In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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AL-SABIL RABBIKA (The Way of Your Lord)

32Original–Tapestry Al Sabil Rabbika Shop32 2


In Surah Al-Nahl (16:125), Allah, Al-Muta’ali (The Supremely Exalted), begins to list ten ethical decrees to the end of the surah for social association. This ayat orders everyone, including instructors, professors and religious scholars, to be well-equipped with various methods to be successful when addressing different audiences. Good advice is successful when the giver acts and practices according to what they say and they do not provoke bad feelings through insults. We are told to invite others to Al-Sabil Rabbika (The Way of your Lord) with wisdom, good advice and with the best and friendly words and manner. This will provide rational and reasonable insights and mental nourishment and calm emotions and spiritual enrichment for the listener. Especially when disputing or debating, we must maintain a friendly composure rather than a confrontational and argumentative one.


Writing in Medium Grey Green; Design in Light Grey Green, Medium Grey Green, Very Dark Grey Green, Light Shell Pink, Very Light Antique Mauve, Black, White, Very Light Brown Grey, Medium Beige Brown, Dark Beige Brown and Black Brown; Border in Black


5.7” X 7.7”



AL-HAQQ-IL-MUBINI (The Manifest Truth)



In Surah Al-Naml (27:79), Allah, Al-Haqq (The Truth), is reassuring Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and us, in the previous ayat, that judgement will take place on the Day of Judgement and He will be the Judge and Allah is Al-Aziz (The Mighty) and Al-Alim (The All-Knowing). Allah instructs us to put our trust in Him and rely on our Lord Alone, the Invincible and Omniscient. Allah states emphatically that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and those with him among his companions and followers are on Al-Haqq-il-Mubini (The Manifest Truth). Therefore, we must not be afraid of the enemies’ opposition and hatred and rely on our Sustainer to settle the score with justice.


Writing in Desert Sand; Design in Very Light Avocado Green, Hunter Green, White, Desert Sand, Light Brown Grey, Light Antique Blue, Dark Antique Blue, Sunlight Yellow, Very Light Topaz and Light Topaz; Border in Very Light Avocado Green


5.5” X 7”



AL-HUSNA (The Most Beautiful, The Best)

 30OriginalTapestry Al Husna Shop30 2


In Surah As-Isra (17:110), Allah, Al-Rahman (The Compassionate), commands Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the people to call upon Allah or call upon Al-Rahman (The Compassionate). Whatever Name of Allah you call upon, all of Al-Husna (The Most Beautiful and Best) Names belong to Allah. It is said that this ayat was revealed when Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, was praying at the Kaaba and saying “O Allah! O Al-Rahman!” Some people believed he was praying to two different gods and couldn’t understand why if he claimed to be a monotheist. Our Lord must have different names because Allah is the Source of all Perfections, Bounties and Goodness. It is rather more surprising that we call upon Allah by only One Name. While Allah is the Infinite and Possessor of all that is Good, we, too, must try to inculcate the Most Beautiful Names of Allah into ourselves by sincerely valuing them and implementing them into our daily lives. In other words, we must try to be compassionate, wise, generous, knowledgeable, loving and all the other Al-Husna Names of Allah. [Due to the sheer size of this tapestry, it has a higher price.]


Writing in Very Dark Pistachio Green; Design in Very Dark Pistachio Green, Dark Hunter Green, Medium Yellow Green, Medium Parrot Green, Light Baby Blue, Baby Blue, Very Dark Baby Blue, Medium Yellow, White, Very Dark Beige Brown and Very Light Brown; Border in Dark Hunter Green


8.4” X 13.8”



AL-‘A’LA (The Uppermost, the Superior, the Highest)

44OriginalBookmark Al Ala Shop44


In  Surah Taha (20:68), Allah, Al-‘Ali (The Highest, The Superior, The Sublime), in the previous ayats, relates the story of Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, when he faced the magicians or sorcerers in Firaun’s (Pharoah’s) court before he threw down his staff. Allah, All Praise be to Allah, is reassuring Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, not to be afraid because he will be al-‘a’la (the uppermost, the superior, the highest). This means that Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, will overcome the magicians’ tricks and his staff will devour their sticks that looked like snakes. In fact, the magicians submitted to Allah, The Most High, realizing Prophet Musa, peace be upon, was a Prophet of Allah, when they witnessed his superiority and the miracle he performed with Allah’s permission. They fell down in prostration in Firaun’s court. Our Lord makes it clear that the Prophets will always be supported. The believers, too, will be supported by Allah if we maintain our faith and loyalty to our Lord.


