In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here




YASHRAH (Allah Opens and Expands)

12Original–Tapestry Yashrah Shop12 (3)

Tapestry 00012

In Surah al-An’am (6:125), Allah, Al-Basit (The Expander and Reliever) and Al-Qabid (The Constrictor), promises that whoever our Lord wants to guide, Allah opens and expands (yashrah) their chest to Islam.

This means Allah places the Divine Light into us, helping us to recognize the Truth and have faith in our Lord, the One and Only God. This results in submission to Allah, guidance from our Lord and peace, patience and tranquility within us. What better gift is that? Al-Hamdulillah! (All Praise be to Allah)


Writing in Light Nile Green; Design in Light Rose, Baby Pink, Light Nile Green, Medium Nile Green, Pale Yellow, Very Dark Blue, Medium Delft Blue, Light Salmon, Salmon, Medium Yellow Green, Black Brown and Dark Coral;Border in Light Rose


5.5” X 13.2”