AL-HUSNA (The Most Beautiful, The Best)
In Surah As-Isra (17:110), Allah, Al-Rahman (The Compassionate), commands Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the people to call upon Allah or call upon Al-Rahman (The Compassionate). Whatever Name of Allah you call upon, all of Al-Husna (The Most Beautiful and Best) Names belong to Allah. It is said that this ayat was revealed when Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, was praying at the Kaaba and saying “O Allah! O Al-Rahman!” Some people believed he was praying to two different gods and couldn’t understand why if he claimed to be a monotheist. Our Lord must have different names because Allah is the Source of all Perfections, Bounties and Goodness. It is rather more surprising that we call upon Allah by only One Name. While Allah is the Infinite and Possessor of all that is Good, we, too, must try to inculcate the Most Beautiful Names of Allah into ourselves by sincerely valuing them and implementing them into our daily lives. In other words, we must try to be compassionate, wise, generous, knowledgeable, loving and all the other Al-Husna Names of Allah. [Due to the sheer size of this tapestry, it has a higher price.]
Writing in Very Dark Pistachio Green; Design in Very Dark Pistachio Green, Dark Hunter Green, Medium Yellow Green, Medium Parrot Green, Light Baby Blue, Baby Blue, Very Dark Baby Blue, Medium Yellow, White, Very Dark Beige Brown and Very Light Brown; Border in Dark Hunter Green
8.4” X 13.8”