Writing in Chartreuse; Design in Peacock Blue, Light Copper, Medium Henna, Dark Yellow, Chartreuse, Ivory, Dark Coffee Brown, Teddy Brown, Very Light Beige Brown and Pearl Grey; Border in Dark Yellow


3.4” X 7.5”



AL-YUSRA (The Ease)

 27OriginalTapestry Al Yusra Shop27 2


In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185), Allah, Al-Qabid (The Constrictor), earlier in this ayat and continuing from the previous two ayats, instructs us that we must fast in the month of Ramadhan. Then our Lord lets us know that only al-yusra (ease) is intended for us, not hardship and difficulty.  Sawm (fasting) is prescribed for us so we can guard against evil. However, we are exempted if sick or on a journey or elderly and unable or chronically ill or if a woman is menstruating or is nursing or pregnant if she fears it will harm herself or her child. Fasting is a long-time ordinance of the Prophets of Allah and their followers. Although fasting is a strict and limiting type of worship, people gain ease and tranquility, both spiritually and materially, through it. So not only has Allah granted ease by providing exemptions, we receive blessings and benefits by fasting and it indeed makes our life easier. This is because those who fast are able to rein in their passions, do without, be steadfast through deprivations and difficulties and expel darkness from their heart. In any case, Islamic legislation is not based upon hardship, as Allah, The Praised One, says: “He has chosen you and has not laid upon you any hardship in religion.” (Surah al-Hajj, 22:78)


Writing in Medium Avocado Green; Design in Peach, Light Coral, Medium Coral, Very Dark Coral Red, Medium Avocado Green, Medium Parrot Green and Dark Parrot Green; Border in Light Coral


7.4” X 9”



AKHFA (Hidden)

5Original Bookmark Makhfi Shop5


In Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (14:38), Allah, Al-Batin (The Hidden), relays Prophet Ibrahim’s, peace be upon him, prayer that nothing is hidden (akhfa) from our Lord. Allah's Knowledge encompasses everything.


Writing in Dark Wedgewood;Design in Medium Brown and Light Sky Blue; Border in Light Sky Blue


2.6” X 8.1”




MUKHLISA (Sincere, Devoted, Faithful)

25Original–Tapestry Mukhlisa Shop25 (2)


In Surah al-Zumar (39:14), Allah, Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living), tells Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to say that he only worships Allah Alone being sincere, devoted and faithful (mukhlisa) to Allah in his deen (way of life). Allah, Al-Mumeet (The Taker of Life), in the Qur'an, outlines seven guidelines of sincere, devout believers: awe of Allah’s Might and Power, doing righteous deeds, emigration from polytheism, disbelief and sin, patience, sincere devotion, total submission and fear of the Day of Judgment. Muslims are expected to fully submit to Allah’s Will, in all areas of life, including faith, worship, deeds, sacrifices, jihad (strive), resistance and perseverance. [This tapestry utilizes more complicated and time-consuming stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Very Light Brown; Design in Dark Cranberry, Rose, Light Pistachio Green, Avocado Green, Very Light Fern Green, Medium Topaz, Dark Golden Brown, Very Light Brown and White; Border in Very Light Fern Green


3.3” X 10.2”



AL-RAZZAQ (The Provider and Sustainer)

24Original–Tapestry Al Razzaq Shop24 (2)


In Surah al-Talaq (65:2-3), Allah, Al-Razzaq (The Provider and Sustainer), lays out legislation regarding divorce. A husband and wife should either live together in a befitting fashion, with love, compassion and humane principles, or part with each other in a kind manner, free from controversies, quarrels, slander and transgression of rights. The same way that the marriage bond is established peacefully, separation should be by mutual understanding. This is because the man and woman may desire to marry again, but mistreatment at the time of separation and divorce, or during the marriage, may hamper them from considering remarriage or even if they wish to remarry they may be harmed, intellectually and/or emotionally, through the ill treatment they suffered.

Divorce is the most hated allowable thing in Allah’s eyes. It is a serious undertaking and Allah, Al-Adl (The Just), orders that it must be witnessed by two just witnesses. In these two ayats (verses), Allah promises that our Lord will make a way out for people who wish to divorce because they are unable to live together without breaking Allah’s commandments. If they have consciousness of Allah and are pious, they should not let issues of money, children, possessions, emotions, fear of the unknown or any other reason impede them from being truthful and fair in the divorce proceedings so that they will be provided deliverance from the marriage, its entanglement and any ensuing difficulties and obstacles. Not only that, but Allah, Al-Hamdulillah (All Praise be to Allah), will provide for them in ways they can never imagine and from where they do not expect. Everyone should trust in Allah and not fear the path of Truth as this will open the doors of happiness. Putting your trust in Allah and being satisfied with the Decrees is a good deed in our Lord's Sight. [This tapestry utilizes more complicated and time-consuming stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Tangerine and Dark Bright Turquoise; Design in Medium Tangerine, Topaz, Light Cornflower Blue, Light Petrol Blue, Very Light Baby Blue, Light Baby Blue, Very Dark Baby Blue, Sky Blue, Medium Blue, Light Wedgewood, Dark Wedgewood, Dark Delft Blue, Dark Bright Turquoise and Black; Border in Medium Tangerine


