In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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SALAT & SABR (Prayer & Patience)

14Original–Tapestry SalatSabr Shop14 (3)

Tapestry 00014

In Surah al-Baqarah (2:45), Allah, Al-Sabur (The Patient), advises us to seek our Lord's Help through salat (prayer) and sabr (patience).

In this ayat (verse), Allah is addressing the followers of Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be upon him. Allah, Glory be to Allah, repeats this advice in the same surah (chapter) in ayat 153, this time addressing the believers in Allah. Prayer and patience are connected because through these two actions we can resist and persevere and establish a spiritual link to Allah, All Praise be to Allah. Prayer means attention to our Lord, remembrance and humility before Allah. It keeps us away from indecency and evil. We must be grateful to Allah and always remember our Lord. When we do that, we will internalize patience and persistence.


Writing in Very Dark Antique Mauve; Design in Ecru, Very Light Antique Mauve, Medium Antique Mauve, Very Dark Antique Mauve, Light Blue Green, Dark Turquoise, Ultra Very Light Shell Pink, Very Light Shell Pink, Ultra Very Dark Desert Sand, Salmon, Ultra Pale Yellow and Silver Cloud;Border in Very Light Antique Mauve


5.7” X 8.3”