ASH-SHAHR (The Ease, The Relief)
Tapestry 00011
In Surah al-Inshirah (also known as Surah ash-Shahr, 94:5), Allah, Al-Nafi’ (The Source of All Goodness), promises that with every hardship, there is ease and relief (ash-Shahr).
This is an encouragement to remain patient and steadfast through difficulties. Allah, Glory be to Allah, repeats this ayat (verse), telling us that with every hardship comes two reliefs. Allah gives us the power to persevere and resist all difficulties, including unhappiness and grief. While these ayats are addressed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, explaining that Allah, the Most High, expanded and uplifted his heart, removed his back-breaking burdens and raised his esteem and reputation, this promise is for us also.
Writing in Light Tangerine; Design in Black Brown, Ultra Dark Coffee Brown, Very Light Brown, Medium Brown, Very Light Beige Brown, Copper, Medium Copper, Light Tangerine, Light Pale Yellow, Medium Yellow, Medium Yellow Green, Medium Parrot Green, Very Dark Parrot Green, Burnt Orange, Peach, Dark Coral and Medium Dusty Rose;Border in Medium Yellow Green and Light Tangerine
4.6” X 9.1”