3.8” X 12.9”



WASWASA (Whisper)

23Original–Tapestry Waswasa Shop23 (3)


In Surah Qaf (50:16), Allah, Al-Muqtadir (The Exalted in Might and Perfect in Ability), tells us that certainly our Lord created people and knows what our self, our soul (nafs), whispers (tuwaswisu) to us, including unbefitting thoughts, repeated unfounded doubts and fears and irrational and evil thoughts. Sometimes it is Iblis, the shayatin (satans) or evil people who access and infiltrate our thoughts through our nafs al-ammarah (lower or animalistic, carnal soul). They use temptation, invitations, the manifestations of our desires - making them seem good and beautiful - false promises, encouragement of our far-fetched hopes and fear, especially of the future. Essentially, these are all irrational thinking which skews reality.

Because Allah, the Creator, made us, our Lord, therefore, knows us better than we know ourselves. Allah knows our inward and outward thoughts, speech, actions, qualities, beliefs, temptations, intentions, fears, doubts and worries. Allah also knows that the disbelievers’ denial of the Resurrection is due to their obeying lustful and satanic temptations, even though their innate natural disposition (fitrah) recognizes they came from Allah, Al-Awwal (The Perpetual First) and Al-Akhir (The Last, The Ultimate), and will return to our Lord. Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein, the one which takes the blood from the head, including the brain, back to the heart through the neck (jugular) to be reoxygenated. If the jugular vein is cut or damaged, we could die. By emphasizing the jugular vein, Allah, the All-Knowing, means our Lord controls our life and death more than our jugular vein does. It is Allah who keeps us alive and causes us to die. This Truth causes believers to account for their every thought, word and deed in order to have a responsible and honourable record, which Allah, Al-Wajid (The All-Perceiving Abundance), mentions in the next ayats (verses), on the Day of Judgement, inshallah (Allah willing). [This tapestry utilizes more complicated and time-consuming stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Coral and Black; Design in Red, Rose, Medium Tangerine, Dark Lavender, Medium Blue Violet, Medium Yellow, Medium Yellow Green, Very Dark Seagreen, Peacock Blue and Dark Carnation; Border in Rose


4.2” X 13”



NURIHI (Allah's Divine Light)

22Original–Tapestry  Nurihi Shop22 (2)


In Surah al-Saff (61:8), Allah, Al-Nur (The Divine Light), makes it clear that the disbelievers want to extinguish our Lord's Light with their empty words and slander. But their efforts will never be successful. It is like trying to put out the sun by blowing on it. The enemies of Allah, Al-Darr (The Powerful Afflicter and Distresser), try many plots and strategies, such as mockery, lies, dissemination of evil and immorality, especially by targeting the youth, economic blockades, occupations, dividing up Muslim lands, political corruption, colonialism, murders and wars, throughout history to destroy Islam and Muslims. Islam will dominate the world and all ways of life, including all religions, because it is the Way of Guidance and Truth sent by Allah Alone. Even though the disbelievers detest it, Islam will prevail. Allah’s Light will be perfected and justice will reign when the Mahdi, may Allah hasten his arrival, appears. Subhanallah! (Glory be to Allah) [This tapestry utilizes more complicated and time-consuming stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Bright Orange-Red, Medium Yellow and Medium Blue; Design in Dark Burnt Orange, Bright-Orange Red, Light Tangerine and Medium Yellow; Border in Medium Delft Blue


6.3” X 11.6”



IS’TAQIM (Stand Firm)

20Original–Tapestry  Is’taqim Shop20


In Surah Hud (11:112), Allah, Al-Baseer (The All-Seeing), commands Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, along with those believers who turn in repentance (taba) with him, to stand firm and steadfast in the propagation and guidance, in the battles, in carrying out Allah’s orders and implementing the Holy Qur’an’s instructions. The root word of Allah’s command to stand firm, steadfast and upright (is’taqim) can be seen in other Words of our Lord, such as Qiyamat (Day of Resurrection), iqamah (establish), qiyam (stand), mustaqeem (straight) and al-qawma (the people). Allah, Al-Azim (The Magnificent), continues the ayat (verse) by telling the Prophet and us not to transgress from the Path of Islam and that our Lord sees everything we do. It is a severeayat with heavy duties. To be successful, we must be persistent, sincere, non-violent leaders and abstain from unruliness and sin. It has been reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said that this surah (chapter) and Surah al-Waqi’ah caused him to age early.


