37


In Surah Al-Hujurat (49:9), Allah, Al-Raqib (The Watchful), in the first part of this ayat, tells us that we should try to make peace between aggrieved Muslim groups, but if one of the parties is oppressing the other, we should come to the aid of the oppressed and fight the wrongdoer and help peace be re-established with justice. Allah, The Just, loves al-muq’sitina (those who are just). Al-Adalat (Justice) is a fundamental belief in Islam. Everyone understands that oppression is wrong and justice is right. Justice essentially means “to put everything in its place,” being in balance and equilibrium, but it also means “allowing individual’s rights.” The meaning of Allah’s Justice is to neither remove the rights of a person nor give the rights of one person to another nor to discriminate between people. All of Allah’s actions are based on justice and wisdom and we are also commanded to behave the same way.


Writing in Satin Buttercup; Design in Metallic Silver, Silver Cloud, Very Dark Pewter Grey, Medium Grey Green, Light Hazelnut Brown and Satin Buttercup; Border in Medium Grey Green


4.5” X 6.4”




AL-GHAFUR (The Forgiver and Hider of Faults)

32Original Bookmark Al Ghafur Shop32 (2)


In Surah Az-Zumar (39:53), Allah, Al-Ghafur (The Forgiver and Hider of Faults), instructs Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the transgressors who have wronged themselves through sin and crime that Allah is indeed All-Forgiving. Allah, Glory be to our Lord, provides sinners with the hope of turning in repentance and receiving forgiveness. Our Lord asks us not to despair nor become hopeless of Divine Mercy for indeed Allah forgives all sins. Allah, the Most High, created us to bestow Love and Compassion on and is pleased when we seek Forgiveness and Mercy. We must understand that we sinned, change our behaviour, submit to Allah's command and show our sincerity in our repentance by doing righteous deeds. Never believe you are too sinful to be forgiven by Allah, Al-Ghafur, even if you have repeatedly repented and broken your promises to our Lord.


Writing in Avocado Green; Design in Black Brown, Dark Burnt Orange, Topaz, Light Wedgewood and Avocado Green;Border in Black Brown


2.7” X 5.9”



ALLAHA YAMARU (Allah Commands)

26OriginalTapestry Allaha Yamaru Shop26 2


In Surah Al-Nahl (16:90), Allah, Al-Nafi' (The Source of All Good),provides a thorough explanation and comprehensive picture of Islamic social, humanitarian and ethical teachings. We are commanded to be just, kind, good, benevolent, forgiving and generous to people and our family. Then our Lord tells us what is forbidden: immorality, evil and oppression. These include: shameful behaviour and lewdness, whether latent and secret or overt and open; insolence and rude behaviour; and rebelliousness, tyranny and oppression. Allaha Yamaru (Allah Commands) these three principles of justice, kindness and goodness and generosity and forbids these three deviations of lewdness, rude behaviour and oppression to assist us in creating a world of quiet peace, devoid of calamities and corruption. Overall, this ayat is like a bill of rights for humanity and what it contains is valued and encouraged by all religious people in the world.


Writing in Dark Delft Blue; Design in Dark Delft Blue, Light Cornflower Blue, Avocado Green and Banana Yellow; Border in Light Cornflower Blue


4.9” X 8.2”



AL-FATIR (The Originator)

15Original–Tapestry  Al Fatir Shop15 width=


In Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (14:10), Allah, Al-Hakim (The Wise), addresses the people, in the previous ayat (verse), asking if the stories of the peoples of Prophet Nuh (Noah), Prophet Hud and Prophet Saleh, peace be upon them, have not reached them. Prophet Nuh’s, peace be upon him, and the Bani Ad (people of Ad) and Bani Thamud’s (people of Thamud) Messengers, peace be upon them, came with clear signs, but the people declared their disbelief in the Message and said they were skeptical and suspicious about the Message. In fact, they accused the Prophets of being liars. But in ayat 10, Allah, Al-Fatir (The Originator) and Al-Khaliq (The Creator), tells us that the Prophets asked if there is any doubt about Allah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Allah, Al-Afuww (The Pardoner), calls on us to remove our faults and forgives us of our sins, wiping them away, even from the memory of the angels and ourselves.


Writing in Light Pumpkin, Dark Cranberry and Dark Grass Green; Design in Bright Red, Dark Cranberry, Light Pumpkin, Black, Light Green and Dark Grass Green; Border in Dark Cranberry


4.2” X 6.7”



KUL (All, Everything)

17Original Bookmark Kul Shop17


In Surah al-Nisa (4:78), Allah, Al-Mubdi (The Originator), tells us to say that all, everything (kul), is from our Lord.


