In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here



Our Company is Your Company

We are not only publishing our writing. We want to publish yours, too. So find those stories you’ve written, get out your poems and spoken word, locate your musings, memories and ponderings, and send them to us so we can see if they’re publishable.

We only ask that they be Islamic in nature and that indecent language be removed and replaced. Every piece we receive can’t possibly be publishable (what’s the probability of that?), but if you’re up to critique and really wish your work to be published, we can work with you to make it happen, inshallah (Allah willing).

If you’ve never written, start now! There’s finally an Islamic publisher just for you, so no excuses. We need you. We can’t wait to see what you’ve already created and will put together for the world in Allah’s Name, Glory be to Allah, as we proceed together on this journey.

Everything we publish doesn’t have to be one hundred percent dripping with Islamic vocabulary and Muslim characters. We may choose to publish work that meets Islamic standards, but could be viewed as not Islamic writings. Poems could fit into this category. But whatever is published will be decent, principled and uplifting. Themes we’re particularly fond of are resistance, justice and revolution.

Islam has taught us this.

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