Writing Dark Hunter Green; Design in Medium Forest Green, Dark Hunter Green, Medium Cornflower Blue, Medium Copper, Red, Very Dark Salmon, Dark Coffee Brown, Black Brown, Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand, Very Light Tan and Tan; Border in Dark Hunter Green


6.3” X 13.2”



FI NAFSIKA (Within Your Soul)

18Original–Tapestry  Fi Nafsika Shop18 (2)

Tapestry 00018

In Surah al-A’raf (7:205) of the Holy Qur'an, Allah, Al-Jamil (The Most Beautiful and the Source of Beauty), in the previous ayat (verse) instructs us to be silent and listen to the Holy Qur’an when it is recited so that our heart and mind can be affected, thus receiving Allah’s Mercy.

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AL-MUH’TADINA (The Guided Ones)

17Original–Tapestry  Al Muh’tadina Shop17 (2)

Tapestry 00017

In Surah al-Qasas (28:56), Allah, Al-Rasheed (The Director to Righteousness), in the previous ayats (verses) speaks about Guidance and the believers’ belief, speech and actions, and their rewards, especially the believers who were originally the People of the Book.

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SALAT & SABR (Prayer & Patience)

14Original–Tapestry SalatSabr Shop14 (3)

Tapestry 00014

In Surah al-Baqarah (2:45), Allah, Al-Sabur (The Patient), advises us to seek our Lord's Help through salat (prayer) and sabr (patience).

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RAJI’UN (We are Returning)

13Original–Tapestry Rajin Shop13 (2)

Tapestry 00013

In Surah al-Baqarah (2:156), Allah, Al-Latif (The Subtle, Gentle and Kind), tells us that those who say we come from Allah and are returning (raji’un) to our Lord, whenever misfortune, tragedy, disaster or death strikes, are the ones Allah, All Praise be to Allah, sends Blessings and Mercy on and they are the rightly guided.

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YASHRAH (Allah Opens and Expands)

12Original–Tapestry Yashrah Shop12 (3)

Tapestry 00012

In Surah al-An’am (6:125), Allah, Al-Basit (The Expander and Reliever) and Al-Qabid (The Constrictor), promises that whoever our Lord wants to guide, Allah opens and expands (yashrah) their chest to Islam.

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ASH-SHAHR (The Ease, The Relief)

11Original–Tapestry Ash Shahr Shop11 (3)

Tapestry 00011

In Surah al-Inshirah (also known as Surah ash-Shahr, 94:5), Allah, Al-Nafi’ (The Source of All Goodness), promises that with every hardship, there is ease and relief (ash-Shahr).

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AL-HUDA (The Guidance)

9Original–Tapestry Al Huda Shop9 (2)

Tapestry 0009

In Surah al-An’am (6:71), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), speaks about those who take their religion as an amusement and diversion and are deluded by the world.

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AL-QADIR (The All-Powerful)

8Original–Tapestry Al Qadir Shop8

Tapestry 0008

In Surah Ale Imran (3:26), Allah, Al-Qadir (The All-Powerful), in the previous ayats (verses) speaks about those who have been given some of the scripture before and are now invited to Islam.

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Dhikr (Remembrance)

1Original–Bookmark Dhikr–HomePage WaitingforEyesandShop1

Bookmark 00001

Our First Bookmark

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AL-ALIM (The All-Knowing)

6Original–Tapestry Al Alim Shop6

Tapestry 0006

In Surah al-Hadid (57:3), Allah, Al-Alim (The All-Knowing), informs us of some of the many Beautiful Names and that Allah knows the details of all things. Allah is Eternal and Everlasting.

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ASH-SHUKUR (The All-Appreciative)

52OriginalBookmark Ash Shukur Shop52


In Surah Al-Shura (42:23), Allah, Al-Ghafur (The Forgiver and Hidder of Faults) and Ash-Shakur (The Rewarder of Thankfulness, The All-Appreciative), confirms that whoever performs good, it will be increased for them. This part of the ayat comes after Allah instructing Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to tell the people the following: “Say: ‘No reward do I ask of you for this except to love my close relatives.’” This is important because the increase in goodness from Allah will not only be given to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, but all the believers who are kind and loving to his near relatives.


Writing in Very Dark Rose, Green and Black; Design in Cranberry, Very Dark Rose, Green and Black; Border in Black


4.4” X 8.8”



AL-SABIQUNA (The Foremost)

51OriginalBookmark Al Sabiquna Shop51


In Surah Al-Muminun (23:61), Allah, Al-Matin (The Steadfast, The Firm) in the previous ayats, describes al-muminun (The Believers). They are in awe and cautious to fulfill religious obligations and refrain from sin out of fear and respect of Allah’s Grandeur and Kindness, sincerely believe in Allah’s signs, including the Holy Qur’an, do not associate partners with their Lord, give in charity with pure anxious hearts because they know they will return to Allah and fear they may not have adequately performed their obligations. Allah, The Most High, says that these people are those who hasten to the good and they are al-sabiquna (the foremost). Al-Sabiquna can be used as those who are the forerunners in a race or competition, those who are ahead and are relentlessly outstripping the others. The believers are, therefore, in a race, a race in doing good, back to Allah, our Creator, to Whom we will all return. Because we are fearful of Allah and believe with sincerity, it makes us hurry to perform good and righteous deeds. Hastening to do good comes from knowledge, faith, sincerity and charity with an apprehensive heart. And thus, we will receive all goodness, prosperity and Divine favours here and in the Hereafter.


