(The Dominion, The Kingdom)
In Surah al-Mulk (67:1-2), Allah, Al-Malik al-Mulk (The Master of the Kingdom and Dominion), describes Himself as the Blessed and Bountiful (Tabarak), One in Whose Hand is the Dominion, The All-Powerful over everything, The One Who Created Death and Life, The Almighty and The All-Forgiving. Allah is The Divine Owner, The Sovereign, The Omnipotent, The Everlasting Pure Essence and The Bountiful Existent Being. Thus, Allah’s Omnipotence, Majesty and Infinite Might leave no room for hopeless, defect nor limit. Allah’s Knowledge encompasses all and the Emanation of His Existence embraces all.
In this ayat (verse) it is clear that we have been created in order for Allah to test which of us believes in our Lord and performs the best actions here on Earth. This Divine Trial is a fostering that causes us to enter the arena of action and inshallah (Allah willing) makes us experienced and pure and deserving of Divine Proximity. The goal is performing good deeds, not their quantity, doing them sincerely for the sake of Allah, The Almighty, while worshipping our Creator. It is important to note that the preservation of our deeds from impurities is harder than performing good deeds. Plus, we should not expect praise for their performance from anyone besides our Lord.
Death is the transference from this world to the next. Death is mentioned before life because paying attention to, remembering death and preparing for death makes a profound impression on us and should cause the performance of good deeds. So we must not despair of having committed mistakes and stop striving toward spiritual growth for Allah is Invincible and Oft-Forgiving, the Compassionate, The Merciful. [This bookmark was extremely time-consuming due to its sheer size, thus the higher price.]
Writing in Dark Pistachio Green and Dark Garnet Design in Light Shell Pink, Very Light Topaz, Dark Pistachio and Dark Garnet; Border in Very Light Topaz
6” X 11.6”