Writing in Very Light Beige Brown; Design in Very Light Pearl Gray, Pearl Gray, Very Light Terra Cotta, Dark Terra Cotta, Very Light Peach, Very Light Beige Brown, Light Beige Brown, Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand, Forest Green and White; Border in Dark Terra Cotta


3.6” X 4.7”



AL-SHIFA' (The Cure)

21Original Bookmark Shifa Shop21


In Surah ash-Shu'ara (26:80), Allah, Al-Mani (The Defender, The Preventer of Harm), relates Prophet Ibrahim’s (Abraham), peace be upon him, words to the idol-worshipping people that it is only Allah “Who created me,” guides, feeds and gives drink, cures (shifa’), causes life and death and forgives. He mentions only a few of the Creator’s Bounties which the idols cannot deliver. Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, nullifies the superstition of numerous deities and bows before the Lord, glorifying Allah's Name.


Writing in Light Baby Blue; Design in Dark Coffee Brown, Black, White, Light Raspberry, Salmon, Light Salmon, Light Baby Blue, Light Blue Green, Very Light Topaz, Topaz, Peach and Pale Pumpkin; Border in Light Raspberry


3.1” X 5”



AL-SHAHEED (The Witness)

16Original–Tapestry  Al Shaheed Shop16 (2)


In Surah Qaf (50:37), Allah, Al-Shaheed (The Witness), in the previous ayat (verse), speaks about how our Lord destroyed generations of disbelieving people by others who had more might and strength. If people do not believe in Allah, the Almighty, they can be overrun and conquered by others, even if they possess physical strength and power. Allah, the Most High, says that this history is a reminder for those who have an awakened heart with perception and intellect, or who listen with their soul, and are present and witness (shaheed) the Truth. The viciousness of the disbelievers can be seen on the Earth and Allah, Al-Hakam (The Judge), reminds us that they will receive their due recompense here and, if not, surely in the Hereafter.


Writing in Dark Golden Brown; Design in Dark Golden Brown, Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand, Ultra Dark Coffee Brown, Ultra Pale Yellow, Very Dark Violet, Dark Lavender, Very Dark Mauve, Light Beige Gray, Dark Steel Gray, Very Light Golden Olive, Light Avocado Green, Very Dark Avocado Green, Very Dark Gray Green, Black, White, Buttercup, Light Peach, Salmon, Dark Delft Blue, Light Baby Blue and Dark Antique Blue; Border in Very Dark Mauve


6.1” X 8.5”



TASAW WA FARIHA (Grieve and Rejoice)

49OriginalTapestry Tasawa wa Fariha Shop49 2


In Surah al-Hadid (57:23), Allah, Al-Ghani (The Self-Sufficient, The Independent One, The Supremely Wealthy), in the previous ayat (verse) tells us that there is no hardship, misfortune or disaster that strikes the Earth or ourselves that is not already written in the kitab (register of decrees) before it is brought into existence by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, which is easy for Him. This ayat explains the reason for this: so we do not tasaw (grieve) over what has happened, what escaped, got away from us or we failed to get, and so we do not fariha (exult, rejoice) at what we have been given or has come to us. This means that everything is in Allah’s Control and Power and Allah is The One Upon Whom All Depend, while He depends upon no one and needs no help from anywhere. What meets us is ordained for us to meet and what misses us is ordained for us to miss. We are being advised to keep on the Middle Way, the Straight Path, and this includes emotionally. We must endeavour to control our sadness and grief in times of hardship and our elation and pride in times of bounty. We must not be stingy and withhold our wealth for fear of poverty nor tell others they should do the same. Nor should we fool ourselves into believing that it is our intelligence, work, skills, etc. that resulted in whatever we have received or achieved and behave boastfully, proudly and arrogantly about what Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has provided to us. Allah’s Love is not for the self-deluded and proud boaster, the misers and those who encourage others in stinginess. Inshallah (Allah Willing), our asaa (sadness) must be tempered with patience and our farih (joy) must be tempered with gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. After all, such worldly possessions and achievements are not everlasting and we must not be attached to them as they can cause us to forget our Beloved. As well, the blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala come with obligations which we will be accountable for on the Day of Judgement.Entanglements, problems and calamities are also not everlasting and rather serve as warnings of our neediness and dependence on our Creator and Sustainer and help us to ascend to elevated states where afflictions do not affect us negatively because we understand there’s a Divine purpose for them.