Writing in Navy Blue; Design in Sunlight Yellow, Navy Blue, Light Hazelnut Brown, Satin Buttercup and Very Light Pearl Grey; Border in Very Light Peal Grey


3.5” X 6.8”



ITTABI’ (Follow)

49OriginalBookmark Ittabi Shop49


In Surah Luqman (31:15), Allah, Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life), tells us to ittabi’ (follow) Al-Sabil (The Path, The Way) of those who turn to Allah and not the way of those who associate others with our Sustainer. This ayat is speaking about our parents. We are instructed to treat our parents, even if they do not follow Allah’s Path, with kindness and do not sever our relationship with them. However, we should not obey them if they insist we deviate from Islam and follow another way.


Writing in Medium Old Rose; Design in Medium Old Rose, Very Light Dusty Rose, Ultra Dark Dusty Rose and Ultra Very Dark Dusty Rose; Border in Ultra Dark Dusty Rose


4.2” X 5.9”



BAYNA (Between)

47OriginalBookmark Bayna Shop47


In Surah Al-Anfal (8:24), Allah, Al-Jami’ (The Gatherer), earlier in this ayat, instructs us to answer the invitation of our Sustainer and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. The inviting call is what will give us life, a mental, intellectual, and spiritual life. The acceptance of the Prophet’s invitation is the same as the acceptance of Allah’s invitation. The real life lies in faith in Allah, The Majestic, and the performance of righteous deeds. To live otherwise is living a deadened existence. Allah tells us that He intervenes bayna (between) people and their hearts. This shows that Allah is aware and present everywhere, closer to us than our jugular vein and all bounties and successes belong to our Sustainer. All the activities of our soul and intellect are under Allah's Authority also. And so if we call upon Allah, in His Mercy, our Lord will intervene and cause our hearts to become pure, faithful and certain of Allah’s Majesty.


Writing in Grey Green; Design in Dark Rose, Medium Old Rose, Quartz Pink, Shell Pink, Steel Grey and Grey Green; Border in Medium Old Rose


3.5” X 5.9”



DABBATIN (Moving Creature)

41OriginalBookmark Dabbatin Shop41


In Surah Hud (11:6), Allah, Al-Razzaq (The Provider, the Sustainer), declares that every dabbatin (moving creature) on Earth receives its rizq (sustenance, provision and bounty) continuously from Allah. Each creature that Allah, our Creator, made is provided for according to their specific needs. This caring is a gift from Allah, The Loving. Allah is aware of the numbers and places of all people, land and marine animals, birds and desert animals, all creatures great and small, and their various specifications and knows what is suitable for each of them. This gift includes sustenance directly from our Lord and the ability to discover, acquire and utilize the provisions needed for life. This means that each creature must also work for their sustenance. While the non-human creatures know where their rizq comes from, people do not always admit that our share comes from our Lord and is in Allah’s control.



Writing in Plum; Design in Plum, Dark Antique Violet, Green, Medium Topaz, Ultra Very Dark Topaz, Medium Yellow, Ecru, Camel and Very Dark Salmon; Border in Plum


3.1” X 9.1”



AL-WALI (The Protector and Supporter)

39OriginalBookmark Al Wali Shop39


In Surah Al-Jathiyah (45:19), Allah declares that He is Al-Wali (The Protector and Supporter) of al-mutaqina (the committed believers). We are being warned that the wrongdoers are friends and allies of each other. They help one another against the Muslims. But Al-Wali is the committed believers’ Friend, Ally, Protector and Supporter. Al-Mutaqina refrain from wrongdoing and never follow those who deny Allah and commit sins. The disbelievers’ friendship with each other is of no avail to the committed believers. They have no power over disasters and afflictions and will not be able to even save themselves from the Hellfire. Allah, our Lord and Master, will always protect and help al-mutaqina at all times.


