In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Fifth Year Anniversary

Blog Post 56

November 1, 2022

5th Year Sale 1

Its the 5th Year Anniversary

of Inked Resistance

Islamic Publishing!

Al-Hamdulillah! Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is celebrating our fifth year in operation. We couldn’t have done it without Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala’s Help, our family’s support and the generous collaborative enthusiasm and love of buyers, writers, contributors and donators. May Allah bless you all tremendously.

To say A GREAT BIG THANK YOU, we are offering all our books to you at 25% off.


Throughout these past five years, we have published six Islamic fiction books,

Woke and Loud Cover Final

including our poetry and spoken word medley of 36 authors

Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms 3 D

and our bouquet of flash fiction, short stories, book excerpts and personalized poetry of 22 authors. 






Chronicles of Deosai 3 D Revision

We are so proud of the writers who have chosen to publish with Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing, such as Sister Tayyaba Amir all the way from Pakistan. Her The Chronicles of Deosai, our most recent title, has added so much warmth and excitement to our collection.

And we are so thankful to all the book lovers who have purchased our offerings for themselves and as gifts for relatives and friends.

As well, we created over 95 bookmarks and 120 tapestries, all of which are one-of a-kind handcrafted cross stitch inspired with Qur’anic ayats. Al-Hamdulillah, not only do they ensure we remain calm and focused during these trying times as we work steadily on them, but they continue to bring light and love to all the Qur’anic art lovers who have graced their homes, the homes of loved ones and the masajid they call home. Subhanallah!


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 Five years! Always our favourite number! We look forward to another five and more five and more five and so on, inshallah. Please keep us in your duas and continue to write and read, inshallah. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is here for you with an amazing selection of Islamic fiction for young and new adults full of universal truths, morals, activism, hope and entertainment, inshallah.

If you are writing Islamic fiction for young and new adults, or know someone who is, or want to, inshallah, please get in touch with us. We are always on the lookout for authors, inshallah.

Look out for A Diamond in the Sand, the upcoming sequel to The Sandhills of Arabia, in the new year, inshallah. It’s been a long time coming.

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With much love always

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