Writing in Very Dark Lavender; Design in Medium Lavender, Very Dark Lavender, Light Pistachio Green and Dark Pistachio Green; Border in Medium Lavender


6” X 9.3”



AL-SABIL (The Way)

19Original–Tapestry  Al Sabil Shop19


In Surah al-Isra or Bani Isra’il (17:84), Allah, Al-Khabir (The All Aware), in the previous ayats (verses) tells us that the Holy Qur’an is a Healing and Mercy to the believers and the unbelievers do not receive anything from it but loss. The Holy Qur’an is a cure for the greatest ailments - unbelief, hypocrisy, revolt and seductions. The unbelievers, when they are faced with the Truth, fight against it and increase in their rebellion, thus adding more loss to themselves. And since they do not obey Allah’s commandments and refrain from His prohibitions, each decree only adds to their crimes and offences. When Allah, the Bestower, grants favours and blessings on people, some turn away from Him, not thanking Him, and proudly withdraw and distance and alienate themselves from Him and His worship, being self-centred and following their own desires and ego. When evil (calamities, hardships, sorrow, disease, catastrophes, poverty, as viewed by disbelievers) touch them, they despair and become desperate and impatient.

Believers in Allah, the Compassionate, do not behave like that. In this ayat, He tells Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to say that everyone acts according to their own character, manner and disposition, formed through their heredity, education, training and socialization. The believers receive Cures and Mercy from the Holy Qur’an, while the disbelievers, the oppressors, do not receive anything good, only more loss, from it. And our Lord knows who is best guided in the Way (Al-Sabil).


Writing in Very Light Golden Olive; Design in Ultra Dark Beige Gray, Very Light Pearl Gray, Very Light Ash Gray, Very Dark Brown Gray, Very Light Beige Brown, Light Beige Brown, Light Tawny, Light Tan, Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand, Dark Coffee Brown, Ultra Dark Coffee Brown, Very Light Brown, Brown, Light Drab Brown, Cyclamen Pink, Red, Light Baby Blue, Dark Bright Turquoise, Medium Electric Blue, Very Dark Peacock Blue, Pale Pumpkin, Peach, Light Tangerine, Very Light Golden Olive, Very Dark Seagreen, Black, White, Ultra Pale Yellow and Light Pale Yellow; Border in Very Light Golden Olive


4.7” X 7”



RAHMAH (Compassion)

18Original Bookmark Rahmah Shop18


In Surah al-A’raf (7:156), Allah, Al-Rahman (The Compassionate), states that our Lord's Compassion (Rahmah) embraces all things.


Writing in Light Copper; Design in Light Copper, Peach, Rose, Very Light Dusty Rose, Light Blue Violet, Blue, Light Emerald Green, Dark Grass Green and Sunlight Topaz; Border in Light Copper


3.6” X 4.7”



QALB (Heart)

25Original Bookmark Qalb Shop25


In Surah at-Taghabun, Allah, Al-Wadud (The Loving and Beloved One), declares that whoever believes in Allah will have their heart (qalb) guided. The Almighty guides our hearts so we never give up hope in the face of difficulties nor become restless. Al-Hamdulillah! (All Praise be to Allah)


Writing in Very Dark Salmon; Design in Medium Antique Blue, Dark Antique Blue, Very Dark Salmon, Rose, and Very Dark Rose; Border in Medium Antique Blue


4.4” X 4.5”



IBADAN (Worshippers)

37Original–Tapestry Ibadan Shop37 2


In Surah Ali-Imran (3:79), Allah, Al-Azim (The Magnificent), earlier in this ayat, informs us that it is an impossibility for the Prophets and sinful for people who teach Allah’s Scripture to tell the people to be servants to them rather than to Allah. Instead believers say, “Be worshippers of the Rabb (Lord).” The Prophets, and people, say this because they teach and study Allah’s Words in the Holy Qur’an and have understood Allah’s Essence, Message and Ordinances. This ayat is letting us know that some people have not only altered the Words of Allah, but deviously and deceitfully instruct their followers to serve them instead. Allah makes it clear that a Prophet and Messenger could never do that so we can be confident that if someone comes with what they claim are the Words of Allah and tells us to serve and/or worship them, they are for sure an impostor and are following shaitan (satan). Every Prophet of Allah came with the same Message: be ibadan (worshippers) of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Only Rabb. For example, Prophet Isa (Jesus) did not tell the people to worship him, astagfirullah (may Allah forgive us). Also, one of the aims of the Prophets is to educate people and train virtuous intelligent scholars who could also enlighten others with their knowledge.