Writing in Grenadine Pink; Design in Very Light Pearl Grey, Chrome Grey, Dark Grey, Sunlight Yellow, Grenadine Pink, Avocado Green, Sky Blue and White; Border in Grenadine Pink


3.8” X 8.3”



TUNFIQU (You Spend)

 38OriginalBookmark Tunfiqu Shop38


In Surah Ali-Imran (3:92), Allah, Al-Muqit (The Nourisher), informs us that we will never attain righteousness and piety until we spend out of what we love. There are many qualities of a person who is pious, including, but not limited to, belief in Allah, The Most High, belief in the Day of Judgement, belief in the Prophets, helping the needy people,salat (prayer), saum (fasting), fulfilling promises, steadfastness and sadaqah (charity). It is fairly easy to give away materials and wealth that we don’t need and are extra. But it is much more difficult to give away what we love. Allah, The Most Glorious, lets us know that a true test of piety is when tunfiqu (you spend) from what you love. [This bookmark entailed minute stitches, thus the higher price.]


Writing in Dark Garnet; Design in Dark Garnet, Medium Antique Mauve, Medium Blue, Light Turquoise, Dark Green, Medium Grey Green, Lemon Yellow, Satin Buttercup, Tangerine, Very Dark Salmon, Pewter Grey, Chrome Grey, Light Hazelnut Brown, Black and White; Border in Lemon Yellow


4.5” X 7.4”



AL-HUZ'NI (The Sorrow)

36Original Bookmark  Al Huz’ni Shop36 (2)


In Surah Yusuf (Joseph) (12:86), Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), peace be upon him, upon hearing that his son Benyamin (Benjamin) and his oldest son had not returned from Egypt, was overcome with the repressed and continuous grief of losing his son Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him, and the new sorrow (al-huz’ni) of losing Benyamin, which caused him to become blind. Prophet Yaqub, peace be upon him, resolved to be patient and declared that he only complains to Allah, Al-Sami (The All-Hearing), about his suffering and sorrow in the nighttime and in private. Believers in Allah only share their troubles and secrets with the Lord. They do not keep silent, exerting pressure on their heart and nerves, jeopardizing their health, nor do they cry and moan in front of others. Instead, they dialogue and discuss with Allah Alone, are patient and put their hope in our Lord's Mercy for the future and the Hereafter. Only disbelievers despair of Allah’s Mercy.


Writing in Very Dark Beaver Gray; Design in Very Dark Salmon, Topaz, Light Turquoise and Turquoise; Border in Very Dark Beaver Gray


3.1” X 7.4”



RIDWAN (Satisfaction, Contentment, Pleasure)

35Original Bookmark Ridwan Shop35 (2)


In Surah al-Duha (93:5), after two oaths to the morning’s glorious bright light and the night’s serenity and stillness, Allah, Al-Muqaddim (The Expeditor and Advancer), informs Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, that our Lord has not forsaken him nor is not displeased with him. This ayat (verse) was revealed when the Prophet was facing hardships, torment and taunts in Makkah because he had not received revelation for a while. Thesurah (chapter) gave the Prophet much relief, hope, optimism and strength when Allah revealed to him that soon the Lord of the Worlds will give him so abundantly that he will be content, satisfied and pleased (ridwan). Allah reminds the Prophet that surely the Hereafter is better than the present life, even though he has been granted Allah’s Help, Love and Blessings throughout, even as an orphan child, lost and wandering and in need. This ayat ensures the believing steadfast Muslims that we, too, will not be forsaken by Allah, the Loving, and we will also receive blessings with which we will be well-pleased because we can expect that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, will intercede with Allah for us, inshallah (Allah Willing).


Writing in Dark Parrot Green; Design in Very Dark Salmon, Lemon and Medium Parrot Green; Border in Lemon


3.7” X 4.7”



AL-HASIB (The Reckoner and Rewarder)

34Original Bookmark Al Hasib Shop34 (2)


In Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (14:7), Allah, Al-Hasib (The Reckoner and Rewarder), promises, in this explicit ayat (verse) to increase our favours and blessings if we are thankful to our Lord for them. If you are given a favour, confess within your heart that it is a blessing from Allah and thank our Lord, with praise, and Allah will add to that favour by granting you more blessings. Giving thanks to Allah includes acknowledging all blessings are from our Lord, verbally saying Al-Hamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin (All Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds) and showing gratitude by worshipping Allah, seeking only our Lord's satisfaction and pleasure, avoiding sin and working in the service of people. Really thanking Allah for the favours means not attributing the favours as originating from your own intelligence, wisdom, reasoning and your or other people’s effort, but confessing that whatever exists comes from Allah, the Greatest. It also means being content with what Allah has given you, as well as not using the blessings to commit sins. Rather, we must use Allah's favours in ways which please our Lord.


Writing in Pewter Gray; Design in Dark Cranberry, Turquoise, Medium Lavender, Violet and Forest Green; Border in Light Turquoise


3.9” X 5.6”



AL-TAWWAB (The Guide to Repentance)

33Original Bookmark Al Tawwab Shop33 (2)


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:222), Allah, Al-Tawwab (The Guide to Repentance), tells us our Lord loves those who repent. When we repent, we turn from sin and regret our disobedience of the commandments of Allah, Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah), asking our Lord for forgiveness. We acknowledge we have disobeyed Allah, feel sorry about our action, make a firm decision to not repeat it in the future and make up for what we have done. Our repentance is called tawbah. Allah also loves those who purify themselves. Purification means not being polluted by sin and refraining from disobeying Allah, The Pure and Holy. Allah loves the people who refrain from sin, but is always Forgiving of those who repent, thus giving everyone hope. Our Lord guides us to repentance and ensures us that Al-Sabur (The Most Patient) is always Loving when we are repentant.


