In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

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Words of Affirmation and a Surprise

Blog Post 10

Published July 24, 2018

5OriginalsHeavenorHell Page5

“I just love this book,” the tween girl told her friend, pointing to The Sandhills of Arabia.

“Where did you get it from to read?” the author asked, knowing only a few copies had been sold on-line so far.

“I borrowed it from my friend,” she said.

“Oh, you mean the old one,” the author said, referring to the original publication 25 years ago.

“Yes, I love it! I can’t wait till its sequel is republished.”


And she bought a copy of Right Against Might from the publisher’s table where the author-publisher sat selling at the Muslim Congress conference in Orlando.


The surprise that a young girl loved a book

written a quarter century earlier made the author-publisher’s day.


Soon after, her Latina friend, Sister Fatima, held up both books which she’d purchased and praised the initiative of Inked Resistance, the Islamic fiction book publishing company.

“You must support Inked Resistance which is publishing fiction for young and new adults and is looking for writers also,” Sister Fatima told the Mending Hearts workshop participants.


The surprise that her sister-friend publicized

the books and company built up more joy.


As the author-publisher made her way out of the workshop as it ended, she heard the alim calling out, “Where’s the sister with the book?!”

She waited as he hurriedly came towards her.

“I’d like you to teach a writing course. Could you?” he asked.

And they spoke about the need for young writers and how she could help.


The surprise that her skills were so valued

and needed caused her heart to overflow.


You see it’s not enough to only give words of affection or affirmation or appreciation. Those “I love you’s” can become common and meaningless. But don’t stop saying them as the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said, “Tell those you love you love them.”

However, if you follow the words with a surprise – a surprise of love – you’ll put cheer and happiness and hope and love in your loved ones’ hearts.


What surprise will you spring today?


Make it treasurable and personal.

Try to top the alim’s text-message to his wife between the two Jumah khutbahs he was giving, inshallah.

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