In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here


Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza

Blog Post 67

May 2, 2024

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In the Name of the Most High


Please don’t think we’ve been awol since our last blog post of November 10, 2023. We’ve been steadily working on the publication of Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza as a small tribute to them and the world. It was often a rough go of it as we immersed ourselves in the sickening crimes against humanity that is the war on the people of Gaza. But that miniscule roughness is nothing compared to the outright genocide of the innocent people of Gaza that the zionist state and their backers and funders and friends are maniacally committed to continuing to the very end. And yet, it did take a toll on the two of us, Muslimahs with Islamic convictions, as the unseeable evil horrors were witnessed by us and the world. Our grief was funnelled into this purposeful work, Al-Hamdulillah.   


The people of Gaza and all over Palestine continue to face the extreme, hateful and murderous brutality meted out by the zionist occupiers. Those endued with a moral compass have made their position known through many methods and it is clear that the world’s peoples are sick and damn tired of the lies, slander, harassment, theft, destruction, imprisonment, torture, murder and war against the Palestinian people. It’s not okay to pretend that some human beings have the right to life and others must have their bodies harmed, their minds jumbled and their hearts torn to pieces. What is right is to stand up and be counted at each and every instance of oppression and injustice that occurs on our planet and to work toward justice and the punishment of the criminal entities so that peace and love can prevail.

Some people say that Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza is the first published solidarity anthology in support of the people of Gaza. Sister Hanaa and I are proud to have been able to work with the 39 writers and artists who participated in putting it together. Our heartfelt admiration and sincere thanks are extended to all of them.

Readers, writers and artists are at the forefront of the fight against

the insidious forces against the oppressed peoples of the world.

Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing’s mission to enable the voices

of young and new adults within the worldwide Ummah to be 

heard loud and clear has been accomplished within the pages

of Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza.

You can directly support the people of Gaza by purchasing copies since half of our profit will be donated to them, inshallah.

As well, you can join in the fight against the oppressive world order that aims to continue its incessant and illegal support of the zionist state by feeding it our money, media coverage, military arms and literal arms, legs, heads and whole bodies. If you are sure about the battlefield, Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza will solidify your certainty as you contemplate the many voices of solidarity within its pages. If you are not clear yet about the battlefield, it’s time that you understand the battle. Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza is the right book to help open your eyes, minds and hearts, inshallah.

Selected from almost a hundred entries that were submitted to us, the voices from all over the world are, in the words of Sister Hanaa:

All heartfelt, some gut-wrenching, many hopeful,

and all a testimony of what we are collectively feeling

as we see appalling injustice unfold before our very eyes.

We do not want to be bystanders, we refuse to accept

the official responses and inaction, and this is one

of the ways in which we make our intentions known.


May Allah bless all of our efforts.

Be on the right side of history, inshallah.

O Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala,

help the people of Gaza

and Palestine

and all over the world

overcome the oppressions

of the oppressors.


(Read Sister Hanaa's May 1, 2024 blog post, “The Anthology is Out, now it’s your turn to tell us what you think!”, @

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