Writing in Pewter Gray; Design in Light Rose, Dark Coral, Light Pale Yellow, Medium Yellow, Very Dark Coral Red and Dark Hunter Green; Border in Light Rose


3.5” X 7.9”



AL-BASEER (The All-Seeing)

31Original Bookmark Al Baseer Shop31 (2)


In Surah al-Hadid (57:4), Allah, Al-Baseer (The All-Seeing), lets us know that everything we do is seen. Every hidden and apparent thing is seen, perceived and comprehended by Allah, even what is in our hearts and thoughts. Everything is visible to Allah, Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah). Allah sees the good deeds we do and the wrong ones also. Our Lord is advising us to keep constant watch over our conduct and thoughts at all times to earn blessings.


Writing in Very Dark Blue; Design in Pumpkin, Lemon, Green, Very Dark Blue, Red and Violet;Border in Lemon


3.4” X 5.4”




31Original Bookmark Wherever Shop31


In Surah al-Hadid (57:4), Allah, Al-Raqib (The Watcher), after mentioning several of Divine Attributes, speaks of our Lord's creating the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then being Above the Throne. Allah knows what goes into the Earth and what comes out of it, what comes down from Heaven and what goes up to it. And Allah, the Most Compassionate, is with us wherever we are. Allah has not abandoned creation. Rather our Lord is the Ruler upon Whom all depend.


Writing in Very Light Ash Gray; Design in Buttercup, Very Light Ash Gray, Medium Brown, Dark Golden Brown, Medium Blue, Light Lavender, Medium Lavender, Dark Lavender, Light Pale Yellow, Pale Yellow, Medium Yellow, Very Dark Dusty Rose, Light Peach and Peach;Border in Very Light Ash Gray


3.5” X 6.2”



IDH’NIHI (His Permission)

29Original Bookmark Idhnihi Shop29


In Surah al-Baqarah (2:255), in the famous Ayat al-Kursi (the Verse of the Throne), Allah, Al-Qayyum (The Self-Sustaining), describes Himself as the Ever-Living and the Sustainer of all creation. He asks Who can intercede (shifa’) with Him except by His Permission (idh’nihi). Allah is Al-Rafi (The Exalter). His Throne extends over the Heavens and the Earth and their preservation does not tire Him nor does He get drowsy or sleep.


Writing in Dark Lavender; Design in Dark Pistachio Green, Pale Pumpkin, Light Pumpkin, Topaz, Rose, Medium Electric Blue, Medium Blue and Dark Lavender; Border in Dark Lavender


3.3” X 7.1”



JIHAD (Strive)

28Original Bookmark Jihad Shop28


In this last ayat (verse) of Surah al-Ankabut (29:69), Allah, Al-Samad (The Eternal Satisfier of All Needs and the Ultimate Goal), promises that those who strive (jihad) for our Lord will be guided to the Way. Striving in Allah's Way and for our Lord, to gain Divine blessings, includes: obtaining knowledge, struggling against evil or an enemy, displaying patient obedience, refraining from sin, helping the oppressed and doing good to others. Those who strive for Allah, Rabbil al-Amin (The Lord of the Worlds), will receive Support and Guidance.


Writing in Ultra Dark Coffee Brown; Design in Very Dark Rose, Medium Pistachio Green and Dark Turquoise; Border in Dark Turquoise


3.4” X 5.5”



AL-GHANI (The Independent and Self-Sufficient)

26Original Bookmark Al Ghani Shop26


In Surah Ale Imran (3:97), Allah, Al-Ghani (The Independent and Self-Sufficient), while speaking about Makkah, where the first house for the worship of our Lord was built by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him, mentions his standing place, the safety there and Hajj (pilgrimage). Allah, Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah), reminds us that some people are disbelievers and assures us that Allah is Above any need of the worlds.


Writing in Dark Pistachio Green; Design in Medium Golden Olive, Forest Green, Dark Pistachio Green, Medium Topaz, Ultra Very Dark Topaz, Light Blue Violet, Dark Delft Blue and Light Baby Blue; Border in Medium Golden Olive


3.7” X 6.7”



AL-WAKEEL (The Trustee and Disposer of Affairs)

24Original Bookmark Al Wakeel Shop24


In Surah Ale Imran (3:173), Allah, Al-Wakeel (The Trustee and Disposer of Affairs), explains that those who strive in the Way believe and say that Allah, the Most High, is sufficient for them and is an excellent Trustee and Custodian. They are not like the hypocrites who give excuses why they won’t strive, fight and defend in Allah’s Way.


