In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Resistance. Inspiration. Creation. Revolution.

Thanks to and Acknowledgement of
the Original People of Turtle Island

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Solidarity Anthology Its Here



A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry

& Spoken Word

Edited by Laila Hasib

A kaleidoscope of visions, beliefs, voices, emotions and action

awaits within these pages. One person talking to another.

WOKE & LOUD: A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry & Spoken Word is an anthology of 36 Muslim poets and spoken word artists. These young and new adults, along with a bunch of older folks, bare their souls in hope that the audience will dare to also. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing is proud to offer this medley of commentaries on our relationships with Allah, each other and the world so future generations can rest assured these wordsmiths actively sought a higher purpose and resisted wrongs with moral solutions.


Check out these spoken word artists’ contributions to our anthology:


Philadelphia Youth Poet Laureate Sister Husnaa Haajarah Hashim spitting Mortality


Brother Tyson Amir spitting Between Huey and Malcolm


Sister Nicole Najmah Abraham (Najmah53) spitting Lineage @


Ottawa Poet Laureate Brother Jamaal Jackson Rogers (JustJamaal) spitting For My Father @ and A Poem for Life @


Brother Husain Modjtehedi spitting Mr. Puppet and Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie @


Brother Ibrahim Muhammad Heshaam Jaaber (G.I. Jaaber) spitting What’s the Difference and I Buried Malcolm @


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