Writing in Teddy Brown and Dark Antique Blue; Design in Teddy Brown, Camel, Medium Brown, Very Light Brown, Light Drab Brown, Light Hazelnut Brown, Very Dark Beaver Grey, Hydrangea Blue, Light Antique Blue, Dark Antique Blue, Light Wedgewood, Baby Blue, Dark Grass Green, Medium Forest Green, Ultra Light Avocado Green, Avocado Green, Black, White, Medium Henna, Light Apricot, Ultra Very Dark Topaz and Light Shell Pink; Border in Teddy Brown and Dark Antique Blue


9.4” X 9.3”



AL-HABLULLAH (The Rope of Allah)

35OriginalTapestry Al Hablullah Shop35 2


In Surah Ali-Imran (3:103), Allah, Al-Baqi (The Infinite and Everlasting), tells us to hold firmly to Al-Hablullah (The Rope of Allah) all together and do not be divided. This rope is anything that connects us to Allah, such as tawhid (monotheism), the Holy Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, or the Household of the Prophet, peace be upon them. Muslims are expected to take refuge in all these strongholds. We are barred from associating and allying with any power other than Allah, The All Powerful. We must not take the Jews and Christians as confidants. We should not surround ourselves with those who have allegiance to other than Allah and the Truth. Muslims must adhere to the principles and regulations established by our Lord. In this way, we will be united and organized into a powerful united single body. If we fail to hold firmly to Al-Hablullah, we run the risk of not only losing our faith in Allah, but we will definitely become divided and separated from our Sustainer and each other. [This tapestry entailed complicated stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Light Wedgewood; Design in Very Dark Pistachio Green, Light Pistachio Green, Light Wedgewood, Wedgewood, Light Orange Spice and Dark Burnt Orange; Border in Wedgewood


5.4” X 12.6”



AL-QUDDUS (The Pure and Holy)

4Original–Tapestry Al Qudoos Shop4


In Surah al-Hashr (59:23), Allah, Al-Quddus (The Pure and Holy), describes our Lord with some of the many Mighty and Beautiful Names.


Writing in Tan, Silver Cloud and Very Dark Lavender; Design in Dark Cranberry; Border in Very Dark Lavender


7.6” X 7.4”




 33OriginalTapestry Kalimatan Tayyibatan Shop33 2


In Surah Ibrahim (14:24-25), Allah, Al-Musawwir (The Shaper of Forms and Beauty), illustrates by way of a parable about kalimatan tayyibatan (a good word) comparing it to a good tree. A good tree has several outcomes: growing, bearing abundant fruit, casting shadows, sustaining itself and bearing fruit under all kinds of circumstances. A monotheistic person too is always growing, revealing signs of faith in speech and actions, continuously through the seasons of life, always calling others to Islam and persuading them to do what is right and stay away from what is wrong. Allah, in the Holy Qur’an, refers to other things that are tayyibah (good), such as tawhid (monotheism), iman (faith), correct and sound ideas, the Prophets and their companions and followers. Tawhid is inherently rooted and fixed in our fitrah (human nature), just as a tree is fixed by its roots in the ground. The tree of tawhid is fixed and its branches extend to Paradise. It is impossible to uproot or eradicate it. Only by the permission of the Lord can a tree survive and bear fruit and only by the permission of our Lord can we stay faithful and speak kalimatan tayyibatan and call others to the Way of Allah. [This tapestry entailed minute stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Hunter Green; Design in Hunter Green, Insect Green, Very Light Avocado Green, Lettuce Heart Green, Very Light Beige Brown, Light Beige Brown and Dark Coffee Brown; Border in Light Beige Brown


4.9” X 9.7”





7Original Bookmark Al Islam Shop7


In Surah al-Maidah (5:3), Allah, Al-Akbar (The Greatest), clearly states that Islam has been chosen by our Lord as our way of life.


Writing in Light Periwinkle; Design in Very Light Baby Blue, Light Baby Blue, Baby Blue, Pastel Blue, Medium Tangerine, Red, Light Yellow Green, Very Light Yellow Green, Medium Yellow Green, Pearl Grey and Black; Border in Red and Cyclamen Pink


2.9” X 6.2”



AL-IMAN (The Faith)

27Original Bookmark Al Iman Shop27


In Surah al-Hujurat (49:17), Allah, Al-Mu’izz (The Giver of Honour), instructs Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the people that they must not consider it a favour to him that they have accepted Islam. Allah, Al-Malik (The Absolute Master), has granted them a favour by guiding them to the Faith (al-Iman). Allah is Needless of our belief, faith and worship. Any rewards promised to us are because of Divine Favour and the greatest reward is being guided to Islam. Al-Hamdulillah! (All Praise be to Allah)


Writing in Very Dark Peacock Blue; Design in Very Dark Peacock Blue, Dark Terra Cotta, Light Copper, Desert Sand and Dark Coffee Brown; Border in Desert Sand


3.5” X 8.6”

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