Writing in Dark Turquoise; Design in Medium Red, Rose, Very Light Turquoise, Dark Turquoise and Medium Topaz; Border in Medium Red


3.7” X 4.5”



HANIF (Upright in Faith)

1Original Tapestry–Hanif–HomePage WaitingforEyesandShop1

Tapestry 0001

Our First Tapestry

In  Surah Al-Rum (30:30), Allah, Al-Muqeet (The Nourisher), instructs us to set our face to our Lord's deen (way of life), being Hanif (upright in faith), because Islam is the valuable religion.

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AL-QAREEB & AL-MUJEEB (The Near & The Responsive)

2Original Bookmark QareebMujeeb–HomePage WaitingforEyesandShop2

Bookmark 00002

In Surah Hud (11:61), Allah, Al-Raheem (The Merciful), instructs Prophet Salih, peace be upon him, to tell the people that our Lord is indeed Near (Al-Qareeb) and Responsive (Al-Mujeeb).

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ILM (Knowledge)

3Original Bookmark  Ilm Shop3

Bookmark 00003

In Surah Taha (20:114), Allah, Al-Alim, (The All-Knowing), advises Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, to ask our Lord to increase his knowledge (ilm).

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ALAI (Favours)

6Original Bookmark Alai Shop6

Bookmark 00006

In the beautiful repetitive Surah al-Rahman (55:13), Allah, Al-Wahhab (The Bestower), asks us which of Allah's favours (alai) will we deny.

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AHLUL BAYT (People of the Household)

8Original Bookmark Ahlul Bayt Shop8

Bookmark 00008

In Surah al-Ahzab (33:33), Allah, Al-Quddus (The Pure and Holy), announces our Lord's purification of the People of Prophet Muhammad’s Household (Ahlul Bayt), peace be upon him and his family.

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AL-NUR (The Divine Light)

9Original Bookmark Nur Shop9

Bookmark 00009

In Surah al-Nur, Allah, Al-Nur (The Divine Light) of the Heavens and the Earth, describes our Lord so beautifully and metaphorically.

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12Original Bookmark IWillRememberYou Shop12

Bookmark 000012

In Surah al-Baqarah (2:152), Allah, Ash-Shakur (The Rewarder of Thankfulness), instructs us to remember (dhikr) our Lord so Allah will remember us.

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TAWFIQ (Success)

13Original Bookmark Tawfiq Shop13

Bookmark 000013

In Surah Hud (11:88), Allah, Al-Fattah (The Granter of Success, The Opener), relates Prophet Shuayb’s, peace be upon him, words that his success (tawfiq) is only from Allah, Al-Ali (The Most High).

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WA'AD (Promise)

15Original Bookmark Waad Shop15


In Surah al-Rum (30:60), Allah, Al-Haqq (The Truth), assures us that our Lord's Promise wa’ad) is true. Al-Hamdulillah! (All Praise be to Allah)


Writing in Very Dark Grape; Design in Medium Blue, Very Dark Grape, Topaz, Medium Tangerine and Medium Emerald Green; Border in Medium Blue


3.5” X 5.7”



AL-HADI (The Guide)

20Original Bookmark Al Hadi Shop20


In Surah al-Duha (93:7), Allah, Al-Hadi (The Guide), tells Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, that his Lord found him wandering and guided him, after being orphaned. Allah enlightened his heart with Divine Light so he could guide humanity. Allah, Al-Mughni (The Enricher), found him in need and made him free of need. Al-Hamdulillah! (All Praise be to Allah)


Writing in Red; Design in Red, Salmon, Rose, Medium Tangerine, Topaz, Very Dark Topaz, Light Pistachio Green, Medium Pistachio Green, Dark Pistachio Green, Chartreuse, Light Emerald Green, Medium Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Royal Blue, Very Light Blue, Medium Cornflower Blue, Peacock Blue, Very Dark Grape, Very Dark Lavender, Tan and Black; Border in Topaz


3.7” X 5.1”



ASMA (Names)

22Original Bookmark Asma Shop22


In Surah al-Hashr (59:24), Allah, Al-Musawwir (The Shaper of Forms and Beauty), invented and created everything in the best and most beautiful form without having a model to copy. After describing our Lord by the Names, in this concluding ayat (verse) of the surah (chapter), Allah pronounces that the Most Beautiful Names (Asma) belong to our Lord Alone. Subhanallah! (Glory be to Allah)


Writing in Bright Orange-Red; Design in Dark Coffee Brown, Bright Orange Red and Medium Pistachio Green; Border in Bright Orange Red


4.5” X 4.5”

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